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alarmed at the immediate, insupportable expense, and the probable consequences of a war, which, we are convinced, originates in violence and injustice, and must end in ruin.

These are the sentiments, gentlemen, which we take the liberty of communicating to you, as the reasons upon which we have acted, trusting that, if they meet with your approbation, you will co-operate with us, in endeavouring to bring the authors of these evils to the justice of their country.

Signed in obedience to order of the Common Hall



Friday, January 5, 1776.

At a meeting of the Governour and Council of Safety, &c., at Lebanon, Present:

His Honour the Governour, Jabez Huntington, Esq., William Williams, Nathaniel Wales, Jedediah Elderkin, Joshua West, and Benjamin Huntington, Esqrs.

Motion by Esquire Chapman, made to the Governour, about supplying the Minute-Men, inlisting at East-Haddam, with Arms. On discourse and consideration, thought it premature to determine any thing about it at present.

Moved to conclude where the four Row Galleys, lately ordered by the Assembly, under the direction of said Committee, shall be built; and, on consideration, Resolved, That one of them be built at Norwich, and one at East-Haddam; and thought proper not now to determine as to the other two.

On a Letter, and request from Mr. Deane, in behalf of the Naval Committee at Congress, requesting that Captain Niles, of the Spy, be sent to carry recruits from New-London to Philadelphia, for the Navy; it was, on consideration, concluded and voted, that we cannot properly and safely permit her to be absent so long; and do not agree to the proposal.

Being informed by Letter from Mr. Shaw, that Captain Hinman has brought in about two tons of Powder for the Colony, procured by him, and landed the same at Bedford, near or in Dartmouth,

Voted, that said Shaw be desired to cause said Powder to be brought to Providence, and committed to the care of Governour Cooke; and that the Governour be desired to write to Governour Cooke, to take care of the same, till further orders.

And Letters wrote, &c; and Mr. Shaw came in and received his directions, &c.

On motion, that the men on board Captain Niles have served out the term for which they engaged at the 1st of December, and have since been continued by order, &c.; and that they appear desirous to be released, &c.,

Voted and Ordered, That said Captain Niles be directed to raise and inlist twenty men, such as he can confide in, to serve on board said Schooner Spy, for the term of one year, unless sooner discharged, on the following wages, viz: For able Seamen, forty-eight shillings; and for Seamen, forty shillings per calender month. (And copy sent him.)

Voted, That Colonel Mott be desired and directed to, repair, as soon as may be, to New-London, Groton, and Stonington, and view the works of defence, erected and proposed there; and make report to his Honour the Governour, as soon as it may be done, with his opinion, in and about the premises.

Tuesday, January 9, 1776.

At a meeting of the Governour and Council of Safety, Present:

His Honour the Governour, Jabez Huntington, Esq., William Williams, Nathaniel Wales, Jedediah Elderkin, Joshua West, and Benjamin Huntington, Esqrs.

A number of Letters, to and from sundry persons, read, &c.

The subject of building, or purchasing, to be armed for defence, &c, according to the Resolve of the Assembly, in addition to the one lately purchased, by order of said Assembly of Captain Gregg, was considered, &c.; and on the question,

Voted, That the Vessel, to be built or purchased for said purpose, be of not less than two hundred tons burden.

And then Voted, That Benjamin Huntington, Esq., and Captain Seth Harding, be a Committee to repair forthwith to Middletown, and other towns on the river, and such other places as they shall find necessary, and make diligent inquiry, whether and where, such warlike Vessel, fit for and suitable for the service designed, can be purchased and obtained; and how, and on what terms and conditions; and, also, where such Vessel can best and most advantageously be built for that purpose, and by whom, and on what terms, and to make report of whatever they may find and judge to be advantageous for promoting said service, to the Governour, and this Committee, as soon as possible. (And copy given.)

And then, on representation to this Board, that the Iron Furnace at Salisbury, belonging to Mr. Richard Smith, now in Boston, is in good repair, and capable of being improved to great advantage for the publick, by manufacturing Iron, casting Cannon, Cannon Ball, &c; On consideration thereof, it is,

Voted and Resolved, That Colonel Jedediah Elderkin be, and he is hereby appointed a Committee, to repair forthwith to said Furnace, and to the Iron Works of said Smith, at Suffrage, or higher up, and find the true state and circumstances of said Furnace, and how they may be improved for the benefit of the Colony, in either of the ways aforesaid; consult and advise, in the best manner he can, as to the propriety of immediately improving, and setting said works agoing, for any or either of the purposes aforesaid; and make the best estimate he shall be able, and with his best discretion, if he shall find it expedient, give proper orders for executing any, or either of said designs; and make report of his doings and opinion in the premises.

And he is further instructed to make inquiry after whatever can be collected of the Saltpetre and Sulphur belonging to this Colony, which was sent to the late Judge Livingston's Powder-Mill at Claremont, to be worked into Powder, which mill has been blown up; and unless he find said mill rebuilt, or in such condition as that said materials are like to be soon worked up, he is directed to cause the same to be returned to this Colony; and also report make.(And copy given to him, and he set out next day.)

An Account of Captain Isaac Sears, laid in for sundries, supplied the Battery, &c., at New-Haven, viz: 17 cwt. 2 qrs. Cannon Ball, at fifteen shillings—and interest, eight shillings and nine pence; 9 cwt. 1 qr. 21 lbs. refined Iron, at twenty-eight shillings; and 3 cwt, 2 qr. 6 lbs. bloom Iron, at twenty-two shillings, &c.; total, twenty pounds, eleven pence, lawful money; and the same is allowed; and that an order be given on the Pay-Table for the same.(And is done.)

And adjourned to Thursday, 18th instant.

Thursday, January 11, 1776.

At a meeting of the Governour and Council of Safety, specially called by his Honour, Present:

His Honour the Governour, Jabez Huntington, Esq., William Williams, Nathaniel Wales, and Joshua West, Esquires.

N. B. The rest being gone on publick business. The York affair, for General Lee, done, &c.


Last evening, (January 8,) General Putnam achieved what our friend on Winter-Hill attempted. Major Knowlion commanded the party; Minchin, and a deserter, who lately came out, were the guides; about one hundred and thirty passed, near nine o'clock, over the mill-dam; Majors Cary and Henly had each a party, and the former was to push to the farthest house; (if you recollect, there was, to your right from Cobble-Hill, when you looked towards Bunker's Hill, about fifteen houses, which had escaped the conflagration on the 17th of June.) The plan was, to surprise these houses, set them on fire, and bring off the guard, which, we were informed, consisted of an officer and thirty men; but the information was wrong, as there was only a sergeant and five men. The persons appointed to set fire to the houses nearest the dam, had orders not

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