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the Seventeenth of the Province, &c., and all Field and Commissioned Officers to rank according to their commissions, and as to those who bear the like commissions, according to the number of the Battalion to which they belong.

That the Companies of each Battalion ballot from number one to number eight, and hold their rank the first battalion day, according to the numbers drawn, the second day, number two to take the place of number one, and number one the place of number eight, and so on, that equals may each in turn have the most honourable place, and every man may be instructed to act in any part of a Battalion, as occasion may require.

That to avoid a needless and insupportable expense, no person after the 10th day of May next, wear any uniform at exercise, either in single Companies or in Battalion, but hunting-shirts, the Officers distinguishing themselves from the Privates by different feathers, cockades, or the like, as fancy may direct.

Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning, half after nine o'clock.

Friday, January 5, 1776.

Convention met. All Members present as on yesterday. The Proceedings of yesterday were read. Mr. Sluby appeared in the House. Mr. Bishop has leave of absence.

On motion, Resolved, That the several Committees of Observation purchase the whole of the Sulphur in their respective Counties, provided it is to be had at six pence per pound, and that they transmit the same, with an account thereof, as soon as may be, to Messrs. William Lux and Daniel Bowly, of Baltimore town; and that the Committees of Observation be empowered to draw on the Treasurer of their respective Shore, for as many of the bills of credit of this Province as may be wanted; as well for the purposes aforesaid, as for any expenses to be incurred in removing the Sulphur to Baltimore town.

Ordered, That the Clerk make out and transmit copies of the above Resolve to the several Committees of Observation for each County in this Province.

On motion, Resolved, That the several Counties in this Province be divided into the following Districts, to wit: St. Mary's, Charles, Calvert, and Prince George's Counties, into one District; Anne Arundel, Baltimore, and Harford Counties, into another District; Frederick County into another District; Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's and Talbot Counties, into another District; Dorchester, Caroline, Somerset, and Worcester Counties, into another District.

That to each of the said Districts or Brigades, there be one Brigadier-General, a Quartermaster, and an Adjutant.

Adjourned till three o'clock.

Post Meridiem. —Convention met. Mr. J. Dashiell has leave of absence till Monday next.

Mr. Scott brings in and delivers to Mr. President a draft of Instructions for the Deputies representing this Province in Congress, which was read the first time, and ordered to lie on the table.

Convention adjourned till to-morrow morning, half after nine o'clock.

Saturday, January 6, 1776.

Convention met. All Members present as on yesterday. The Proceedings of yesterday were read. Mr. John Reeder, Jun., a Member for St. Mary's County, appeared and took his seat in the House. Mr. John Allen Thomas has leave of absence.

The Convention elected by ballot the following persons Field-Officers for the Militia: Mr. Henry Hooper, Brigadier-General of the Lower District on the Eastern Shore; Mr. James Lloyd Chamberlaine, of the Upper District; Mr. John Dent, of the Lower District on the Western Shore; Mr. Andrew Buchanan, of the Middle District; Mr. Thomas Johnson, Jun., of the Upper District.

Resolved, That the said Brigadiers-General rank in the following manner, to wit: Brigadier-General Johnson, 1st; Brigadier-General Hooper, 2d; Brigadier-General Dent, 3d; Brigadier-General Chamberlaine, 4th; Brigadier-General Buchanan, 5th.

On motion, Resolved, That the acceptance of a superior office in the Militia of this Province be a vacation of the inferior office.

For St. Mary's County.

Upper Battalion: Mr. Jeremiah Jordan, Colonel; Mr. John Reider, Jun., Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. James Eden, First Major; Mr. John Hanson Briscoe, Second Major; Mr. James Mills, Quartermaster.

Lower Battalion: Mr. Richard Barnes, Colonel; Mr. John Hatton Reed, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Ignatius Fenwick, Jun., First Major; Mr. Samuel Abell, Sen., Second Major; Mr. Hugh Hopewell, Jun., Quartermaster.

For Charles County.

Upper Battalion: Mr. William Harrison, Colonel; Mr. Samuel Hanson of Samuel, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Kenelm Truman Stoddert, First Major; Mr. Samuel Hanson, Jun., Second; Mr. Walter Hanson, Quartermaster.

Lower Battalion: Mr. Josias Hawkins, Colonel; Mr. Robert T. Hooe, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. John Marshall, First Major; Mr. John Harris, Second; Mr. John Nathan Smoot, Quartermaster.

Adjourned till three o'clock.

Post Meridiem.—Convention met. Mr. Thomas Wright, Mr. Sim, and Mr. Tyler, have leave of absence. Mr. Letherbury appeared in the House.

The Convention resumed the election of Officers for the Militia, and elected by ballot:

For Calvert County.

Mr. Benjamin Mackall, Fourth Colonel; Mr. Alexander Somerville, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Joseph Wilkinson, First Major; Mr. Patrick Sim Smith, Second; Mr. William Allein, Quartermaster.

For Anne Arundel County.

Elk-Ridge Battalion: Mr. Thomas Dorsey, Colonel; Mr. John Dorsey, Lieutenant-Colonel; Dr. C. A. War-field, First Major; Mr. Edward Gaither, Jun., Second; Mr. Benjamin Howard, Quartermaster.

Severn Battalion: Mr. John Hall, Colonel; Mr. Rezin Hammond, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Nicholas Wotthington, First Major; Mr. Elijah Robosson, Second; Mr. Matthias Hammond, Quartermaster.

South-River Battalion: Mr. John Weems,Colonel; Mr. Richard Harwood, Jun., Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. John Thomas, First Major; Mr. Thomas Tillard, Second; Mr. Edward Tillard, Quartermaster.

For Frederick County.—Middle District.

First Battalion: Mr. Charles Beatty, Colonel; Mr. William Beatty, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Ludwick Weltner, First Major; Mr. Benjamin Johnson, Second; Mr. Lewis Bush, Quartermaster.

Second Battalion: Mr. James Johnson, Colonel; Mr. Joseph Wood, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Benjamin Ogle, First Major; Mr. Roger Johnson, Second; Mr. Azel Waters, Quartermaster.

Third Battalion: Mr. Jacob Good, Colonel; Mr. William Blair, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Samuel Shaw, First Major; Mr. William Shields, Second; Mr. Joseph McKillip, Quartermaster.

Fourth Battalion: Mr. Baiter Johnson, Colonel; Mr. William Luckett, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Jacob Miller, First Major; Mr. Henry Darnall, Second; Mr. Nicholas Tice, Quartermaster.

Lower District,

Lower Battalion: Mr. John Murdock, Colonel; Mr. Thomas Johns, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Richard Brooke, First Major; Mr. William Deakins, Second; Mr. Richard Thompson, Quartermaster.

Upper Battalion: Mr. Zadock Magruder, Colonel; Mr. Charles G. Griffith, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Francis Deakins, First Major; Mr. Richard Crabb, Second; Mr. Samuel Du Vall, Quartermaster.

Upper District.

First Battalion: Mr. John Stall, Colonel; Mr. Andrew Rench, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Henry Shryock, First Major; Mr. George Woltz, Second; Mr. Elie Williams, Quartermaster.

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