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appointed to consider the subject matter of a Report on the Petition of a number of the Inhabitants of Majabigwaduce, relative to the;conduct of John Bakeman, Esq.

The Committee appointed to consider and report some Directions "to the Committee on Muster-Rolls, with respect to Minors and Servants, reported. Read, and not accepted.*

Benjamin Lincoln, Esq., brought down the Militia Bill, with sundry amendments thereof proposed by the honourable Board, and the same were considered by the House.

The House then adjourned to ten o'clock, to-morrow morning.

Thursday, January 11, 1776.

Jedediah Foster, Esq., brought down the Report of the Committee of both Houses, appointed to consider a Plan for fitting out Armed Vessels for the defence of American liberty.

Joseph Palmer, Esq., brought down a Letter from his Excellency General Washington, dated the 10th current, relative to the strength of the Lines, Recruits, and Recruiting-Officers.

"Read, and committed to Captain Stone, Mr. Jewett, of Ipswich, and Major Brooks, with such as the honourable Board may join.

Charles Chauncy, Esq., brought down the following Resolve, viz:

In Council, January 11, 1776: Whereas, by a Resolve of the General Court, passed the 9th of November last, among other things, it was

"Resolved, That the Captains and other Officers who inarched on the alarm of the 19th of April last, be directed to make up their respective Rolls as soon as may be, and lodge them in the Secretary's Office, for the consideration of the Court; and whereas, by the said Resolve the payment of said Rolls were ordered to be stayed till the Accounts of the Innholders, and others, who afforded entertainment or money to bear their expenses to the men borne on said Rolls, in their march to and from the place of rendezvous, should be preferred and considered by this Court, which accounts were directed to be exhibited to this Court on or before the 20th day of December then next; and whereas, the said Order of Court directing the Accounts of Innholders, and others, to be exhibited, hath not been complied with, and the Officers who have presented their Rolls are soliciting the payment thereof:

Therefore, Resolved, That Samuel Holten, Esq., with such as the honourable House shall join, be a Committee to take the premises into consideration, and report some remedy for the foregoing difficulty.

Read, and concurred, and Captain Stone and Colonel Lovell joined.

Caleb Cushing, Esq., brought down the Resolve which passed this House the 8th instant, relative to the Estates of Refugees, with the following Vote of Council thereon, viz:

In Council, January 11, 1776: Read, and concurred with the amendments specified in the annexed Paper.

The amendments proposed by the honourable Board, are as follows, viz: At A, dele "above described," and insert, "who have joined the Ministerial troops and others, or who have, absconded this Colony as aforesaid." At B, dele "the above described persons, or any of them," and insert, "those who have joined the Ministerial troops and others, or who have absconded the Colony as aforesaid."

At C, add, "to whom they are to be accountable, provided always, that nothing in the foregoing Resolve shall extend to such estates, real or personal, as are now improved by persons late inhabitants of the Town of Boston, who have given up their estates in said town to the owners of the estates on which they now dwell."

Read, and non-concurred, and the House propose the following amendments, viz: At A, dele "above described," and insert, "who have joined the Ministerial troops and others, or who have absconded this Colony as aforesaid." At B, dele "the above described persons, or any of them," and insert, "those who have joined the Ministerial troops and others, or who have absconded this Colony as aforesaid."

Mr. Speaker communicated to the House a Letter from the Honourable William Williams, Esq., Speaker of the House of Assembly, of Connecticut, enclosing three Acts passed in that Colony, viz:

One intituled, "An Act for restraining and punishing all persons who are inimical to the liberties of this and the rest of the United Colonies, and for directing proceedings therein."

Another intituled, "An Act for raising and equipping a body of Minute-Men, to be held in readiness for the better defence of that Colony."

The other intituled, "An Act for encouraging the manufacture of Saltpetre and Gunpowder."

All which Acts were read, and committed to Mr. Speaker and Major Hawley, with such as the honourable Board may join.

The amendments proposed by the honourable Board to be made in the Militia Bill, were again considered and nonconcurred, and the House proposed divers other amendments, which were sent up for concurrence,


A Petition of Elisha Wheeler, praying (for reasons particularly set forth in said Petition,) consideration and allowance for a Horse which was shot under him on the day of the battle of Lexington.

Read, and committed to Major Hodges, Mr. Bent, and Deacon Rawson.

A Petition of Charles White, praying consideration and allowance for a Horse belonging to him, which was taken and carried away in the time of the battle of Lexington.

Read, and the Petitioner had leave to withdraw his Petition.

Ordered, That the Committee on Muster-Roils be directed to disallow the wages of such as are noted on the Rolls as deserters.

Ordered, That the Committee on Muster-Roils be directed to pursue the instructions given them in a late Resolve of this Court.

Benjamin Lincoln, Esq., brought down the Militia Bill, with the following Vote of Council, viz:

In Council, January 11, 1776; Read, and concurred with the amendments proposed by the honourable House, with the additional amendment at CC, viz: At CC insert, "Justices of the Peace."

Read, and non-concurred, and the House adhere to their own vote.

Ordered, That the Members from the Sea-Coast Counties, where any Officers are to be appointed, prepare a list, to be laid upon the table as soon as may be.

The House then adjourned till ten o'clock, to-morrow morning.

Friday, January 19, 1776.

A Petition of Joseph Pearse Palmer, setting forth, that he officiated solely in the capacity of Quartermaster-General from May 1st to August 14th, and praying to be reimbursed the expenses he was at during that time, agreeable to an Account annexed.

Read, and committed to Deacon Stickney, Mr. Jewett, of Littleton, and Major Smith.

Ordered, That Major Fuller, Deacon Stickney, and

Colonel Howe, be a Committee to inquire into the state of

the Treasury, and report what money there now is, or is

likely to be therein in two or three days.

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