muskets and bayonets shall exceed the sum of three hundred and fifty pounds.
"In witness whereof, the said parties to these presents have to these presents interchangeably set their hands and seals, the day and year on this indenture first written. And the said Cornelius Atherton agrees to put swivels to the said muskets.
" Sealed and delivered in the presence of us, on this 23d day of November, 1775: the eighteenth line of this page being mostly struck out with a pen, and left an entire blank line.
"Received of Comfort Sands, of the City of New-York, Merchant, by order of, and on account of the Provincial Congress, and on account, and at the request of Alexander McDougall and Peter T. Curtenius, the sum of sixty pounds, mentioned in the preceding indenture.
"November 23, 1775."
Thereupon, Resolved, That this Congress fully approves of the said Contract made on their account, and declare they think it a beneficial Contract, made and in pursuance of the order of the Continental Congress, and that they take the Contract on account and risk of the Congress of this Colony; and
Ordered, That the Treasurer of this Congress advance and pay to Colonel McDougall and Peter T. Curtenius, or their order, the sum of three hundred and fifty Pounds, agreed to be advanced to the said Cornelius Atherton, as soon as the said Cornelius shall have given such security as is mentioned in the said Contract.
The Congress proceeded to the business appointed for this afternoon, to wit: The appointing a Committee of Safety for this Colony, and limiting their powers. And Mr. Scott and Mr. Hobart, who were named a Committee for that purpose, reported a draft of powers for a Committee of Safety, which were read, amended, and approved of, and many additional powers to the said Committee of Safety were moved for, and approved of, agreed to, and added thereto.
The Congress then proceeded to name and appoint the Members of the said Committee of Safety.
Thereupon Mr. Gansevoort moved, and was seconded by Mr. Rensselaer, for the sense of Congress, whether one of the Deputies of the County of Albany now present, may be permitted to serve as a member in the Committee of Safety, until one other Deputy of the said County shall relieve him; the said Deputy who shall come to relieve the other to continue as the member of said Committee until the Congress shall meet again.
The question being put on said motion, it was carried in the negative.
The Congress then named and appointed Colonel Alexander McDougall, John Morin Scott, William Allison, Peter R. Livingston, Morris Graham, Abraham Brasher, John Leffertse, Comfort Sands, James Beekman, John Imlay, Pierre Van Cortlandt, and Samuel Brewster, to be a Committee of Safety, and any seven or more of them to be a quorum.
Ordered, That the said powers of the Committee of Safety, as now agreed to, and resolved on, be considered as perfect powers to the said Committee, so far as they are agreed to, and that they be engrossed, and taken up for further additional powers, if necessary, to-morrow morning.
Ordered, That this Congress, to-morrow morning, take into consideration the state of the Provincial currency, ordered to be "issued by the late Provincial Congress.
Colonel Woodhull obtained leave of absence, the County of Suffolk being represented without him.
The Congress adjourned to ten o'clock, to-morrow morning.
Die Sabbati, 10 ho. A. M., December 16, 1775.
The Congress met pursuant to adjournment. Present:
For New-York.—Colonel McDougall, Colonel Brasher, Mr. Beekman, Mr. Van Zandt, Mr. Roosevelt, Mr. Ray, Mr. Sands, Mr. Imlay.
Albany.—Colonel Rensselaer, Capt. Cuyler, Mr. Gansevoort, Captain Bleecker.
Dutchcss.—Mr. Gilbert Livingston, Mr. Humphreys, Mr. Schenck.
Ulster.—Mr. Wynkoop, Mr. Cantine.
Orange.—Mr. Herring, Colonel Hay.
Suffolk.—Mr. Tredwell, Mr. Wickbam, Mr. Gelston.
Westchester.—Col. Graham, Col. G. Drake, Mr. Ward.
Tryon.—Mr. Moore.
John Herring, Esq., was unanimously elected President pro tem.
The Members of Westchester County reported, that they had examined Benjamin Hunt on oath, and had his Deposition taken before Alderman Blagge, which was read,
Ordered, That the said Deposition be delivered to the Deputies of Westchester County, to be delivered to the Committee of Westchester County.
The Congress then resumed the consideration of the powers to the Committee of Safety. The same was read, and amended, with some additions thereto, and fully agreed to, and resolved on, are ordered to be entered, and are in the words following, to wit:
Resolved, That the following members of this Congress, to wit: Colonel Alexander McDougall, John Morin Scott, Jeremiah Clarke, Peter R. Livingston, Morris Graham, Abraham Brasher, John Leffertse, Comfort Sands, Thomas Tredwell, John Imlay, Pierre Van Cortlandt, and Samuel Brewster, be and hereby are constituted and appointed a Committee of Safety, whereof seven shall be a sufficient quorum, with the following power and authority, and under the following regulations, to wit:
1st. A standing power to grant al1 commissions in the Militia of this Colony, subject to the regulations thereof, as established by the Provincial Congress.
2d. Power during the recess of this Congress, in case of any alarm, insurrection, or invasion, or where any matter or thing, for the executing whereof military force shall or may be necessary, to order and direct the Militia of the Colony, or any part thereof, subject nevertheless to the control of this and the Continental Congress.
3d. The like power during such recess, from time to time, in such cases as are last mentioned, to order and direct any of the Continental Forces that shall be within this Colony, and be put by appointment of the Continental Congress under the order and direction of this Congress, subject nevertheless to such control us afore-mentioned.
4th. A standing power, by drafts on the Treasury, to apply all such moneys as shall be appropriated to uses, but not actually applied by this Congress,
5th. A standing power, by like drafts, to appropriate and apply any such moneys as shall from time to time be by them judged necessary for contingent and secret services; provided the same do not in the whole exceed five thousand Pounds.
6th. A standing power to execute, or cause to be executed, orders, resolves, and recommendations, as well of the Continental as of this Congress.
7th. A standing power for the care, direction, and disposition of the magazines, arms, ammunition, and other military stores and implements belonging to this Colony, or which shall be committed by the Continental Congress to the care and direction of this Congress.
8th. A power, in the recess of this Congress, to call a meeting of the same when and where, in the judgment of the Committee, any emergency shall require it; and on every such call to give at least fourteen days notice of the meeting.
9th. A power to enjoin secrecy on their members, and others under their direction, as to all matters in the execution of their trust, wherein they shall judge it necessary; and as the due execution of many things for the publick safety may require the utmost secrecy, that in all cases wherein they shall esteem such secrecy is required, they shall have the power of withholding the discovery of their proceedings from this Congress, until one month after the danger which may attend such discovery is past.
10th. To keep an exact journal of their proceedings, subject to the inspection of this Congress, in certified copies thereof, with power to withhold out of such copies matters of secrecy as above directed.