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two thousand pounds; he has delivered to the Delegates of New-Jersey, by order of Congress, eight quarter barrels, two hundred pounds.

Resolved, That the Powder Committee be empowered to continue their endeavours to import Powder; and that they have power to assure the value of the vessels employed in this service, if they find it necessary, at the risk of the Province.

Wednesday, January 17, 1776.

In Committee of Safety: Present—

John Nixon, Chairman, Henry Wynkoop, James Biddie, Thomas Wharton, Sun., Daniel Roberdeau, John Cadwallader, Anthony Wayne, Francis Johnson, James Mease, Alexander Wilcocks.

Upon motion of Mr. Thomas Wharton, one of the Committee for importing and procuring of Powder, Arms, &c., for the use of this Province,

Resolved, That they, the said Committee, load the Brig Dolphin, Captain Prole, with the produce of this Colony, for the purpose of procuring the said articles from foreign ports; and that the following Certificate be issued, viz:

This is to certify, that Messrs. Robert Morris and Thomas Wharton, Jun., have permission to load the Brig Dolphin, Captain Prole, with the produce of these Colonies, the same being for account of this Province, agreeable to a resolve of the honourable the Congress, dated the 26th October, 1775.

Resolved, That the following Advertisement be published in the different Newspapers of this City, viz:

Such persons as are willing to erect Powder-Mil Is in this Province, within fifty miles distance of this City, are desired to apply to the Committee of Safety, who will lend them money on security, if required, for that purpose, and give them other encouragements.

Resolved, That Colonel Wayne, Colonel Johnson, Mr. Bartholomew, and Mr. Reiley, be a Committee to examine that the Firelocks, Cartridge-Boxes, Knapsacks, &c, as ordered by Assembly to be provided by Chester County, are made agreeable to the said order of Assembly, and to the patterns delivered the Commissioners and Assessors of said County, and make return of the same to this Board.

Upon application of Captain Josiah Harmar, for the payment of eleven Firelocks, purchased by him for the use of his Company, in Colonel Bull's Battalion, an Order was drawn on Messrs. Mease and Caldwell, for twenty-three pounds, twelve shillings and six pence, being the amount of the same.

Resolved, That Joseph Fox, Esq., advance to Gouger, Dunwick & Kinder, three men employed by him in making Fire-Arms, for the use of this Province, fifty pounds each, for which they are to deliver thirty-five stand of Arms, without receiving any payment; and Mr. Fox is directed to take their separate obligations.

Resolved, That Major Samuel Meredith and Captain Richard Peters, Jun., be appointed in the place of Colonel Shee and Colonel Cadwallader, who ,with Captain Wilcocks, were authorized by this Board to contract for one thousand Firelocks and Bayonets.

Thursday, January 18, 1776.

In Committee of Safety: Present—

John Nixon, Chairman, Robert White, John Cadwallader, Owen Biddle, Thomas Wharton, James Biddle, Anthony Wayne, Samuel Howell, Daniel Roberdeau, James Mease, Francis Johnson.

Mr. Alexander Hall, having delivered his appointment as an Ensign to one of the Companies in the four Battalions now to be raised by order of Congress, this Board proceeded to the choice of another gentleman as a fit person to supply his place, when Mr. Joseph Standley was agreed to be appointed.

This Committee being informed by Congress, through Andrew Allen, Esq., that there was some dispute about the classing the Field-Officers, upon inquiry, do find that there was some small difference between Colonel St. Clair and Colonel Wayne respecting the arrangement of their Majors. Therefore,

Resolved, That Nicholas Haussiger be appointed Major to Colonel Wayne's Battalion, and Joseph Wood be Major to Colonel St. Clair's Battalion.

Whereas, it appears by a Report from the Committee of Inspection and Observation of the City of Philadelphia, that they have, without effect, taken every peaceable measure in their power to obtain certain goods belonging to Messrs. Joshua Fisher & Sons, now in the store of the said Committee, and applied for by this Board for the publick service, and it appearing to this Committee that the said goods, consisting of Sail-Cloth, Lead, Russia Sheeting, Raven's Duck, Linens, Red Serge, White Lead and Spanish Brown, are essentially necessary for the publick service, it is

Resolved, That the said Committee of Inspection and Observation, deliver said goods to Thomas Lawrence, vendue master, to be immediately sold at publick vendue, that this Committee may have an opportunity of purchasing them for the publick service, and that this Committee will pay for the same, or be answerable for the payment when required.

Doctor John Smith being brought to this City by Captain Shryock, as a person inimical to the liberties of America, was, by order of the Board, committed to prison, agreeable to the following Commitment, viz:

Whereas, Doctor John Smith stands charged before this Board with practices inimical to the liberties of America, these are to authorize and require you to receive, into your custody the said Doctor John Smith, and him safely and closely keep confined, without admitting any person to speak with, or have access to him, unless by special order from the honourable the Continental Congress, or this Board, and without pen, ink, and paper, until he be discharged by the said Congress, or this Committee. And hereof you are not to fail, at your peril.

By order of the Committee:

JOHN NIXON, Chairman.

To the Keeper of the Jail of the City and County of Philadelphia.

Ordered, That John Hall be authorized to purchase half a ton of Bar-Iron, for Lewis Prahl, for making Gun-Barrels, and draw upon this Committee for the amount.

Robert Towers reports his having received and delivered the following articles: Seven hundredweight of Shot, received from Thomas Smith; one hundred weight received from Meire Baxter, cash one pound eighteen shillings; ten half-barrels Powder, weight five hundred pounds, sent to Virginia, by order of Congress, which Powder is the property of the Congress: two pounds of powder delivered Mr. Wynkoop, of Bucks County.

Friday, January 19, 1776.

At a meeting of the Committee of Safety: Present—

John Nixon, Chairman, James Biddle, Daniel Roberdeau, George Clymer, Thomas Wharton, Jun., Samuel Howell, Nicholas Fairlamb, James Mease.

Resolved, That Mr. Samuel Howell purchase the whole quantity of Brass that Mr. Amos Strettle may have for sale, and order it into the hands of the Commissary.

Colonel Roberdeau and Mr. Clymer, a Committee appointed to procure copies of all the Petitions, Memorials, and Remonstrances, which have been by the Colony presented to the Throne, or either House of Parliament, since the year seventeen hundred and sixty-two, and, also, the answers, if any, that were given to them, report three Petitions to the King, viz: One of June 6, 1766; one of September 22, 1768; and one of March 5, 1771; one Petition to the House of Lords, dated September 22, 1768; also, two Petitions to the House of Commons, dated January 14, 1766, and September 22, 1768; and that they are informed by the Clerk of Assembly of this Province, that no answer has been given to either of the above-mentioned Petitions.

Resolved, That Mr. Clymer and Colonel Roberdeau wait upon the Congress, with the above-mentioned copies of Petitions.*

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