one ton to be lodged at Fairfield, one at New-Haven, and two tons at Middletown, in lieu of so much received from us.
Voted, That thirty stand of Arms, fitted out of the barrels received from Crown-Point, be sent to General Washington, having been earnestly requested by him, &c.
Voted, That Mr. Lemuel Bryant, of Middleborough, as a Cannon-Founder, at Salisbury, and David Carver, Zebulon White, and David Oldman, in those parts, as Moulders, and that said Bryant procure four Moulders for Shot, and he to come by 15th March, and the rest by 1st April. (And wrote accordingly.)
Saturday, February 17, 1776.
Met again, from last night's adjournment. Present, the same as yesterday.
Sheriff Williams was here, representing much trouble and difficulty with the Prisoners at Hartford, &c, &.c, and moves again that an addition be made to the Commit-tee, and Benjamin Paine, Esq., and Captain Jeremiah Wadsworth, are added to said Committee for taking care of Prisoners, four of said Committee being absent in the Army, and on other publick business.
The subject of the Companies, and Forts, and Proclamation, &c, respecting the New-London defence, and the matter and manner discoursed.
Voted, An Order on the Pay-Table for nine Pounds thirteen Shillings and five Pence, for W. Torrey, for going with wagon and Indian Chiefs, 14th January last, to Cam-bridge, as per account allowed, and for six Shillings for Daniel Throop, for going to Windham with them, he, and ditto for Captain Hyde, two Pounds seven Shillings and nine Pence, for going two journeys to New-Haven, &c, about Salisbury Furnace, &c. (A very moderate charge.)
Orders given, and sent by Loomis this day.
And, also, an Order for Jude Alden, for two Pounds five Shillings and two Pence, for use of Horse twide for John Walker, Congress Post, and keeping his Horse in his absence; &c. (A high account.)
Order given, sent by Loomis.
And appointed Mr. Edward Mott to be Captain of the Company to be raised and stationed at Groton-Hill and Fort, and Commandant of said Fort.
And appointed Doctor John Ely, of Lyme, to be Captain of the Company to be raised and stationed at Mama-cock Fort.
Samuel Mott, Esq., and Mr. Josiah Waters, are appointed Engineers, to superintend and direct the building works of defence and Forts ordered to be erected at New-London and Groton.
(Copy given Mr. Waters, 8th March.)
Considered, voted, and passed, a Proclamation for raising, and encouraging said three Companies, according to the Resolve and Vote of the 13th instant.
And dismissed, (being near night,) to meet again next Friday morning.
Friday, February 23, 1776.
Met according to adjournment. Present:
His Honour the Governour, Eliphalet Dyer, Jabez Huntington, William Williams, Nathaniel Wales, Joshua West, Esquires.
Letter just received by Captain Clark from General Washington, complaining of the deficiency of Powder.
Major Smith, of Stonington, present, moving that the Stonington Company of forty, for defence of the Harbour and Town, &c, may be augmented, for reasons by him urged, and is considered; and, on consideration,
Voted and Resolved, That the Company of forty men, now stationed at Stonington, for defence of the Harbour and Works erected and building there, be augmented by voluntary inlistment, to ninety men, including Officers, to be continued until the 1st December next, unless sooner dismissed by the General Assembly or this Board, to be on the same plan, and under the same regulations, as the Companies raising for the defence of New-London Harbour, saving that their station is fixed at or near said Fortification, at Stonington, till further orders from said Assembly or this Board.
Sundry Letters from sundry persons relating to the pub-lick affairs of the times.
Said Stonington Company had been raised by this Board 14th September last, (as p.) to consist of fifty men, and after-wards by the Assembly, in October, 1775, reduced to forty, is now augmented to ninety, as above, and Major Oliver Smith is appointed Captain of said Company, Nathan. Palmer, Jun., is appointed First Lieutenant of the same, John Belcher Second Lieutenant of the same, and Clement Miner is appointed Ensign of the same. And said Captain. Smith is authorized and empowered, by all proper ways, to raise and inlist said Company with all convenient speed, and make return to his Honour the Governour, whois desired to give said Officers proper warrants or commissions.
And Nathaniel Miner, Esq., is appointed a Commissary, to provide the proper supplies of Provisions for support of the Company now ordered to be raised, under the command of Captain Oliver Smith, to be stationed at Stonington Fort, and the Governour is desired to give said Miner a proper warrant accordingly. The Provisions to be according to the Regulations of the Army near Boston, as mentioned in a Proclamation referred to in the Order for raising said Company.
(Copy given said Major Smith.)
Mr. Simeon Davis is present, commissioned and authorized by Governour Cooke to go to the foreign West-Indies for a cargo of Powder, and liberty of taking a cargo from; this Colony if he can obtain leave, &c., and urges the necessity of the article, and the probability of success, &c. and on being asked, &c, this Committee consent to, and advise his Honour to permit him to purchase and ship two thousand pounds Cheese, two thousand pounds Hogs' Lard, sixty barrels of Pork, and thirty barrels of Beef in this Colony, for the purpose aforesaid.
And on consideration of supplying Officers for the Company to be stationed at Winthrop's Point, in New-London:
Colonel G. Saltonstall is appointed Captain of this Company, to be stationed at Winthrop's Point, and to raise such Company by inlistment, by all proper ways, as soon as may be, and make return to his Honour the Governour.
And Ebenezer Ledyard, Esq., is appointed a Commissary, to make and provide Provisions for the Company to be raised and stationed at Groton-Hill, according to the Proclamation for raising them, &c.
And Captain John Deshon is appointed a Commissary, to provide for the two Companies to be raised and station-ed at Winthrop's Point and at Mamacock, in New-London, according to Proclamation. (Copies sent.)
Took into consideration the affair of appointing Captain and other officers for the Brig Defence, now lying at New-Haven, and talked largely upon it, and appointed Seth Harding to be Captain of said Brig Defence, and con-, eluded upon the others almost, but deferred till next day the appointment.
Appointed Jehiel Tinker, Captain of the Row-Galley, now building at East Haddam. And adjourned until to-morrow morning.
Saturday, February 24, 1776.
Met, &c.—Present: His Honour the Governour, Eliphalet Dyer, Esquire, Jabez Huntington, Esquire, Nathaniel Wales, Esquire.
Esquire West, and & .... at Windham Court, had agreed to the officers hereafter appointed for the Brig. Appointed Ebenezer Bartram, of Fairfield, to be First Lieutenant; James Hopkins, of Middletown, Second Lieutenant; and John McCleave, Master of the Brig Defence, according to the proposal last night. A letter prepared and sent to Captain Harding, informing of his appointment as Captain of said Brig. And, also, to Lieutenants Bartram and Hopkins, as Lieutenants. And, also, to Captain Mc-Cleave, informing his appointment as Master of the same.
Captain Ely appeared, and accepted the office of Captain of the Company to be raised and stationed at Mamacock, and proposed Martin Kirtand for First Lieutenant, and Dan Plait for Second Lieutenant of said Company, who were appointed.