Ordered, That Major Bliss, Mr. Singhtary, Major Ely, Major Smith, and Mr. Hobart, be a Committee to look into the Establishment for the Field-Officers of the Forces raised by this Colony in April and May last, and report what they ought to be allowed per month, all circumstances considered.
James Prescott, Esq., brought down the Report of the Committee of both Houses, appointed to consider what is further necessary to be done, before the Minute-Men and Sea-Coast Rolls are paid off, viz:
Whereas, no direction is given to the Commanding Officers of the several companies of Minute Militia, and also, the Sea-Coast Men, for lodging their respective Rolls in the Treasurer's Office, great damage may arise to this Colony thereby; and whereas, some Companies are stationed at a very considerable distance, which will occasion much charge and difficulty, for want of a duplicate of said Rolls;
Therefore, Resolved, That some person be immediately employed to take copies of such Rolls as have been (A) examined and passed upon, and no duplicate left, (B) and further that none of such be received in for the future without a duplicate as aforesaid attending them, (C) said copies to be examined and certified by the Committee on said Rolls, and lodged in the Secretary's Office.
In Council, January 3, 1776: Read, and accepted.
Read, and concurred, with the following amendments, viz: At A insert, "or may be;" and dele from B to C.
The Report of the Committee appointed to bring in a Resolve for procuring Blankets, was again read, and ordered to lie, and the Members of the several Counties were directed to apportion the number of Blankets set on each County, on the several Towns of their respective Counties.
The Bill providing a speedy and cheap course or method for the recovery of Debts. Read a second time, and the further consideration of it put off to three o'clock, in the afternoon.
Resolved, That ten o'clock, to-morrow, A. M., be assigned for the consideration of the Resolve containing the -appointment and commission of five gentlemen to represent this Colony at the next Continental Congress.
The House concurred the Resolve of the honourable Board, brought down the 28th ultimo, relative to Accounts exhibited against the Colony by Innholders and others.
The Committee appointed yesterday to confer with Mr. Phillips, on his proposal of erecting a Powder-Mill, reported a Resolve, which was read, amended, and accepted, and sent up for concurrence.
Note.—The foregoing Resolve was afterwards taken into a new draft, and, therefore, is not inserted here.
Ordered, That Colonel Grout and Mr. Cushing be on the Committee to consider some further provision for defence of the Sea-Coast, in the room of Colonel Cushing and Colonel Freeman, absent.
The Committee of this day appointed to inspect the establishment of the Field-Officers, &c., reported.
Read, and recommitted, and the Committee were directed to inquire thoroughly into the matter in particular; to examine the Records and Papers of the Congress and Committee of Safety, and to make application to some of the Officers of the Army for the original, or an attested copy of the establishment, and to avail themselves of the grounds on which the Colonels expected fifteen Pounds per month.
The House then adjourned to ten o'clock, to-morrow morning.
Thursday, January 4, 1776.
The Committee on the Petition of the Selectmen of the Town of Bridgewater, reported. Read, and not accepted, and ordered to be recommitted.
A Petition and Memorial of the Town of Salem, setting forth their distressed circumstances, and praying that they may be exonerated the whole of the Colony tax laid on them for the current year Read, and the petitioners had leave to withdraw their Petition.
Ordered, That Mr. Story get the Resolve for procuring Blankets printed as soon as it has passed the honourable Board.
Colonel Joseph Foster, having been appointed to the command of the Forces to be stationed at the Town of Gloucester, moved the House that a precept may issue to that Town for the choice of some person to represent it in his stead:
Whereupon, Ordered, That Mr. Davis, Mr. Gardner, and Major Blood, be a Committee to consider the said motion, and report.
Ordered, That the Secretary be directed to lay upon the table the Resolve of Court appointing a Committee to sign the Bills of Credit.
The Secretary laid the same on the table, accordingly. The Secretary came in with the following Message from a majority of the honourable Council, viz: Gentlemen of the House of Representatives:
The danger that a correspondence would be carried on between a few disaffected inhabitants of this Colony and the enemies of America, through the Town of Hull, to the men-of-war lying in and near Nantasket-Road; and that our enemies might be supplied in that channel, induced the General in July last to cause the inhabitants of said town to be removed, and to place and constantly keep up a guard at the entrance of the beach leading into that town; the guards continued until the 1st of December past, at which time their inlistment expired, and they returned to their several homes in Connecticut. Upon this, and Colonel Lincoln being told, that several persons had been seen to go to Hull, but none being observed to return, he directed a small guard from the Militia in the vicinity to be placed at the entrance of said town, and to continue there until they should receive further orders; he immediately laid the whole matter before the Council. They sent a message to his Excellency General Washington, requesting that he would place a guard there, and relieve the Militia; he gave encouragement to our messenger that he would give orders for that purpose; but it hath been delayed, and now the Council are acquainted that the lines at Cambridge and Roxbury are so thin that no men can be spared for the purpose aforesaid. The Council, therefore, thought it their duty to make this representation to the honourable House, and recommend to them that provision be immediately made, not only for guarding the passage into said town, but, also, that suitable guards be placed in the towns of Braintree, Weymouth, and Hingham.
Council Chamber, January 4, 1776.
Read, and committed to the Committee appointed to consider some provision for defence of the Sea-Coast.
Ordered, That the Committee appointed to sign the Bills of Credit be directed to proceed immediately upon that business.
Ordered, That the Secretary be directed to attend this House, that he may be inquired of concerning the proceedings of the honourable Board with respect to Dr. Gehton.
The Secretary attended accordingly, and informed the House that the honourable Board had passed a Resolve for liberating the said Gehton, on his giving certain bonds.
Whereupon, Ordered, That the Secretary lay the same upon the table.
The Secretary laid the same upon the table accordingly.
Ordered, That a message go to the honourable Board, desiring that they would not suffer Doctor Gelston to go at large till some orders had passed both Houses respecting him.
Jabez Fisher, Esquire, brought down the following Resolve of the honourable Board:
In Council, January 4, 1776: Whereas, a Committee of both Houses have been appointed for signing and numbering the Bills of Credit for the seventy-five thousand Pounds emission, and as the publick affairs of the Colony press hard upon the Board, they cannot (without injuring the