The Bill for the Improvement of the breed of Horse? was read a second time, and ordered to be engrossed.
Ordered, That Mr. Harrod, Mr. Boone, and Mr. Cocke, wait on the Proprietors, and beg they will not indulge any person whatever in granting them Lands on the present terms, unless they comply with the former proposals of settling the country, &c.
On motion of Squire Boone, leave is given to bring in a bill to Preserve the Range.
Ordered, That he have leave to bring in a bill for that purpose.
The following Message was received from the Proprietors, to wit:
To give every possible satisfaction to the good people, your constituents, we desire to exhibit our title deed from the Aborigines and first owners of the soil in Transylvania, and hope you will cause an entry to be made of the exhibition in your journals, including the corners and abutments of the lands or country contained therein, so that the boundaries of our Colony may be known and kept on record.
Transylvania, May 27, 1775.
Ordered, That Mr. Todd, Mr. Douglass, and Mr. Hite, inform the Proprietors that their request will be complied with.
To which Colonel Henderson, in behalf of himself and Company, produced his Deed, which is bounded and abutted as follows, viz:
Beginning on the Ohio River, at the mouth of the Cantuckey Chinoa, or what, by the English, is called Louisa River; from thence running up the said river, and the most northwardly branch, to the head Spring thereof; thence a southeast course to the top ridge of Powell's Mountain; thence westwardly along the ridge of Powell's Mountain, unto a point from which a northwest course will strike or hit the head Spring, or the most southwardly branch of Cumberland River; thence down the said river, including all its waters, to the Ohio River; thence up the said river to the beginning.
A Bill for Preserving the Range, brought in by the Committee and read, passed the first time; ordered to be laid by for second consideration.
The Bill to Prevent Profane Swearing and Sabbath-Breaking, read the third time, and passed.
Ordered, That Mr. Calloway and Mr. Cocke wait on the Proprietors with the Laws that have passed, for their perusal and approbation.
The Committee appointed to draw up the Compact between the Proprietors and the People, brought in and read it, as follows, viz:
Whereas, it is highly necessary, for the peace of the Proprietors and the security of the People of this Colony, that the powers of the one and the liberties of the other be ascertained, we, Richard Henderson, Nathaniel Hart, and J. Luttrell, on behalf of ourselves, as well as the other Proprietors of the Colony of Transylvania, of the one part, and the Representatives of the People of said Colony, in Convention assembled, of the other part, do most solemnly enter into the following contract or agreement, to wit:
1. That the election of Delegates in this Colony be annual.
2. That the Convention may adjourn, and meet again on their own adjournment: Provided, That, in cases of great emergency, the Proprietors may call together the Delegates before the time adjourned to; and, if a majority do not attend, they may dissolve them, and call a new one.
3. That, to prevent dissension and delay of business, one Proprietor shall act for the whole, or some one delegated by them for that purpose, who shall always reside in the Colony.
4. That there be perfect religious freedom and general toleration: Provided, That the propagators of any doctrine or tenets, evidently tending to the subversion of our laws, shall, for such conduct, be amenable to, and punished by, the civil courts.
5. That the Judges of the Superior or Supreme Courts be appointed by the Proprietors, but be supported by the People, and to them be answerable for their malconduct.
6. That the quitrents never exceed two shillings, sterling, per hundred acres.
7. That the Proprietors appoint a Sheriff, who shall be one of three persons recommended by the Court.
8. That the Judges of the Superior Courts have, without fee or reward, the appointment of the Clerks of this Colony.
9. That the Judges of the Inferior Courts be recommended by the people, and approved by the Proprietors, and by them commissioned.
10. That all other civil and military officers be within the appointment of the Proprietors.
11. That the office of Surveyor-General belong to no person interested, or a partner, in this purchase.
12. That the legislative authority, after the strength and maturity of the Colony will permit, consist of three branches, to wit: The Delegates, or Representatives, chosen by the people; a Council, not ^exceeding twelve men, possessed of landed estate, who reside in the Colony; and the Proprietors.
13. That nothing, with respect to the number of Delegates from any town or settlement, shall, hereafter, be drawn into precedent, but that the number of Representatives shall be ascertained by law, when the state of the Colony will admit of amendment.
14. That the Land Office be always open.
15. That commissions without profit, be granted without fee.
16. That the fees and salaries of all officers appointed by the Proprietors, be settled and regulated by the laws of the country.
17. That the Convention have the sole power of raising and appropriating all publick moneys, and electing their Treasurer.
18. That, for a short time, till the state of the Colony will permit to fix some place of holding the Convention, which shall be permanent, the place of meeting shall be agreed upon between the Proprietors and the Convention.
To the faithful, and religious, and perpetual observance of all and every of the above articles, the said Proprietors, on behalf of themselves, as well as those absent, and the Chairman of the Convention, on behalf of them and their constituents, have hereunto interchangeably set their hands, and affixed their seals, the twenty-seventh day of May, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-six.
NATHANIEL HART, | [seal.] |
J. LUTTRELL, | [seal.] |
T. SLAUGHTER, Chair'n, | [seal.] |
A Bill for Improving the breed of Horses, read the third time, and passed.
The Bill for the Punishment of Criminals, read the third time, and passed.
The Bill to Preserve the Range, read the second time, and ordered to be engrossed.
Ordered, That Mr. Lythe wait on Colonel Henderson, and the rest of the Proprietors, with the Bill for establishing Courts of Justice, and regulating the practice therein.
The Bill to Preserve the Range, read the third time, and passed.
Ordered, That Colonel Calloway wait on the Proprietors, with the Bill for Preserving the Range.
Ordered, That a fair copy of the several Bills, passed into laws, be transmitted to every Settlement in this Colony that is represented.
Ordered, That the Delegates of Boonesborough be a Committee, to see that all the Bills that are passed be transscribed, in a fair hand, into a book for that purpose.
Ordered, That the Proprietors be waited on by the Chairman, acquainting them that all the Bills are ready for signing.
The following Bills this day passed and signed by the Proprietors, on behalf of themselves and their partners, and the Chairman of the Convention, on behalf of himself and the other Delegates:
1. An Act for establishing Courts of Jurisdiction, and regulating the practice therein.
2. An Act for regulating a Militia.
3. An Act for the Punishment of Criminals.