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To the Honourable Congress of the United Colonies of NORTH AMERICA:

The Committee of Safety of said Colony, pursuant to an order of the Council and Assembly, beg leave to lay before you some difficulties that have arisen among them, and request your determination thereon, being assured that your opinion on the premises will quiet the minds of those dissatisfied, and that all will acquiesce therein. We are very sorry that any misunderstandings among ourselves, should lay us under the necessity of diverting your minds from the important concerns which engross your attention. But no expedient could be found to satisfy many among us, but the laying the whole matter before your Honours. Soon after the commencement of hostilities by the King's troops at Lexington, the people in several of our Counties were so enraged against many of the Executive officers, supposing them inimical to the liberties of the country, that they would not suffer the Courts to sit, so much as to try criminal offenders. And the Congress, in the Summer past, finding the Courts, under the officers in commission, could not be held, and many complaints coming before them, against persons for high crimes, agreed to instruct their Delegates to request some direction from your Honours, relative to the regulating our Civil Police. Before the dissolution of the Congress, and previous to the reception of your recommendation about Government, a general plan of Representation was agreed on, to consist of eighty-nine persons, and precepts issued in consequence thereof; a copy of which we transmit herewith. After the meeting of the new Congress, the members appeared to agree in the necessity of assuming Government, but differed in the mode, after setting fifteen days, viz: On the 5th of January, the Resolve for assuming Government, passed by a majority of near two to one, a copy of which accompanies this, and the next day chose the number proposed for a Council, who look their seat, and proceeded on business according to the plan. A number of the members of the House being dissatisfied with the measures adopted, protested against them, a copy of which we also send herewith. Our brethren in the town of Portsmouth were also much concerned lest the proceedings should hurt the common cause; disaffect our friends in Great Britain—as savouring of independency. They wrote circular letters to a great number of towns, expressing their fears of the consequence of our taking up Government: soon after which, the towns of Portsmouth, Dover, Rochester, Newington, Greenland, Rye, Stratham, Northampton, Kensington, New-Market, with a number of individuals in the town of Brentwood, petitioned the General Court, setting forth, that they were greatly alarmed at the proceedings of the Congress in taking up Government, supposing it looked too much like setting up for independency; were exceeding fearful of the consequence; that we should lose the assistance of our friends abroad, and create a disunion among ourselves, and prayed that the two Houses would reconsider the Resolve for taking up Government, and proceed to business as the late Congress had done. The House of Representatives thinking it absolutely necessary, for the well being of the Colony, to proceed agreeable to the Resolves concluded to let the petitions lay. But, at the request of the Petitioners, it was agreed to have the proceedings laid before your honourable body. And this Committee under real expectation that your determination will settle the difference of opinion among us, humbly request you to transmit the same.

I have the honour to be, gentlemen, your most humble servant,

By order of the Committee:



The Congress of said Colony, to the Selectmen of . . . . in said Colony—Greeting:

You are hereby required to notify the legal inhabitants paying taxes in the . . . . . . (giving them fifteen days notice) to meet at some convenient place in your town, to elect . . . . . . (having a real estate of the value of two hundred pounds, lawful money) to represent them in General Congress, to be held at Exeter, on the 21st. day of December next, at three o'clock in the afternoon; and to empower such Representative for the term of one year from their first meeting, to transact such business, and pursue such measures as they may judge necessary for the publick good.

And in case there should be a recommendation from the Continental Congress, that this Colony assume Government in any particular form, which will require a House of Representatives, that they resolve themselves into such a House as the said Continental Congress shall recommend. And it is resolved, that no person be allowed a seat in Congress who shall, by himself, or any person for him, before said choice, treat with liquor, &c, any electors, with an apparent view of gaining their votes, or afterwards, on that account; and the person . . . . . . . who shall be elected. You are to notify that . . . . . attend at time and place abovementioned, and make return hereof with, your doings thereon. By order of Congress;


A true copy. Attest:

E. THOMPSON, Secretary.

Exeter, November 14, 1775.

In Congress, at Exeter, January 5, 1776.

We, the Members of the Congress of the Colony of New-Hampshire, chosen and appointed by the free suffrages of the people of said Colony, and authorized and empowered by them to meet together, and use such means, and pursue such measures, as we should judge best for the publick good; and, in particular, to establish some form of Government, provided that measure should be recommended by the Continental Congress; and a recommendation to that purpose having been transmitted to us, from the said Congress, have taken into our serious consideration the unhappy circumstances into which this Colony is involved, by means of many grievous and oppressive acts of the British Parliament, depriving us of our native and constitutional rights and privileges; to enforce obedience to which acts, a powerful fleet and army have been sent into this country by the Ministry of Great Britain, who have exercised a wanton and cruel abuse of their power, in destroying the lives and properties of the Colonists, in many places with fire and sword, taking the ships and lading from many of the honest and industrious inhabitants of this Colony employed in commerce, agreeable to the laws and customs a long time used here.

The sudden and abrupt departure of his Excellency John Wentworth, Esq., our late Governour, and several of the Council, leaving us destitute of Legislation; and no Executive Courts being open to punish criminal offenders, whereby the lives and properties of the honest people of this Colony, are liable to the machinations and evil designs of wicked men:

Therefore, for the preservation of peace and good order, and for the security of the lives and properties of the inhabitants of this Colony, we conceive ourselves reduced to the necessity of establishing a form of Government, to continue during the present unhappy and unnatural contest with Great Britain; protesting and declaring that we never sought to throw off our dependance upon Great Britain, but felt ourselves happy under her protection, while we could enjoy our constitutional rights and privileges, and that we shall rejoice if such a reconciliation between us and our parent state, can be effected as shall be approved by the Continental Congress, in whose prudence and wisdom we confide.

Accordingly, pursuant to the trust reposed in us, we do

Resolve, That this Congress assume the name, power, and authority of a House of Representatives or Assembly, for the Colony of New-Hampshire. And that said House' then proceed to choose twelve persons, being reputable freeholders and inhabitants within this Colony, in the following manner, viz: Five in the County of Rockingham; two in the County of Strafford; two in the County of Hillsborough; two in the County of Cheshire; and one in the County of Grafton, to be a distinct and separate branch of the Legislature, by the name of a Council for this Colony, to continue as such until the third Wednesday in December next; any seven of whom to be a quorum to do business.

That such Council appoint their President; and in his absence, that the senior Counsellor preside.

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