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Wednesday, December 20, 1775.

The Council met according to adjournment.

Resolved, That the Paymaster of Hillsborough District pay unto Messrs. Nathan Rochester and William Johnston, seventy pounds, seven shillings and four pence, Proclamation money, for one hundred and fifty pounds of Gunpowder, four hundred and seventy-six pounds of bar Lead, and one thousand Gun Flints, purchased by them pursuant to a resolve of the Committee of Orange County, and that the said Ammunition be lodged in the hands of William Johnston, and that the said Paymaster take his receipt for the same, to be produced whenever demanded by the publick.

Resolved, That Lehansyus Dekeyser, Adjutant in the First Regiment of Regulars, raised in this Province, under the command of Colonel James Moore, be allowed Adjutant's pay, from the fifteenth day of September last, inclusive, he having performed duty from that day.

It appearing to this Council, that the measures concerted for the defence of American liberty have been communicated to the prejudice of the publick,

Resolved, That it be recommended to the Committees of Wilmington and Brunswick, and to the Commanding Officer of the detachment stationed on Cape-Fear River, to use their utmost endeavours to cut off all manner of personal communication between his Excellency Governour Martin and the officers of the ships-of-war, with the inhabitants of this Province, on any pretext whatever; and that the utmost caution be used in supplying the ships-of-war with Provisions; that they be conveyed in such manner as to prevent any intelligence from being disclosed by the persons conveying the said Provisions.

Resolved, That nothing in the above Resolve shall be construed to prevent any person corresponding by letter with Governour Martin, or the ships-of-war, such letter being first laid before the Committees of the said towns, or either of them, or the Commanding-Officer aforesaid, and approved of by them.

Provided, nevertheless, That the Committee of Safety for the District of Wilmington, should they think it necessary, are hereby empowered to cut off all supplies of Provisions to any of the ships-of-war lying in Cape-Fear River.

Resolved, That the Treasurers, or either of them, pay into the hands of William Kennon, Esquire, Commissary to the First Regiment of regular Troops in this Province, the sum of two thousand pounds, for purchasing Provisions for the use of said Troops, to be accounted for with the Provincial Congress; and that they be allowed in their accounts with the publick.

Resolved, That Mr. President write in the name of this Board, to the Council of Safety of South-Carolina, requesting them to supply this Province with two thousand weight of Gunpowder, to be delivered Waightstill Avery, Esquire, or his order, who is hereby appointed to wait upon them, or empower some other person for that purpose, to receive the same; and that this Board will pay for all Powder delivered to the said Waightstill Avery in consequence of this order; and that the Treasurers, or either of them, be ordered to give a draft on the Continental Treasury for the amount.

Resolved, That Matthew Troy be appointed to employ proper persons to make Carriages for, and mount four of the Cannon now at Newbern, and remove them to Salisbury, for the defence of this Province, to be accounted for; and that the Treasurers, or either of them, pay into the hands of the said Matthew Troy, the sum of forty pounds for the above service, and be allowed in their accounts with the publick.

Resolved, That the Treasurers, or either of them, pay into the hands of Abner Nash and James Coor, Esquires, one hundred pounds, to be appropriated by them towards completing the Fortifications now erecting at Hanging-Point, on Neuse River, and be allowed in their accounts with the publick.

Resolved, That the Treasurers, or either of them, pay into the hands of Samuel Ashe, Esquire, one hundred pounds, to be appropriated by him towards completing the Fortification now erecting at Du Bois's Mill, on Cape Fear River, and be allowed in their accounts with the publick.

The Council adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine o'clock.

Thursday, December 21, 1775.

The Council met according to adjournment.

To either of the Publick Treasurers:

You are to pay unto James Davis, printer, two hundred and fifty pounds, Proclamation money, being for one year's salary due to him, the first day of this instant, as publick printer to this Province, according to act of Assembly for that purpose; for which this shall be your warrant.

Resolved, That Robert Smith, Esquire, be appointed Paymaster of the Troops stationed in the District of Edenton, as also to the Minute-men in the said District, in the room of Samuel Johnston, who resigns, he first entering into bond to this Council, with sufficient security in the sum of ten thousand pounds, Proclamation money.

This Council taking into consideration the necessity of fitting out Armed Vessels, for the protection of the trade of this Province that there be three Armed Vessels fitted out with all ?espatch, to wit: one at Cape Fear, one at Newbern, and one at Edenton:

Do resolve, That Mr. President, Samuel Ashe, Richard Quince. Robert Ellis, Esquires, and Captain John Forster, or any three of them, are appointed Commissioners at Port Brunswick; Abner Nash, James Coor, Joseph Leech, James Davis, Richard Ellis, Esquires, and Messrs, John Green, David Baron, and John Wright Standley, or a majority of them, are appointed Commissioners at Port Beaufort; and Samuel Johnston, Thomas Jones, Joseph Montfort, Robert Hardy, Robert Smith, Esquires, and Mr. John Norcomb, or a majority of them, are appointed Commissioners at Port Roanoke; and that the said Commissioners do immediately purchase, arm, man, and victual, in a sufficient manner, at each of the above-mentioned ports, one good and substantial vessel, and to recommend proper officers to this Council, and to station them at such place or places as they may think proper, prudent, and necessary, in order to protect the trade and commerce of this Province, the whole under the control of the Provincial Congress and Council.

Resolved, That the Commissioners appointed for each of the ports mentioned by the above resolve, or a majority of them, are hereby empowered to draw on either of the Treasurers of this Province for all necessary sums of money to answer the above purposes, who shall be allowed the same in their accounts with the publick.

Resolved, That Abner Nash and James Coor, Esquires, or either of them, be empowered to charter one or more Vessels, and agree with the masters and seamen, at the Port of Newbern, and load the same to such parts as they may judge expedient, and with such articles as they may think proper, not exceeding the sum of five hundred pounds, Proclamation money, in order to procure Arms and Ammunition for the use and protection of this Province, the same to be at the hazard, risk, and expense of this Province.

Resolved, That Mr. President, Richard Quince, Sen., and John Forster, Esqs., or either of them, be empowered to charter one or more Vessels, and agree with masters and seamen, at the Port of Wilmington, and load the same to such parts as they shall judge expedient, and with such articles as they may think proper, not exceeding the sum of five hundred pounds, in order to procure Arms and Ammunition for the use and protection of this Province, the same to be at the hazard, risk, and expense of this Province.

Resolved, That Whitmill Hill, Esquire, be empowered to charter one or more Vessels, and agree with masters and seamen, at the Port of Edenton, and load the same to such parts as he shall judge expedient, and with such articles as he may think proper, not exceeding the sum of five hundred pounds, Proclamation money, in order to procure Arms and Ammunition for the use and protection of this Province, the same to be at the hazard, risk, and expense of this Province.

Resolved, That James Geekie, be appointed Surgeon of the First Regiment of the Continental Army of this

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