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several claims upon the Treasury, which was read the first time, and ordered to lie on the table.

Adjourned till three o'clock.

Post Meridiem. Convention met. Mr. Hawkins appeared in the House.

Mr. Earle brings in, and delivers to Mr. President, a Report from the Committee appointed to receive all Proposals relating to the establishment of Manufactories of any kind within this Province, which was read the first time, and ordered to lie on the table.

On motion, Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to prepare a draught of Instructions for the Deputies representing this Province in Congress; and Mr. Hollyday, Mr. Carroll, Barrister, Mr. James Tilghman, Mr. Scott, and Mr. Rumsey, were elected by ballot a Committee for that purpose.

Mr. Dallam has leave of absence.

The Order of the Day, for taking into consideration the state of the Province, being read,

Ordered, That the same be referred for further consideration till to-morrow.

Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning, half after nine o'clock.

Saturday, December 30, 1775.

Convention met. All Members present, as on yesterday, except Mr. Dallam. The Proceedings of yesterday were read. Mr. Clarke has leave of absence. The Proceedings of the Council of Safety were read.

The Order of the Day, for taking into consideration the state of the Province, being read, the Convention resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, to consider of the same, Mr. Carroll in the chair.

After some time spent therein, Mr. President resumed the chair, and Mr. Carroll reported, that the Committee, according to order, had under their consideration the state of the Province, but, not being able to go through the same, had directed him to move for leave to sit again.

Resolved, That this Convention will, on Monday next, resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole, to consider of the same.

Convention adjourns till Monday morning, half after nine o'clock.

Monday, January 1, 1776.

Convention met. All Members present, as on Saturday, except Mr. Clarke. The Proceedings of Saturday were read.

Mr. Bond appeared in the House.

A Letter from Messrs. Wilfred Neale, Gerard Bond, and James Eden, of St. Mary's County, and sundry Depositions, relative to the conduct of Basil Patterson, were read; and upon consideration thereof,

Resolved, That the said Basil Patterson, together with the said Letter and Depositions, be sent and delivered up to a Justice of the Peace for St. Mary's County, that the charge against him may be inquired into by a civil Magistrate, and order taken therein according to the due course of law.

Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to Nicholas White, or his order, out of the bills of credit in his hands, fifty-six Pounds, six Shillings and a Penny, common money, for repairing guns, as per account.

Mr. Contee brings in, and delivers to Mr. President, the following Report:

In obedience to the honourable Convention, your Committee, appointed to estimate the expenses of bringing Basil Patterson to answer, and carry him back to St. Mary's County, to some Magistrate there, do report as follows:

To James Brown and Ignatius Edwards, for bringing Basil Patterson from St. Mary's to Annapolis, four days, £400
To ditto, for carrying Basil Patterson to St. Mary's County, and delivering him to a Justice of the Peace there, 100
To ditto, for Patterson's expenses to Annapolis and back to St. Mary's, and when at Annapolis, about seven days, 1150

Signed per order:

JOHN CALLAHAN, Clerk Committee.

Ordered, That the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to James Brown and Ignatius Edwards, for their expenses in bringing Basil Patterson from St. Mary's County to this Convention, and carrying him back, out of the bills of credit in his hands, six Pounds fifteen Shillings, common money.

The Order of the Day, for taking into consideration the State of the Province, being read, the Convention resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, to consider of the same, Mr. Carroll in the chair.

After some time spent therein, Mr. President resumed the chair, and Mr. Carroll reported from the Committee the following Resolutions, to wit:

Resolved, That this Province be immediately put in the best state of defence.

Resolved, That a sufficient armed force be immediately raised and embodied under proper officers, for the defence and protection of this Province.

Resolved, That one thousand four hundred and forty-four men, with proper officers, be immediately raised in the pay, and for the defence of, this Province.

Resolved, That eight Companies of the said troops, to consist of sixty-eight privates each, under proper officers, be formed into a Battalion.

Resolved, That the remainder of the said troops be divided into Companies of one hundred men each.

Resolved, That two Companies of the said troops, to consist of one hundred men each, be companies of Matrosses, and trained as such.

Which were read and agreed to.

On motion, Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to report Resolutions for Raising, Clothing, and Victualling, the Forces to be raised in this Province; and Mr. T. Johnson, Mr. Carroll, Barrister, Mr. Rumsey, and Mr. Ware, were elected by ballot a Committee for that purpose.

On motion, Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to report Rules and Regulations for the government of the Forces to be raised in this Province; and Mr. T. Johnson, Mr. Carroll of Carrollton, Mr. Stone, Mr. Rumsey, and Mr. J. Tilghman, were elected by ballot a Committee for that purpose.

Mr. S. Chase has leave of absence on Wednesday next.

Adjourned till three o'clock.

Post Meridiem.—Convention met. Mr. Sim and Mr. Somerville appeared in the House. Mr. Letherbury, Mr. Sudler, and Mr. Sluby, have leave of absence.

Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning, half after nine o'clock.

Tuesday, January 2, 1776.

Convention met. All Members present as on yesterday. The Proceedings of yesterday were read.

On motion, Resolved, That the acceptance of any office in the Regular Forces to be raised in this Province, shall be a disqualification of the officer accepting the same, from and after the making out and acceptance of his commission, to be a Delegate to serve in Convention, or to be of the Council of Safety, or a Member of any Committee of Observation, or of any other civil office under the authority of the Convention, during the continuance of his said commission.

The Convention proceeded to elect by ballot Field-Officers for the Battalion.

Mr. William Smallwood was elected Colonel, Mr. Francis Ware, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Thomas Price, First Major, Mr. Mordecai Gist, Second Major.

They then proceeded to elect seven Captains for the seven Independent Companies; the ballots were as follow:

Rezin Beall, 15John Allen Thomas, 9
John Gunby, 14Lemuel Barrett, 7
John Watlcins, 11Edward Veazy, 6
James Hindman, 10

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