Middle Regiment, on the West side of the river: Northampton, Hatfield, Whately, Williamsburgh, Chesterfield, (with the Gore,) Southampton, Worthington, Norwich, Number-Five.
Middle Regiment, on the East side of the river: Haddey, South-Hadlcy, Granby, Belchertown, Ware, Greenwich, Pelham, Amherst.
North Regiment, on the East side of the river: North-field, Sunderland, Leverett, Shutesbury, New-Salem, Er-vingshire, Montague, Warwick.
North Regiment, on the West side of the river: Deer-field, Greenfield, Charlemont and Ward's Grants, Merry-field, Colerain, Barnardstown, Shelburne, Conway, Ash-field, Hatfield Equivalent, Number-Seven, N. Town.
Which divisions were read, and accepted.
In Council; Whereas, by a Resolve of the General Court of the 25th instant, the Receiver-General is directed to pay out such sums as are ordered to be stopped on the pay-rolls, for supplies of arms and cartridge-boxes to the officers and soldiers, made by any town in this Colony, without a special warrant from the Council therefor; which Resolve does not extend to such supplies made by the officers to the men borne on their respective rolls:
Therefore, Resolved, That the Receiver-General be, and he hereby is directed to pay out the Stoppages made by the Officers for Arms and Cartridge-Boxes, by them supplied, in the same manner as for those supplied by the towns.
In the House of Representatives: Read, and concurred.
In the House of Representatives: Resolved, That.......... be a Committee to examine the Accounts of this Court for fixing out Armed Vessels, and the Resolves of the American Congress relative to the capture of Vessels. In Council;Read, and concurred, and William, Sever and Thomas Gushing, Esquires, are joined.
The Committee appointed to arrange the Militia, reported that there he two Regiments formed in the County of Berkshire, in manner following, viz:
South Regiment: Sheffield, Grent-Barrington, Egre-mont, Ncw-Marlborough, Sundersfield, Tyringham, Al-ford, Lowden.
North Regiment: Stockbridge, West-Stockbridge, The Glassworks, Lenox, Richmond, Pittsfield, Lanesborough, Jericho, Becket, Hartwood, Partridge field, Gageborough, New-Providence, New-Ashford, Williamstown, East-Hoo-sick.
That there be six Regiments formed in the County of Lincoln, in the manner following, to wit:
First Regiment: Georgetown, Woolvich, Topsham, Bowdoinham, and the South Company in the East Precinct of the Town of Pownalborough.
Second Regiment: North Company in the East Precinct of Pownalborough, the Company in the West Precinct in said town, the Plantation called Bathloun as far East as Dyer's River, the Plantation called Gardnerstown, Hallowell, Winthrop, Vassalborough, Winslow, with the adjacent Settlement on Kcnnebeck-River.
Third Regiment: Booth-Bay, Edgecomb, Newcastlc, Bristol, Plantation called Walpole, and adjacent Settlements on the Damnscolta-Pond.
Fourth Regiment: Waldoborough, Plantation called St. George's and Mcduncook, Camden, Belfast, ith all the Settlements on the western side of Penobscol-River.
Fifth Regiment: All the Settlements lying between Pcnobscot-River and Union-River.
Sixth Regiment: All the Settlements between the river called the Union and St. Croix.
Which divisions were read, and accepted.
Adjourned to ten o'clock, to morrow morning.*
Saturday, January 27, 1776,
Present in Council: Honourables William Sever, Caleb Cushing. John Winthrop, Thomas Cushing, John Whelcomb, Jedediah Foster, James prescott, Eldad Taylor, Benjamin Lincoln, Charles Chauncy, Michael Farley, Joseph Pahner, Samuel Holten, Jabez Fisher, Moses Gill, John Taylor, Benjamin White, Esquires.
Adjourned to ten o'clock, Monday morning.
Monday, January 29, 1776.
Present in Council: Honourabes Wiliiam Sever, Caleb Cushing, John Winthrop, Thomas Cushing, John Whetcomb, Jedediah Foster, James Prescott, Eldad Taylor, Benjamin Lincoln, Charles Chauncy, Mi-chael Farley, Joseph Palmer, Samuel Holten, Jahez Fisher, Moscb Gill, John Taylor, Benjamin White, Enquires.
Letter from John Dickinson, one of the Committee of Correspondence for the Town of Hatfield, relative to the conduct of Elisha Ellis, Jun.
In Council: Read, and sent down.
In the House of Representatives: Read, and committed to Mr. Cooper and Colonel Thompson, with such as the honourable Board may join.
In Council: Read, and concurred, and Colonel Foster is joined.
Petition of John Underwood, (Blank.)
In the House of Representatives: Whereas, this Court on the 5th day of January current, passed a Resolve empowering Mr. Putnam, Mr. Crane, and Mr. Vosc, to purchase the remains of a Powder-Mill at Stoughlon, and land and privileges convenient to improve the same, or purchase a privilege for, and erect one at Sutton, as they, after having consulted the Master-Workman who shall undertake the same, shall judge expedient. And whereas, by a Resolve of this Court of the 19th day of January current, the said Committee were directed to build the said Mill at Stoughton, but the Committee aforesaid were not invested with sufficient power to hire the Land and Stream at Stoughton, but are restricted to purchase the same,
Therefore, Resolved, That the Committee aforesaid be, and they hereby are fully authorized and empowered to purchase or hire, as they shall judge meet, the Land and advantageous Stream at Stoughton, where they have, or shall agree to erect a Powder-Mill for such a term of years, and for such yearly rent as they shall think proper, and that they, in behalf of this Colony, take a deed or lease of the same, as they shall agree to purchase or hire.
In Council: Read, and concurred.
In the House of Representatives;Whereas, by a Resolve of this Court, dated January 4, a Committee of this Court was appointed and directed to purchase and collect a number of Blankets for the use of the Continental Army, to deliver the same to the Commissary-General of the Colony, and take his receipt therefor, after which, an order passed this Court, dated January 18, that the Blankets collected in the Counties of Hampshire and Berkshire, be stayed for the ure of the Regiment to be raised in the