In Council: Ordered, That Benjamin Lincoln and John Taylor, Esquires, be a Committee on the part of the Board to count and sort the votes; who reported that the number of votes were:
On the part of the Board, | 9 |
On the part of the House, | 70 |
Total, | 79 |
Forty made a vote; and Captain Joseph Foster had 70, and was accordingly chosen.
The Committee informed the Board, that the House proposed next to come to the choice of one Captain and two Lieutenants for the First Company in Gloucester, and reported that the number of votes were:
On the part of the Board, | 9 |
On the part of the House, | 45 |
Total, | 54 |
Twenty-eight makes a vote; Daniel Warner had 50, as Captain; John Low, Jr., had 45, as First Lieutenant; Solomon Gorham had 48, as Second Lieutenant; and were accordingly chosen.
For the Second Company in Gloucester, the Committee reported that the number of votes were:
On the part of the Board, | 8 |
On the part of the House, | 45 |
Total, | 53 |
Twenty-seven makes a vote; John Lane had 45, as Captain; Jabez Lane had 45, as First Lieutenant; Moses Atkinson had 45, as Second Lieutenant; and were accordingly chosen.
John Whetcomb, Esq., went down with a message to the House to inform them that the Board declining coming to any further choice of Military Officers, till Monday morning, ten o'clock,
Adjourned to ten o'clock, Monday morning.
Monday, January 1, 1776.
Present in Council: Honourables Walter Spooner, Caleb Cushing, Benjamin Chadbourn, Joseph Gerrish, John Whetcomb, Eldad Taylor, Benjamin Lincoln, Charles Chauncy, Michael Farley, Samuel Holten, Jabez Fisher, John Tuylor, Benjamin White, Esquires.
Mr. Pitts came up with a message from the House, to inform the Board that the House are now read to proceed to the choice of Military Officers of the Third and Fourth Companies, to be stationed at Gloucester, according to the assignment of Saturday, if agreeable to the honourable Board.
John Taylor, Esq., went down with a message to the House, to inform them that the Board are now ready to proceed to the choice aforesaid, agreeable to the proposal of the honourable House.
The Committee appointed to sort the votes, reported that the number of votes were:
On the part of the Board, | 9 |
On the part of the House, | 54 |
Total, | 63 |
Thirty-two makes a vote; and that Bradbury Sounders had 54, as Captain; Isaac Jones had 54, as First Lieutenant; John Chandler had 54, as Second Lieutenant; and were accordingly chosen officers of the Third Company.
And that William Parsons had 54, as Captain; Joseph Lane had 54, as First Lieutenant; James Hase had 53, as Second Lieutenant; and were accordingly chosen officers of the Fourth Company.
The Committee informed the Board, that the House proposed next to come to the choice of a Commissary, to be stationed at Gloucester. Reported that the number of votes were:
On the part of the Board, | 9 |
On the part of the House, | 62 |
Total, | 71 |
Thirty -six makes a vote; and Samuel Whittemore was unanimously chosen.
The Committee of the House informed the Board, that the House proposed next to come to the choice of Officers to command the two Companies stationed at Marblehead.
Samuel Holten, Esq., went down with a message to the House, to inform them that the Board were not previously apprized of such choice, and, therefore, propose to postpone the choice of these Officers to a future day.
Colonel Orne came up with a message from the House, to inform the Board that the House intend to come to the choice of Military Officers, for the Sea-Coast Forces, at three o'clock this afternoon, and that they should begin with those of Marblehead.
Benjamin Lincoln, Esq., went down with a message to the House, to inform them that the Board agreed to the foregoing proposal of the honourable House.
Petition of Joshua Bragdon, setting forth, "that the last Spring he raised a Company under the command of Colonel James Scammons, and marched to Head-Quarters, where he remained and did duty with his Company till the latter end of August last, when, by reason of poor health, and from the advice of his Physician, your petitioner got a discharge from the service; since which, has been sent for to make up a Roll for said Company, which occasions the loss of one month's time, attended with considerable expense. He, therefore, prays your Honours to take the same into consideration, and order payment therefor.
In the House of Representatives: Resolved, That there be paid out of the publick Treasury of this Colony, to Joshua Bragdon, three Pounds, in full for his time and expense in making up a Roll for his Company, (not being at present in the service,) and the Receiver-General is directed to pay the same accordingly.
In Council: Read, and concurred.
Mr. Perry came up with a message from the House, to inform the Board that the House are now ready to proceed to the choice of Officers for the Companies to be stationed
at Marblehcad, agreeable to assignment.
The Committee appointed to count and sort the votes, reported that the number of votes were:
On the part of the Board, | 7 |
On the part of the House, | 45 |
Total, | 52 |
Twenty-seven makes a vote; and that Francis Felton had 45, as Captain; Benjamin Ashton had 45, as First Lieutenant; Nathaniel Lindsey had 45, as Second Lieutenant; of the First Company; and were accordingly chosen to said ranks in said Company.
And that William Hooper had 45, as Captain; Robert Cloutman had 45, as First Lieutenant; Thomas Bowden had 45, as Second Lieutenant; of the Second Company; and were accordingly chosen to said ranks in said Company.
The Committee of the House informed the Board, that the House propose to come next to the choice of a Major and other Officers, to command the Companies to be stationed at Elizabeth-Island and Martha's Vineyard, and two Commissaries to provide for said forces.
The Committee appointed to count and sort the votes reported that the number of votes were:
On the part of the Board, | 7 |
On the part of the House, | 52 |
Total, | 59 |
Thirty makes a vote; and that Barachiah Bassett had 59, and was chosen Major. Nathan Smith had 52, as Captain; Jeremiah Munster had 52, as First Lieutenant; Fortunatus Bassett had 52, as Second Lieutenant; of the First Company.
And that Benjamin Smith had 52, as Captain; Mal. Davis had 52, as First Lieutenant; James Shaw had 52, as Second Lieutenant; of the Second Company.
And that John Grannis had 52, us Captain; James Blossom had 52, as First Lieutenant; Samuel Hallett had 52, as Second Lieutenant; of the Third Company.
And that Elisha Nye had 52, as Captain; Stephen Nye, Jr., had 52, as First Lieutenant; John Russell had 52, as Second Lieutenant; of the Fourth Company.
And that Stephen Nye and Beriah Norton, were unanimously chosen Commissaries.
The Committee of the House then informed the Board, that the House proposed to come next to the choice of Colonel, to command at Falmouth.
The Committee appointed to count and sort the voles, reported the number of votes were: