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4. An Act to Prevent Profane Swearing and Sabbath Breaking.

5. An Act for Writs of Attachment.

6. An Act for ascertaining Clerks' and Sheriffs' Fees.

7. An Act to Preserve the Range.

8. An Act for Improving the breed of Horses.

9. An Act for Preserving Game.

All the above-mentioned Acts were signed by the Chairman and Proprietors, except the Act for ascertaing Clerks' and Sheriffs' Fees, which was omitted, by the Clerk's not giving it with the rest.

Ordered, That, at the next meeting of Delegates, if any member be absent, and doth hot attend, that the people choose One to serve in the room of such absent member.

Ordered, That the Convention be adjourned until the first Thursday In September next, then to meet at Boonesborough.



At a meeting of the Proprietors of Transylvania, held at Oxford, in the County of Granville, on Monday, the twenty-fifth day of September, Anno Domini 1775.

Present: Colonel Richard Henderson, Colonel Thomas Hart, Colonel John Williams, Captain John Luttrell, William Johnston, James Hogg, and Leonard H. Bullock.

Colonel Henderson being unanimously chosen President, they took into their Consideration the present state of the said Colony, and made the following Resolves, viz:

Resolved, That Colonel John Williams be appointed Agent for the Transylvania Company, to transact their business in the said Colony; and he is accordingly invested with full power, by letter of attorney.

Ordered, That Mr. Williams shall proceed to Boonesborough, in the said Colony, as soon as possible, and continue there until the twelfth day of April next; and to be allowed, for his services, one hundred and fifty pounds, Proclamation money of North-Carolina, out of the profits arising from the sale of lands, after discharging the Company's present engagements.

N. B. In case the Settlement should be broken up by attack of Indians, or other enemies, so as to render it impossible for Mr. Williams to continue there and execute the trust reposed in him, it is agreed by the Company, that he shall still be paid the above salary, at the expiration of three years.

Resolved, That Mr. Williams be empowered to appoint one or more Surveyors, and the other officers of the Land Office, for the said Colony, as he may find it necessary. Clerks, Surveyors, and Chain-Carriers, to be sworn before they act.

Resolved, In case of the death or removal of Mr. Williams, that Colonel Richard Henderson, Captain Nathaniel Hart, and Captain John Luttrell, or any one of them, be, and are hereby, declared Agents for the said Company, with the same powers as are given to Mr. Williams, until a new appointment shall be made by the Proprietors.

Resolved, That the Agent shall not grant any Lands adjoining salt springs, gold, silver, copper, lead, or sulphur mines, knowing them to be such.

Resolved, That a reservation to the Proprietors, of one-half of all gold, silver, copper, lead, and sulphur mines, shall be made by the Agent, at granting deeds.

Resolved, That the Agent shall take a counterpart of all deeds granted by him, and shall transmit them to the Proprietors, residing in the Province of North-Carolina, to be audited, with his other proceedings, by the Company.

Resolved, That all surveys shall be made by the four cardinal points, except where rivers or mountains so intervene as to render it too inconvenient; and that, in all cases where one survey comes within the distance of eighty poles from another, their lines shall join, without exception; and that every survey on navigable rivers shall extend two poles out for one pole along the river; and that each survey not on navigable rivers shall not be above one-third longer than its width.

Resolved, That a present of two thousand acres of Land be made to Colonel Daniel Boone, with the thanks of the Proprietors, for the signal services he has rendered to the Company.

Resolved, That the thanks of tins Company be presented to Colonel Richard Calloway, for his spirited and manly behaviour in behalf of the said Colony; and that a present of six hundred and forty acres of Land be made to his youngest son.

Resolved, That James Hogg, Esq., be appointed Delegate to represent the said Colony in the Continental Congress, now sitting at Philadelphia; and that the following Memorial be presented by him to that august body:

To the Honourable the Continental Congress, now sitting at PHILADELPHIA.


That, on the Seventeenth day of March last, for a large and valuable consideration, your Memorialists obtained from the Cherokee Indians, assembled at Watauga, a grant of a considerable territory, now called Transylvania, lying on the south side of the river Ohio.

They will not trouble the honourable Congress with a detail of the risks and dangers to which they have been exposed, arising from the nature of the enterprise itself, as well as from the wicked attempts of certain Governours and their emissaries; they beg leave, only, to acquaint them, that, through difficulties and dangers, at a great expense, and with the blood of several of their followers, they have laid the foundation of a Colony, which, however mean in its origin, will, if one may guess from present appearances, be one day considerable in America.

The Memorialists, having made this purchase from the Aborigines and immemorial possessors, the sole and uncontested owners of the country, in fair and open treaty, and without the violation of any British or American law whatever, are determined to give it up only with their lives. And, though their country be far removed from the reach of Ministerial usurpation, yet they cannot look with indifference on the late arbitrary proceedings of the British Parliament. If the United Colonies are reduced, of will tamely submit to be slaves, Transylvania will have reason to fear.

The Memorialists by no means forget their allegiance to their Sovereign, whose constitutional rights and pre-eminences they will support, at the risk of their lives. They flatter themselves that the addition of a new Colony, in so fair and equitable a way, and without any expense to the Crown, will be acceptable to His Most Gracious Majesty, and that Transylvania will soon be worthy of his Royal regard and protection.

At the same time, having their hearts warmed with the same noble spirit that animates the United Colonies, and moved with indignation at the late Ministerial and Parliamentary usurpations, it is the earnest wish of the Proprietors of Transylvania to be considered by the Colonies as brethren, engaged in the same great cause of liberty and of man-kind. And, as by reason of several circumstances, needless to be here mentioned, it was impossible for the Proprietors to call a convention of the settlers in such time us to have their concurrence laid before this Congress, they here pledge themselves for them, that they will concur in the measure now adopted by the Proprietors.

From the generous plan of liberty adopted by the Congress, and that noble love of mankind which appears in all their proceedings, the Memorialists please themselves that the United Colonies will take the infant Colony of Transylvania into their protection; and they, in return, will do every thing in their power, and give such assistance in the general cause of America, as the Congress shall judge to be suitable to their abilities.

Therefore, the Memorialists hope and earnestly request, that Transylvania may be added to the number of the United Colonies, and that James Hogg, Esq., be received as their delegate, and admitted to a seat in the honourable the Continental Congress.

By order of the Proprietors.


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