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beg leave to report the draft of a Letter to the General, to be signed by the President of the Board, enclosing an attested copy of the Resolve of this Court, made on the 1st December, instant, to call a reinforcement of the Militia to bis Excellency General Washington; and the Committee beg leave to sit again.

In Council: Read, and accepted.

In the House of Representatives: Read, and concurred.

Petition of Alexander Parrau, setting forth, "that he was a Sergeant in Captain Nathaniel Warner's company, in the Seventeenth Regiment of Foot, in the service of the United Colonies of North-America, commanded by Colonel Moses Little, and humbly showeth, that your petitioner received a wound in his right shoulder, in the late battle on Bunker-Hill, by which he has lost the use of his right arm; and having no way to support himself and family, but by his labour, and being rendered incapable of serving his country any longer as a soldier, or supporting his family by labour, that he now stands in need of immediate relief; your petitioner, therefore, prays your Honours would take his distressed circumstances under consideration, and afford him such relief as in your wisdom you shall see meet; and your petitioner, as in duty bound, shall ever pray."

In the House of Representatives: Resolved, That there be paid out of the publick Treasury of this Colony, to Alexander Parrau, the sum of ten Pounds four Shillings, in full, for the loss of his Gun, and for boarding and nursing twelve weeks, and carrying him to Gloucester.

In Council: Read, and concurred.

Petition of Nathaniel Farmer, of Lexington, in the County of Middlesex, Cordwainer, humbly showeth, "that on the morning of the 19th of April last, (he being one of the Minute-Men,) was fired upon by the Ministerial troops at Lexington, and was wounded in his right arm, which fractured the bone to that degree that sundry pieces of the same have been taken out, by means of which your petitioner hath suffered much pain as well as loss of time, and charge to the doctors, whose bills are herewith presented, and, in fine, is totally disabled from carrying on his business, by which he chiefly supported himself and family; wherefore he prays your Honours would take his distressed case under your wise consideration, and grant him such relief as in your wisdom shall seem meet; and your petitioner, as in duty bound, shall ever pray."

In the House of Representatives: Resolved, That there be paid out of the publick Treasury of this Colony, to Deacon Stone, for the use of Nathaniel Farmer, the sum of thirteen Pounds fifteen Shillings, in full, for his doctoring, nursing, and loss of time, while confined with his wounds.

In Council: Read, and concurred.

Petition of George Reed, of Woburn, humbly showeth, "that he was in the skirmish at Concord, between the Ministerial troops and the Provincials, on the 19th of April last, in which skirmish your petitioner received a ball in his side, and was under the doctor's care for near three months, unable to administer any thing to the support of his family by labour; wherefore your petitioner earnestly prays your Honours would take his case under your wise consideration, and grant him such relief as your wisdom and justice shall dictate."

In the House of Representatives: Resolved, That there be paid out of the publick Treasury of this Colony, to George Reed, the sum of eight Pounds nine Shillings, in full, for his nursing, doctoring, and loss of time while confined with his wounds.

In Council: Read, and concurred.

Adjourned to ten o'clock, to-morrow morning.

Friday, December 8, 1775.

Present in Council: Honourables Michael Farley, Joseph Palmer, Samuel Holten, Jabez Fisher, Moses Gill, John Taylor, William Sever, Benjamin Greenleaf, Walter Spooner, Caleb Cushing, John Winthrop, Joseph Gerrish, John Whetcomb, Jedediah Foster, James Prescott, Eldad Taylor, Benjamin Lincoln, Charles Chauncy, Benjamin White, Esquires.

Captain Stone, of Framing ham, came up with a message from the House, informing the Board, that the House had assigned next Wednesday, three o'clock, afternoon, to come to the choice of five Delegates to represent this Colony in American Congress, for the ensuing year, by joint ballot, if agreeable to the honourable Board.

Samuel Holten, Esq., went down with a verbal message to the House, informing them that the Board had agreed to the foregoing proposal of the honourable House.

In Council: Resolved, That the Secretary be, and he hereby is directed forthwith to take, or procure to be taken, copies of all such Vouchers as the Committee, appointed by this Court, to prepare the accounts of charges and expenses incurred by this Colony, in defence of American liberty, may think needful to transmit to the honourable the Continental Congress; and that he carefully compare such copies with the originals, and attest the same, in order to their being lodged in the Secretary's office; which copies, so attested, shall have all the validity and effect that the originals might or ought to have; and the Secretary is directed to consult with the said Committee, and be directed by them with regard to the mode of taking said copies.

In the House of Representatives: Read, and concurred.

Petition of Joshua Davis, selling forth "that your Honours were pleased to allow him the pay of Lieutenant-Colonel for the time he had, or should be in the service of this Colony. Having been in said service since the 1st day of May last, and have not received as yet any pay, your petitioner begs your Honours would allow him such a part of his wages as your Honours think proper."

In the House of Representatives: Resolved, Tshat there be paid out of the publick Treasury of this Colony, to Colonel Joshua Davis, the sum of thirty-one Pounds four Shillings, it being the pay of a Lieutenant-Colonel in the service of this Colony, from the 1st day of May up to the 1st day of August, which pay said Davis was allowed by a resolve of this Court.

In Council: Read, and concurred.

Petition of Joseph Cornet, setting forth "that on the 19th of April last, at the battle of Lexington, was by the enemy wounded in the left arm, having the cords and arteries cut in such a manner as to render his arm entirely useless for more than three months, and has been at great charge in surgery, nursing, and board; therefore prays your Honours may grant him such relief as you may think proper."

In the House of Representatives: Resolved, That there be paid out of the publick Treasury, to Joseph Cornee, the sum of twelve Pounds seven Shillings, in full, for his nursing, boarding, and doctoring, and time lost.

In Council: Read, and concurred.

Adjourned to ten o'clock, to-morrow morning.

Saturday, December 9, 1775.

Present in Council: Honourables William Sever, Benjamin Greenleaf, John Winthrop, Caleb Cushing, Joseph Gerrish, John Whetcomb, Jedediah Foster, James Prescott, Eldad Taylor, Benjamin Lincoln, Charles Chauncy, Michael Farley, Joseph Palmer, Samuel Holten, Jubez Fisher, Moses Gill, John Taylor, Esquires.

Petition of Francis Brown, of Lexington, setting forth, "that he was a Sergeant in Captain Parker's Company, of said town, who was fired upon by the Ministerial Army, on the 19th of April last, who, unfortunately, received a wound in his cheek, by a musket ball, which passed nearly through his neck, and afterwards extracted from the back of the same, by which means he endured much pain, and lost about three months of his time. He hopes your Honours will order the payment of his doctor's bill, which is three pounds two shillings, and such allowance for his time, nursing, &c., as your Honours may think proper."

In the House of Representatives: Resolved, That there be paid out of the publick Treasury of this Colony, to Francis Brown, the sum of twelve Pounds two Shillings, in full, for his nursing, boarding, and doctoring.

In Council: Read, and concurred.

In the House of Representatives: Whereas, by information to this Court, there is great reason to apprehend that Edward Raud, Pewterer, of Newburyport, and brother of Doctor Isaac Raud, of Boston, has carried on a criminal correspondence with his brother aforesaid, who is unfriendly to the cause of America; therefore,

Resolved, That Captain Epes forthwith repair to Mr. Winthrop Gray, at Malden, or Point-Shirley, and inquire into the facts aforesaid in confidence; and provided the said Gray shall confirm the same, that then the said Captain Epes forthwith repair to the Committee of Safety and Correspondence of Newburyport, with this resolve, who are

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