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Read, and concurred, and Captain Stone and Deacon Rawson are joined.

An Account of Nathaniel Goldthwait for a gun and Bayonet his son Eli lost in the battle of the 19th of April last. Read, and committed to the Committee appointed to consider of losses sustained in the battle of the 17th of June last.

An Account of Mary Deland, for a gun, &c., lost by her late husband in the battle of the 19th of April last: committed to the Committee appointed to consider of losses sustained in the battle of the 17th of June last.

An Account of Henry Jacobs, father to Henry Jacobs, Jun., for gun, bayonet, clothing, &c., lost in the battle of the 19th of April fast; committed to the Committee appointed to consider losses sustained the 17th of June last.

An Account of Samuel Cook, father to Samuel Cook, Jun., for gun, bayonet, &c., lost in the battle of the 19th of April last: committed to the Committee for considering losses sustained in the battle of the 17th of June last.

An Account of Jonathan Tarbell, for time of his servant, gun, &c., and clothing lost in the battle of the 19th of April last: committed to the Committee appointed to consider the losses suslained in the battle of the 17th of June last.

An Account of Thomas Gardner, father to Thomas Gardner, Jun., for a gun lost in the battle of the 19th of April last: committed to the Committee to consider the Losses sustained in the battle of the 17th of June last.

The Petition of Joseph Greenleaf, praying for an exclusive right for himself, and others, of manufacturing Copperas &c., Read, and committed to Colonel Orne, Mr. Gushing, and Captain Stearns, to be joined with such as the honourable Board shall appoint, to lake the same into consideration, and report thereon what is proper to be done.

On a motion, Ordered, That Mr. Gerry, Mr. Sullivan, Captain Parker, Colonel Dwight, and Colonel Thompson, be a Committee to take into consideration the expediency of providing Military Stores for the Colony, and report thereon what is proper to be done.

On a motion, Ordered, That Mr. Story, Major Moody, and Mr. Stickney, be a Committee to prepare and bring in a temporary Fee-Bill for the Admiralty Courts.

The Committee appointed to consider the Petition of William Young, Chairman of the Committee of Correspondence of the Town of Worcester, relative to George Henry Fisher, a disaffected person, and John Holden, a prisoner, reported. Read, and accepted.

Resolved, That the Selectmen of the Town of Worcester be empowered to furnish George Henry Fisher, a prisoner, sent by order of (A) this Court to Worcester, with clothes suitable to his necessitous circumstances, and that they lay an account of their expenses before this Court, for allowance and payment. Furthermore, that the Committee of Correspondence, (B) who thought proper to commit John Holden, a paper-maker by trade, to jail, for his insolent behaviour towards them, (C) be directed to keep the said Holden in jail until the further order of this Court.


The Committee appointed to consider a Letter from Mr. Greenleaf, relative to Post-Riders, reported. Read, and accepted.

Resolved, That Benjamin Epes, Cadwallader Ford, Jun., Isaac Colton, Joseph Howland, and Timothy Goodwin, be, and hereby are, dismissed as Post-Riders, for the future, and the Colony be at no further charge for their riding.

On a motion, Ordered, That Captain Batchelder and Major Currier be on the Committee to take into consideration the Resolve of the Continental Congress, in the room of Major Cross and Colonel Bowers, who are absent.

The Committee appointed take into consideration a Letter from Mr. Greenleaf, relative to Sulphur, reported verbally. Accepted, and is as follows, viz:

That, as said Greenleaf, is desirous of having an exclusive right of manufacturing not only Copperas, but Sulphur, the Committee are of opinion that said Letter should be referred to the Committee pf both Houses, appointed to take into consideration the Petition for an exclusive right of manufacturing Copperas.

The House then adjourned to nine o'clock, to-morrow morning.

Friday, December 8, 1775.

Benjamin Lincoln, Esq., brought down from the honourable Board a report of a Letter to his Excellency General Washington, relative to calling in the Militia. Read, and concurred.

On a motion, Ordered, That Deacon Nichols, Major Johnson, Captain Parker, Mr. Hall, and Colonel Williams, be a Committee to take into consideration the state of the Poor of Boston and Charlestown, now in the Province, and report what is proper to be done.

The Committee appointed to take into consideration the Petition of Joshua Davis, (who was appointed by this Court an officer in the Army, with the pay and rank of Lieutenant-Colonel,) praying for an allowance of part of his wages, reported. Read, and accepted.

Resolved, That there be paid to Colonel Joshua Davis the sum of thirty-one Pounds four Shillings, it being the pay of a Lieutenant-Colonel in the service of this Colony, from the first day of May up to the first day of August, which pay said Davis was allowed by a Resolve of this Court.

On a motion, Ordered, That a message be sent to the honourable Board, to inform them that the House proposes to come to the choice of Delegates to attend the Continental Congress, on Wednesday next, at three o'clock, P. M., by joint ballot, if agreeable to the honourable Board.

On a motion, Ordered, That Mr. Gerry, Mr. Cooper, and Mr. Story, be a Committee to take into consideration the conduct of Mr. Rand, brother of Dr. Rand, a suspected person, and report what is proper to be done.

A Bill, intituled "An Act for making and emitting of Bills of Publick Credit," having had three several readings, passed to be engrossed, by Colonel Dwight, Deacon Nichols, and Colonel Cutt.

Ordered, That Mr. Speaker be a Committee to wait on his Excellency General Washington, and be informed whether his Excellency chooses to take into his care the Ordnance Stores received from this Colony, and if it is agreeable to give receipts for the same, as vouchers for a charge to the Continent.

Ordered, That Doctor Fletcher, Colonel Perry, and Colonel Thompson, be a Committee to inquire what number of Cannon belonging to the several towns and of what sizes, are now in the Continental Army under the care of General Washington.

Samuel Holten, Esq., brought down from the honourable Board a Resolve of the House on the Petition of William Young, Chairman of the Committee of Correspondence at Worcester, with the following Vote of Council thereon, viz:

In Council, December, 8 1775: Read, and concurred, with the amendment at A, B and C, viz: At A, dele "this Court," and insert "the major part of the Council; dele from B to C, and insert, "of the said town, who have thought proper to recommit to Jail for some late insolent behaviour, one John Holden, formerly a soldier in the Ministerial army." Read and concurred.

Samuel Holten, Esq., brought down from the honourable Board the following Resolve of Council, viz:

Resolved, That the (A) Deputy Secretary be, and he hereby is directed forthwith to take copies of all such Vouchers as the Committee appointed by this Court to prepare the Accounts of charges and expenses incurred by this Colony in the defence of American liberty, may think needful to transmit to the honourable Continental Congress: And that he carefully compare such copies with the originals, and attest the same, in order to their lodged in the Secretary's Office, which copies, so attested, shall have all the validity and effect the originals (B) might or ought to have.

Read, and concurred with the amendment at A and B viz: At a dele "Deputy"; at B insert, "and the Secretary is directed to consult with the said Committee, and be

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