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of the members, that if any more troops were raised, the Battalion now under his command would, in general, be very desirous to be taken into the publick service and pay.

After a short conference with Colonel Lasher, and delivering to him a copy of the Resolves of Congress for raising four Battalions for the defence of this Colony, he was desired to confer with the officers of his Battalion, and report the result thereof to this Committee.

This Committee conceiving that the speediest method of fixing on proper Officers for the four Regiments to be raised in this Colony, and of being informed of the number of men that may probably be inlisted in each County, is to write to the County Committee of the respective Counties in this Colony,

Thereupon a draft of a Letter for that purpose was read and approved of, and is in the words following, to wit:

GENTLEMEN: By resolves of the honourable the Continental Congress lately come to hand, this Colony is to raise four regiments, in Continental pay, for the defence of the Colony. We conceive that the troops will be most speedily raised by having proper officers taken from different Counties where there are proper men who will inlist.

We, therefore, request you, with all possible despatch, to inform the Provincial Congress, or this Committee, of the number of men which you have good reason to believe may be speedily raised and armed in your County; and at the same time, that you, with the advice of as many of the Deputies of your County to the Provincial Congress as may conveniently be obtained, recommend several proper persons for Captains, Lieutenants, and Ensigns, who will be most likely to raise the men. We request, in all cases where it can conveniently be done, that you recommend two proper persons for each office, that the Provincial Congress may have an opportunity to choose the one they think best qualified.

We are, respectfully, gentlemen, your very humble servants.

By order of the Committee.

Ordered, That copies thereof be engrossed and signed by the Chairman, and one copy directed to each County Committee.

Instructions for inlisting the Troops directed by the Continental Congress to be raised in this Colony, were read and agreed to, and are in the words following, to wit:

Committee of Safety, New-York, January 27, 1776.

Instructions to the Colonels and other Officers for Inlistment of Four New Battalions in the Continental Service, for the defence of the Colony of NEW-YORK.

Whereas, in order to the regular inlistment of the Troops intended to be raised for the Continental service, it was resolved in Continental Congress on the 17th instant, to wit:

"That the Colonels of the several Battalions ordered to be raised, do immediately order their officers on recruiting service to such parts where they are best known, and have the greatest probability of success.

"That the recruiting officers ought to be careful to inlist none but healthy, sound, and able-bodied men, not under sixteen years of age.

"That the Colonels of the several Battalions, aforesaid, appoint some place, or places, of rendezvous to which the recruits may be sent, and where the Battalions may be quartered.

"That the greatest attention ought to be paid to the behaviour of the troops in quarters, that they may give no reasonable cause of complaint.

"That the quarters of the troops be duly discharged once every week.

"That an allowance of ten shillings per man be made to the recruiting officers, in lieu of their expenses in recruiting, exclusive of the subsistence money allowed them, and that in case any men be inlisted contrary to the foregoing regulations, the pay they may have received, and the subsistence money that may be paid for them, shall be stopped from the pay of such recruiting officer.

"That no bought, indented servants be employed on board the Fleet or in the Army of the United Colonies, without the consent of their masters."

And whereas the Continental Congress, on the 19th of January, instant,

"Resolved, That four Battalions be raised in the Colony of New-York, for the defence of that Colony, upon the same pay with those directed to be raised in the Province of Pennsylvania, and that they be stationed as the Commanding Officer of the New-York, Department shall think best, to garrison the several forts in that Province, from Crown-Point to the southward, and to prevent depredations upon Long-Island and to promote the safety of the whole."

The Pay and other Regulations of which said Pennsylvania Troops, and the said four Battalions, are established by the Continental Congress, as follows, to wit:

"That each battalion consist of eight companies, each company of one Captain, two Lieutenants, one Ensign, four Sergeants, four Corporals, one Drum, one Fife, and seventy-six Privates. The pay as follows: Colonel, 50 dollars per calendar month; Lieutenant-Colonel, 40 dollars; Major, 33 1/3 dollars; Captain, 26 2/3 dollars per calendar month; Lieutenants, 18 dollars; Ensign, 13 1/3 dollars; Sergeant, 8 dollars; Corporal, Drum and Fife, 7 1/3 dollars; Privates 5 dollars.

"Staff of Battalion: One Adjutant, 18 1/3 dollars; one Quartermaster, 18 1/3 dollars; one Chaplain, 20 dollars; one Surgeon, 25 dollars.

"The privates liable to be discharged at any time, on allowing them one month's pay extraordinary.

"That each of the privates be allowed, instead of a bounty, a felt hat, a pair of yarn stockings, and a pair of shoes: they to find their own arms.

The men also to be furnished with a hunting-shirt, not exceeding in value one and one-third of a dollar, and a blanket, provided it can be procured, but not to be made a part of the terms of inlistment. Every man who furnishes himself with a good new blanket, to be allowed therefor two dollars, and have liberty to take it a way at the end of the campaign,

"Each Captain, or other commissioned officer, while in the recruiting service, or on their march to join the battalion, shall be allowed two and two-thirds dollars per week for their subsistence; and the men who inlist while in quarters, before they join their battalion, one dollar per week, and when on their march to join their battalion, one and one-third dollar per week.

"That a ration consist of the following kinds and quantities of Provision, viz:

"One pound of beef, or three-quarters of a pound of pork, or one pound of salt fish per day." One pound of bread or flour per day; three pints of peas or beans, per week, or vegetables equivalent, at one dollar per bushel for peas or beans; one pint of milk per man, per day, or at the rate of 1-72 parts of a dollar; one quart of spruce beer or cider, per man, per day, or nine gallons of molasses per one hundred men, per week; half a pint of rice, or one pint of Indian meal per man, per week; three pounds of candles to one hundred men, per week, for guards; twenty-four pounds soft, or eight pounds hard soap, for one hundred men, per week. Men in barracks to be provided with crocus, and straw for bedding, fire-wood and iron pots.

"For their march or campaign: A camp-kettle for every six men, and a canteen for each man. Arms and accoutrements for the men, viz: each a good gun and bayonet, cartouch-box, tomahawk, knapsack or haversack, and two bills.

"Colours, drums, fifes, and a pitching axe, for every ten men, and intrenching tools, to be provided at the publick expense."

Ordered, That the Secretaries get three hundred copies of the said Instructions printed, with all possible despatch.

David Barclay, at the door, was admitted. He delivered a Letter from Colonel Joseph Drake, by order of some of the members of the Committee of that County, which was read and filed, and is in the words following, to wit:

"New-Rochelle, January 26, 1776.

"GENTLEMEN: Agreeable to your directions, which I received twelve o'clock, last night, I went with a number of the members of the Committee of this County and; others, in search of the persons named in your letter, but have not had the good fortune to find them. The neighbours inform us that Lownsberry's son and Joseph Purdy are both in town; the first went down by land, the latter

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