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Grape Shot, in 150 12-pound tin canisters; ditto, in 400 6-pound tin canisters—3,775 pounds.

Musket Balls in 50 4-pound tin canisters; Grape Shot, loose—4,690 pounds.

Musket Balls, 35 pounds, 22 to the pound.
Ditto,30do.17ditto, in 504 filled cartridges.
Ditto,30do.17ditto, in 504 unfilled cartridges.

28 pounds of Buck Shot.

34 pounds of Pistol Balls.

Robert Towers, Commissary, reports his having received by Captain Batbil, on account of this Board, fifteen barrels of Gunpowder, supposed to weigh fifteen hundred pounds.

Resolved, That any person who shall manufacture any quantity of good Saltpetre, and deliver the same to this Board, or to any person appointed by them, after the 1st day of January next, and from that time until the 1st day of April next, shall receive one-fourth part of the weight in Gunpowder, and the other three-fourths in money, at the rate of five shillings per pound.

Resolved, That upon any application that may be made to this Board, by the honourable Congress, or any other body, to spare them any part of the Men, Arms or Ammunition belonging to this Province, that this Committee will not consider of, and come to any resolution upon, such application, without sending a written notice to every Member of this Committee, residing in this City, mentioning that such particular business is to come under this deliberation.

Resolved, That William Green, a person belonging to one of the Armed Boats, confined by order of this Board, in the Jail of this County, be released from his confinement, provided he enter on board one of the vessels of war, now fitting out by Congress.

Resolved, That Colonel Roberdeau, Captain White, and Mr. Morris, be a Committee to provide the following quantity, and sizes, of Shot:

32 pounders,150 rounds.
24 ditto,600 ditto.
18 ditto,5,550 ditto.
12 ditto,3,000 ditto.
9 ditto,3,000 ditto.

Grape Shot, 2 tons; Swivel Shot, 2 tons.

Resolved, That Mr. Reed, Mr. Miles, Mr. White, and Mr. Clymer, be a Committee to go to Fort-Island, to consider and report to this Board, what further defences may be thrown up on that, or the Province-Island, for the security of the Fort, and passage through the Chevaux-de-Frise.

Congress this day sent the following Resolve to this Committee, which is ordered to be entered on the Minutes.

"In Congress, December 15, 1775.

" Resolved, That the Committee of Safety for the Colony of Pennsylvania, be requested to recommend proper persons for Field-Officers of the four Battalions to be raised in the said Colony.

" Resolved, That the said Committee appoint proper persons for Officers in the said Battalions, under the rank of Major.

"Extract from the Minutes:

" CHARLES THOMSON, Secretary."

Agreed, That the 2d day of January be fixed for the purpose of making the above recommendations and appointments, and that the several Members of this Committee be desired to attend at that time, at the Committee Chamber in Philadelphia.

Resolved, That the above Resolves of Congress, and Resolutions of this Board, be published in the different Newspaper of this City

Wednesday, December 20, 1775.

At a meeting of the Committee of Safety: Present—

Benjamin Franklin, President, Robert Morris, Samuel Miles, Daniel Roberdeau, Joseph Reed, George Clymer, Thomas Wharton, Jun., Samuel Morris, Jun., Alexander Wilcocks, Anthony Wayne, John Nixon, Samuel Howell, James Mease, Robert White, Owen Biddle.

Ordered, That Robert Towers, Commissary, examine some Muskets that Captain Oswald has for sale, and if found good, that he purchase them.

Governour Hopkins, this day, delivered the following Resolve of Congress to the Board:

"In Congress, December 19, 1775.

" Resolved, That the Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania be requested to supply the Armed Vessels, nearly ready for sailing, with four tons of Gunpowder, at the Continental expense.

" That the said Committee be requested to procure and lend said Vessels, as many stand of Small Arms as they can spare, not exceeding four hundred, to be repaid by the Congress, either in kind or value, as the Committee may desire.

" Resolved, That if the Powder and Arms that may be supplied and lent to the Continent, for the use of the said Armed Vessels, shall not be replaced on or before the 1st day of February next, the Congress engages that their whole influence and authority shall then be exerted immediately to replace the same by procuring Powder and Arms from some other parts of the Continent.

" Extract from the Minutes:

" CHARLES THOMSON, Secretary."

The Board having taken the above Resolves into consideration, and after some time spent therein, do

Resolve, That they spare to Congress all the Powder now in store, except the Battle Powder, and that which is made into Cartridges;

That this Board will immediately collect all the Arms belonging to this Province, and will spare to the Committee of Naval Affairs all that they can, consistent with the safety of this Province;

That this Committee do agree that the Naval Committee may inlist from on board the Armed Boats, any number of Seamen, not exceeding one hundred.

By order of this Board, Robert Towers, Commissary, was directed to deliver a gentleman, who produced a small quantity of Saltpetre of his manufacturing, one-fourth the quantity in Powder, and the other three-fourths cash, at the rate of five shillings per pound.

Resolved, That Captain Dougherty order all the Armed Boats up to this City, that the Officers and Men may go into barracks, except the three eldest Captains and Crews, who are to continue at the Island till relieved by three other Boats, agreeable to a Resolve of the 13th.

Thursday, December 21, 1775.

At a meeting of the Committee of Safety: Present-

John Nixon, Chairman, James Mease, Owen Biddle, Daniel Roberdeau, Samuel Howell, George Clymer, Alexander Wilcocks, Joseph Reed.

Upon application of Captain Willet, for the payment of sixteen Firelocks, purchased by him for the use of his Company in the First Pennsylvania Battalion, an Order was drawn on Messrs. Mease and Caldwell, in his favour, for forty-seven pounds, seventen shillings and six pence.

And on application of Captain Harmar, one other Order was drawn as aforesaid, for thirteen pounds, being the amount for four Firelocks purchased for his Company.

By order of the Board, an Order was drawn on Michael Hillegas, Esquire, Treasurer, in favour of John Maxwell Nesbitt, Esq., for fifteen hundred pounds.

Sacherwal Woods's Account for furnishing Provisions to the Prisoners confined in Jail, by order of Congress, was examined, and thirty-four pounds nine shillings, recommended to be paid by Congress.

Friday, December 22, 1775.

At a meeting of the Committee of Safety: Present—

Thomas Wharton, Jun., Anthony Wayne, Samuel Howell, Owen Biddle.

Saturday, December 23, 1775.

At a meeting of the Committee of Safety: Present-

Samuel Miles, Chairman, Daniel Roberdeau, Samuel

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