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desiring that they would send down the Bill for an emission of Bills of publick Credit, if they have not passed upon it.

Ordered, That Mr. Cooper, Mr. Wheeler, and Colonel Thurston, be a Committee to consider a Letter from the Committee of the County of Fairfax, in Virginia, and a Letter from General Washington, enclosing it, relative to a sum of money sent to him for the suffering poor of Boston.

Moses Gill, Esq., brought down a Bill for an emission of Bills of publick Credit.

Charles Chauncy, Esq., brought down the Report of the Committee appointed to consider the representation of the Committee of Correspondence of the Town of Dartmouth, viz:

That by said representation, and that of Mr. Jireh Willis, it appears to this Committee to be a matter of such importance as to demand the attention of the publick; and the Committee are of opinion that there ought to be a Committee of Court appointed to view the premises and report.

J. PALMER, per order.

In Council, December 16, 1775: Read, and accepted, and Ordered, That Walter Spooncr, Esq., with such as the honourable House shall join, be a Committee for the purposes mentioned in the above Report.

Read, and concurred; and Captain Hathaway and Dr. Baylies are joined to the Committee of the honourable Board.

A Letter from his Excellency General Washington, enclosing a copy of sundry Resolves of the Continental Congress. Read and sent up.

Ordered, That Mr. Phillips, Colonel Otis, and Major Bliss, be a Committee to consider and report some further and more effectual measures for supplying the Army with Wood.

Ordered, That a message go to the honourable Board, informing them that this House is ready, agreeable to the Order of the Day, to come to the choice of Sea-Coast Officers for the Town of Gloucester, agreeable to a late Resolve of this Court; and that the House propose to begin with the choice of a General Officer.

Voted, That this last Order be reconsidered, and that a message go to the honourable Board informing them that this House propose to put off the choice of said Officers for the Town of Gloucester, until Tuesday next, ten o'clock, A. M.

Walter Spooncr, Esq., accordingly came down and informed the House that the honourable Board agreed to the said proposal.

Benjamin Lincoln, Esq., brought down the Report of the Committee relative to fixing out Vessels for Powder, &c, with the following Vote of Council thereon, viz:

In Council, December 16, 1775: Read, and concurred, and thereupon Resolved, That William Sever, Benjamin Greenleaf, and Moses Gill, Esquires, with such as the honourable House shall join, be a Committee for the purposes mentioned in the above Report.

Read, and concurred, and Mr. Speaker, Colonel Orne, Captain Foster, and Major Cross, are joined to the Committee of the honourable Board.

Ordered, That Mr. Gerry, Mr. Phillips, and Major Bliss, be a Committee to bring in a Resolve for altering the style and title of the chief officer to be appointed for the Town of Gloucester, agreeable to a late Resolve of this Court.

Ordered, That the Bill for an emission of Money (being amended) be sent up to the honourable Board.

James Prescott, Esq., brought down a Letter from the honourable James Otis, Esq., in Barnstable, relative to the conduct of the Tories there, and, in particular, of a person at the head of them, who professes himself a Whig, wilh the following Order of Council thereon, viz:

In Council, December 16, 1775: Read, and Ordered, That Walter Spooner and Moses Gill, Esqs., with such as the honourable House shall join, be a Committee to take the foregoing Letters and collateral papers into consideration, and report.

Read, and concurred, and Col. Freeman, Mr. Cooper, and Colonel Gushing, are joined.

Ordered, That a message go to the honourable Board, desiring that they would direct said Committee to sit forth with.

A Memorial of Jacob Boardman, of Neicburyport, setting forth, that he, with a number of others, inhabitants of said town, had made preparations for a voyage to Europe, for gunpowder, and other military stores, and praying the Court (if their intention is thought to tend to the publick advantage) to give them suitable encouragement.

Read, and committed to Colonel Freeman, Mr. Crane, and Doctor Baylies.

Benjamin White, Esq., brought down the Letter of General Washington, with a copy of sundry Resolves of the Continental Congress, (sent up to the Board this day,) with the following vote of Council thereon, viz:

In Council, December 16, 1775: Read, and committed to the Committee of both Houses already appointed to consider the former part of the said Resolves of Congress.

The Committee appointed to consider what further measures are necessary for supplying the Army with Wood, reported. Read and accepted.

Resolved, That some Member be immediately sent to the Selectmen of each cf the towns, who are directed by a late Resolve of General Assembly to supply the Army daily with Wood, and make inquiry if the directions of said Resolve have been fully complied with; if not, that they enjoin said Selectmen, that they by no means fail to cause it to be done, as they tender their own safety; and that in case of any failure hereafter, they give immediate notice to the Chairman of the Committee of this Court for supplying Wood, and the reasons thereof: And also that the said Selectmen be requested to cause as much more than is set to their respective towns as they possibly can, to be daily carried to the Army. That application be made to the Selectmen of the Towns of Medford and Watertown, that the former cause the quantity of three-and-a-half cords to be carried daily to the wood-yard on Prospect-Hill, and the latter the quantity of three cords to be daily carried to Cambridge. That the Town of Lincoln have the liberty to carry the quantity of Wood apportioned to them to the wood-yard in Cambridge.

Ordered, That Mr. Phillips, Major Bliss, and Colonel Carpenter, be a Committee to see that the foregoing Resolve be carried into execution.

Ordered, That Capt. Goodman and Mr. Starkweather he on the Committee appointed to consider the state of the Poor of Boston and Charlestown, and report what is best to be done.

Ordered, That Mr. Story get the Resolve relative to the Army bringing in their Muster-Rolls to the 1st of August, printed in the next Watertown Gazette.


John Taylor, Esquire, brought down an examination of Captain David Duers and Mr. Joseph Akin taken by the Committee of Inspection of the Town of Dartmouth, relative to the Nantucket, people supplying the Army with provision, with the following Order of Council thereon, viz:

In Council, December 16, 1775: Read, and Ordered, That Walter Spooner and Moses Gill, Esquires, with such as the honourable House shall join, be a Committee to take the foregoing representation under consideration, and report.

Read, and concurred, and Mr. Story, Colonel Gushing, and Mr. Pitts, are joined.

A Petition of Joshua Fabyan, praying that he may be paid the amount of an account exhibited for supply to the Militia who were assembled from different parts of the County of Cumberland, in consequence of an attack made upon the Town of Falmouth by Captain Mowat, on the 18th of October last. Read, and ordered to lie.

Ordered, That Mr. Pitts and Mr. Story be on the Committee to consider the Letter of the Honourable Colonel Otis, relative to the Barnstable Tories, in the room of Colonel Freeman and Mr. Cooper, excused.

The Committee appointed to proportion one hundred and fifty Tons of English, and fifty Tons of salt Hay on the several Towns, to be procured for the American Army reported. Read, and accepted.

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