Williamsburgh, Virginia, January 20, 1776.
As the Ministry, and then-tools, have persisted in charging America with a desire of independence, and in spite of all the most solemn declarations on her part, that she is still (or rather, I hope, was) willing to be subject to Britain, as completely as she was in the year 1763, and as we have good reason to suppose, great as their lust of power is, that avarice has the greatest share in influencing their conduct, and that, therefore, not merely an empty title to superiority is claimed, or even a substantial revenue, but that something more is insisted on, the total monopoly of our trade; I say, as these things are evident, we have just cause of complaint, and may well resent such low suspicion and base treatment.
Whoever considers the acts of Parliament, laying restrictions on the trade of the Colonies, before the year 1763, will be astonished to find that the Congress, after one of their petitions had been treated with contempt, and a bloody, perfidious, and inhuman war was entered into against them, should consent that those acts should still be binding on them!
When we entered into an association not to trade with Great Britain, provided she had been contented to try who could hold put longest, and see who would repent first, and make the first overtures of accommodation, it would nave been right to have contented ourselves with our own manufactures: but when they not only laugh at our efforts in this way, and affect to despise our whole trade, as of no importance to them, but also have, by levying against us a heavy and savage war, obliged us to incur many and great expenses, and to neglect, in many parts of our country, agriculture and manufactures, we must be fools, indeed, not to open our ports, and to try what value may be put on our trade by France and Spain, and how we may, thereby, influence them in our favour, and endeavour, by our trade, to procure every thing necessary for the support of the war, and our defence and comfort. By doing this we pave the way to a powerful alliance, and by it may humble the pride of our enemies, may show them we bid defiance to their attempts to enslave us, and that, so far from being sufferers for want of their trade, we can do ten times better without it.
If the ports were open to all nations, except the British, we might soon sink our paper money, and our estates would be of ten times their present value. Our tobacco, hemp, flax, cotton, tar, pitch, turpentine, iron, lead, staves, and lumber; our wheat, oats, barley, rye, rice, Indian corn, peas, beans, &c., &c., might be sold for their real value, in cash, or such commodities as we might wish to barter them for. Our tobacco would then always command a good price, and ready money; we should seldom get less than thirty or forty shillings a hundred for it in cash; good wheat would sell for six or seven shillings a bushel, and all other things in proportion; and, instead of paying the high price we now do for British goods, bought of Scotch factors, at an extravagant rate after selling them our tobacco for a mere nothing, we should buy every thing equally good, if not better, at half price, and often get them in exchange for articles of our produce which now we never attend to: The truth of this can be asserted by those who have traded in French, Spanish, Dutch, or Italian ports. Claret would then be as cheap as Madeira wine, and velvet as broadcloth, and rum, sugar, molasses, wine, oil, olives, French brandy, arrack, tea, spices, &c, &c, would be exchanged here for such necessaries, or rarities, as would be wanted in the different ships, by the captains, factors, or men, and by their friends and customers, at the different ports they come from. Our ports would then be filled with ships, and our towns with respectable merchants; the value of our country would soon be known abroad, and numbers of people, of ingenuity and property, would come and settle among us. We should have the trade protected against our present oppressors, the amplest means of defence afforded us, and even Great Britain herself would soon court our favour, and be willing to form a commercial league with us.
Let any one consider these things, and then let him say, whether he would hesitate a moment to open our ports.
[No. 2.] | Annapolis, January 20, 1776. |
GENTLEMEN: By a resolution of the Convention, the city of Annapolis, and the town of Baltimore, are to be fortified, if it be practicable. As we are much at a loss for cannon, and as we hear they have more at New-York and Philadelphia than they have occasion for, we imagine they may be willing to spare some of them. We must, therefore, request you will be pleased to inquire of the gentlemen of those Provinces, in Congress, or of the Committee of Philadelphia whether it will be agreeable to them lo lend us any of them, and acquaint us with their answer. We shall want about thirty or forty eighteen-pounders; if we are favoured with the loan of them, they shall be returned, or paid for if lost or damaged. As there will be great danger in attempting to get them round by water, if we borrow them from the Province of New-York, we judge it may be best to get them down by land to Delaware Bay, from thence, over short carrying-places, they may be got into our Bay. Any money that may be necessary to defray the expenses in getting down, shall be sent you, or lodged where you think proper. We enclose you a copy of the resolutions of the Convention for emitting bills of credit, as some clauses require particular duties to be performed by yourselves. We are, respectfully, gentlemen, yours, &c. To the Deputies for Maryland, in Congress.
West-River, Saturday, January 20, 1776.
DEAR CHARLES: I have long been thinking of a machine of some sort, to save your town. I think, I have now fell on one, that shall withstand against any ship in the navy that they can trust before your town. The machine must float, and carry twenty eighteen-pounders; it must be about one hundred and eight feet long, thirty-two feet, or less, broad, five and a half feet deep, the sides and ends to be glasaded, so that the men shall fight under cover, and the sides and ends cannon proof. This machine, I think, may be completed in two months, at the expense of two thousand five hundred pounds, or less. The friendship I have from yourself, T. Hyde and T. Harwood, has partly employed my mind this six weeks past. If the Committee of Safety think well of this matter, there is no time to be lost, and you must come down to me to-morrow morning, as I can wait neither on you, nor the Committee, in all next week. If this machine, or floating battery, can be got ready in time, I think it will save your town from any thing that can be done to it by sea. Every man of you must attend to this matter, as one hundred men may be employed. I am, Charles, with sincere respect, yours,
To Charles Wallace, Esq.
P. S. This machine may always keep a fire on the enemy, as there must be two cannon in each end, and eight on each side. She may carry fifty-two swivels on her sides and ends, to prevent her being boarded.
My friend 1 think ill used by both Congress and Convention. The Congress gave their ships to build to men that knows nothing of the business. Jack Steward, you know, has been used ill by Convention, but still I am ready to serve my country in every degree that lies in my power.
If any opportunity, send Thomas Johnson a copy of this to-day, as he desired I would think of something of this sort to save the town.
Cambridge, January 20, 1776.
GENTLEMEN: The bearer hereof, Mr. James Campbell, who acted as a Captain of our Militia, had the honour, on application, of being appointed a Lieutenant of the Light Infantry Company at our last Convention.
I am to beg leave to introduce this gentleman to you, as particularly worthy your notice. I think, upon conversation with him, he may afford some very useful hints in those branches, that we, at this time, stand so much in need of: I mean gunnery and fortification. Have known him for several years, in character of a captain of a ship, the seafaring life having been his calling from his infancy, and think, to do him justice in that sense, or any other that he engages in, he will merit esteem. I believe he brings with