Second Battalion: Mr. Samuel Beall, Colonel; Mr. Joseph Smith, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Richard Davis, First Major; Mr. Charles Swearingen, Second; Mr. James Chapline, Quartermaster.
For Harford County.
Upper Battalion: Mr. Aquila Hall, Colonel; Mr. John Love, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Josias Carvill Hall, First Major; Dr. John Archer, Second; Mr. Richard Dallam, Quartermaster.
Lower Battalion: Mr. Benjamin Rumsey, Colonel; Mr. Thomas Bond, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Abraham Jarrett, First Major; Mr. John Taylor, Second; Mr. Robert Amos, Quartermaster.
For Cecil County.
Bohemia Battalion: Mr. John Veazy, Jun., Colonel; Mr. John D. Thompson, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. William Rumsey, First Major; Dr. Joshua Clayton, Second; Mr. Samuel Young, Quartermaster.
Elk Battalion: Mr. Charles Rumsey, Colonel; Mr. Henry Hollingsworth, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Edward Parker, First Major; Mr. John Strawbridge, Second; Mr. Thomas Huggins, Quartermaster.
Susquehannah: Battalion: Mr. George Johnson, Colonel; Mr. Thomas Hughes, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. John Hartshorn, First Major; Mr. Elihu Hall, Second; Mr. John Hambleton, Quartermaster.
For Queen Anne's County.
Upper Battalion: Richard T. Earle, Colonel; Mr. Samuel Thompson, Jun., Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. John Seney, First Major; Mr. James Kent, Second; Mr. William Bruff, Quartermaster.
Lower Battalion: Mr. Thomas Wright, Colonel; Mr. Richard Tilghman, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. William Hemsley, First Major; Mr. Arthur Emory, Second; Mr. James Tilghman, Quartermaster.
For Somerset County.
Upper Battalion: Mr. George Dashiell, Colonel; Mr. George Day Scott, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. John Stewart, First Major; Mr. William Horsey, Second; Mr. Severn Hitch, Quartermaster.
Lower Battalion: Mr. Thomas Hayward, Colonel; Mr. Peter Waters, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Thomas Bruff, First Major; Mr. William Waters of William, Second; Mr. William Gillis, Quartermaster.
For Worcester County.
First Battalion: Mr. Peter Chaille, Colonel; Mr. Joseph Dashiell, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. John Done, First Major; Mr. Robert Done, Second; Mr. George Martin, Quartermaster.
Second Battalion: Mr. William Purnelli Colonel; Mr. Zadock Purnell, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Samuel Handy, First Major; Mr. William Morris, Second; Mr. Josias Mitchell, Quartermaster.
The Convention adjourns till Monday morning, half after nine o'clock.
Monday, January 8, 1770.
Convention met. All Members present, as on Saturday, except Mr. J. A. Thomas, Mr. Thomas Wright, Mr. Sim, and Mr. Tyler. The Proceedings of Saturday were read.
Mr. Edward Lloyd, a member elected for Talbot County, in the room of Francis Baker, and Mr. Thomas Ring-gold, appointed a member for Kent County, in the room of Mr. Thomas Smyth, who refused to act, appeared, and took their seals in the House.
Mr. Sudler and Mr. Buchanan appeared in the House.
Mr. William Adams has leave of absence.
Adjourned till three o'clock.
Post Merediem. Convention met.
Mr. Tyler and Mr. Dallam appeared in the House.
The following persons were elected by ballot to the Battalion in Talbot County, to wit:
Mr. Christopher Birkhead, Colonel; Mr. Peregrine Tilghmani Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Jeremiah Banning, First Major; Mr. Robert Lloyd Nichols, Second; Mr. Nicholas Thomas, Quartermaster.
On motion, Resolved, That the nomination of Field-Officers for Dorchester County be postponed, and that the Council of Safety, hereafter to be appointed, be empowered to appoint them.
The following election by ballot for Caroline County, was had:
East Battalion: Mr. William Richardson, Colonel; Mr. Henry Dickinson, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. William Whitley, First Major; Mr. Matthew Driver, Second; Mr. John White, Quartermaster.
West Battalion: Mr. Philip Fiddeman, Colonel; Mr. Benson Stainton, Lieutenant-Colonel; Mr. Richard Mason, First Major; Mr. Henry Downes, Second; Mr. Thomas Hardcastle, Quartermaster.
The Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning, half after nine o'clock.
Tuesday, January 9, 1776.
Convention met. All Members present, as on yesterday. The Proceedings of yesterday were read.
The Memorials of Patrick Hamilton, John Archer, and James Harris, relating to the establishment of Linen and Woollen Manufactories, were read the first time, and ordered to lie on the table.
Ordered, That nine hundred copies of the Proceedings relative to the manufacture of Saltpetre, be immediately printed.
On motion, Resolved, That a Committee be appointed to prepare and report a scheme for the emission of Bills of Credit, to defray the expenses of defending this Province; and Mr. Hollyday, Mr. Thomas Johnson, Mr. Hooc, Mr. Rumsey, and Mr. James J. Tilghman, were elected by ballot a Committee for that purpose.
On motion, Resolved, That the Instructions for the Deputies representing this Province in Congress, be taken into consideration to-morrow.
The Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning, half after nine o'clock.
Wednesday, January 10, 1776.
Convention met. All Members present, as on yesterday. The Proceedings of yesterday were read. Mr. Sim, Mr. Mackall, and Mr. John Allen Thomas appeared in the House.
The Order of the Day, for taking into consideration the Instructions for the Deputies representing this Province in Congress, being read, the same were taken into consideration, and, after some debate thereon, the Convention adjourned.
Thursday, January 11, 1776.
Convention met. All Members present, as on yesterday. The Proceedings of yesterday were read. Mr. Smith, Mr. Jordan, and Mr. Gilpin, have leave of absence.
The Convention resumed the consideration of the Instructions for the Deputies representing this Province in Congress, which were read, considered, and agreed to, and are as follow:
In Convention, January 12, 1776.
To the Honourable Matthew Tilghman, Esq., Thomas Johnson, Jun., Robert Goldsborough, William Paca, Samuel Chase, Thomas Stone, Robert Alexander, and John Rogers, Esquires.
The Convention, taking into their most serious consideration the present state of the unhappy dispute between Great Britain and the United Colonies, think it proper to deliver you their sentiments, and to instruct you in certain points, relative to your conduct in Congress, as Representatives of this Province.
The experience we and our ancestors have had, of the mildness and equity of the English Constitution, under which we have grown up to, and enjoyed a stale of felicity, not exceeded among any people we know of, until the grounds of the present controversy were laid by the Ministry and Parliament of Great Britain, has most strongly endeared to us that form of Government from whence these blessings have been derived, and makes us ardently wish for a reconciliation with the mother country, upon.