the Officers of the First Company for Gloucester, reported that the following gentlemen were chosen, viz: Daniel Warner, Captain; John Low, Jun., First Lieutenant; Solomon Gorham, Second Lieutenant.
Ordered, That the same Committee inform the honourable Board that the House apprehend there is a pressing necessity of an immediate appointment of the several Officers to command the Forces to be raised for defending the Sea-Coast; and, especially, as the time for which the Forces were inlisted, who are now on that service, expires to-morrow, and, therefore, propose to proceed to the choice of such Officers this evening.
The same Committee having carried up the votes for the Officers of the Second Company for Gloucester, reported that the following gentlemen were chosen, viz: John Lane, Captain; Jabez Lane, First Lieutenant; Moses Atkinson, Second Lieutenant.
John Whetcomb, Esquire, came down and informed the House that the honourable Board propose to put off the further choice of Officers for Gloucester, to Monday next, ten o'clock, A. M.
John Taylor, Esquire, brought down the Resolve for stationing Forces to guard and defend the Sea-Coast, with the following Vote of Council, viz:
In Council, December 30, 1775: Read, and concurred with the amendments at A and B, viz: At A, dele the words, "thirty days to a month," and insert, "by calendar months;" and at B, add "wheat."
Read, and concurred.
Ordered, That a message go to the honourable Board, informing them that this House will put off the further choice of Officers for the Town of Gloucester, to Monday next, ten o'clock, A. M., agreeable to the proposal of the honourable Board.
The Militia Bill was again considered by the House, and recommitted.
The House adjourned till Monday next, ten o'clock.
Monday, January 1, 1776.
A Petition of John Willman, representing that he received a wound in his back at the battle on Bunker-Hill, on the 17th of June last, and praying allowance for his account of the charge and expense in curing it.
Read, and committed to the Committee appointed to consider Petitions and Accounts of wounded men.
A Bill to enable the Inhabitants of Falmouth to recover Goods taken from them during the late fire there. Read the first time, and ordered to be read again to-morrow morning, ten o'clock.
Ordered, That a message go to the honourable Board, informing them that this House is now ready, according to the Order of the Day, to come to the choice of Sea-Coast Officers for the Third and Fourth Companies at Gloucester.
The Committee appointed to count and sort the votes for Officers to command the Sea-Coast Forces, having carried up the votes for the Officers of the Third and Fourth Companies for Gloucester, reported that the following gentlemen were chosen, viz:
For the Third Company: Bradbury Sounders, Captain; Isaac Somes, First Lieutenant; John Chandler, Second Lieutenant.
For the Fourth Company: William Pearson, Captain; Joseph Lane, First Lieutenant; James Haye, Second Lieutenant.
The same Committee, having carried up the votes of the House for a Commissary for the four Companies to be stationed at Gloucester, reported that Major Samuel Whittemore was unanimously chosen.
Resolved, That three o'clock, in the afternoon, be assigned for the consideration of the pay of the Captains of the Minute-Companies.
Ordered, That Colonel Freeman bring in a Resolve for establishing another Commissary for the Companies to be stationed at Martha's Vineyard and Elizabeth-Islands.
Samuel Holten, Esquire, came down and informed the House that the honourable Board propose to put off the further choice of Officers for the Sea-Coast Forces to some future time.
Ordered, That a message go to the honourable Board, informing them that this House propose to proceed to the choice of Officers for the Sea-Coast Forces at three o'clock, in the afternoon, and to begin with the choice of Officers for the Companies to be stationed at Marblehead.
Benjamin Lincoln, Esquire, came down and informed the House that the honourable Board would proceed to the choice of Officers for the Sea-Coast Forces at three o'clock, in the afternoon, agreeable to the proposal of the House.
Ordered, That Mr. Gray take a fair copy of the Militia Bill, and that it be taken into consideration to-morrow, eleven o'clock, A. M.
Whereas, the late Congress of this Colony ordered that the Regiment under the command of Colonel Edmund Phinney should be marched from Falmouth to Head-Quarters, and many of the persons who billeted them kept no particular account of the articles supplied, but took the receipts of the officers commanding the parties for the same:
It is, therefore, Ordered, That the Committee of Accounts be directed to take under consideration those Receipts, and that, when there shall not appear any fraud or injustice in such Receipts, or any extravagance in the accounts they refer to, they shall be allowed as good vouchers thereto, without the particulars of which said Accounts consist being exhibited; and where it shall appear to said Committee that there is any extravagance in said Accounts, they are directed to deduct the same.
Ordered, That Major Brooks, Mr. Davis, and Colonel Godfrey, be a Committee to consider and report some directions to the Commitiee on Muster-Rolls, with respect to the wages of Servants and Minors.
Colonel Freeman, agreeable to order, reported the following Resolve. Read, and accepted:
Whereas, by a Resolve of Court, which passed in this House on the 28th day of December last, for raising Forces for the defence of the Sea-Coast, it was provided that one Commissary should be appointed to supply the companies to be stationed on the Elizabeth-Islands and Martha's Vineyard with their allowance of provisions, money, wood, barracks, and utensils to cook in; and it being thought necessary there should be more than one for those Islands:
Therefore, it is Resolved, That there shall be appointed one Commissary for Elizabeth-Islands, and one for Martha's Vineyard, instead of one for both.
A Petition of Ebenezer Bradish, setting forth, that at the commencement of the unhappy troubles with the parent state, his inn was open to the free access of such part of the Army as assembled in Cambridge; that he freely distributed necessaries to them, for which he received no allowance, and praying the consideration of the Court.
Read, and committed to Mr. Fessenden, Mr. Allen, arid Mr. Hodges.
A Memorial of Captain John Lane, of Buxton, setting forth, that he has been in commission upwards of twenty years; was the last year stationed with a company at Cape-Ann; and that, being now appointed to the same service, he prays he may rank according to his services and commission. Read, and ordered to lie.
Ordered, That a message go to the honourable Board to inquire if they have passed upon the Resolve directing how the Bills of Credit should be signed.
Ordered, That Colonel Cutt and Colonel Otis be on the Committee to count and sort the votes for Officers to command the Sea-Coast Forces, in the room of Colonel Gardner and Deacon Rawson, absent.
Who, having carried up the votes for the Officers of two Companies to be stationed at Marblehead, reported that the following gentlemen were chosen, viz:
For the First Company: Francis Felton, Captain; Benjamin Ashton, First Lieutenant; Nathaniel Lindsey, Second Lieutenant.
For the Second Company: William Hooper, Captain; Robert Cloutman, First Lieutenant; Thomas Bowden, Second Lieutenant.
The same Committee carried up the votes for the offi