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the Officers of the Company to be stationed at Sheepscut-River, in the County of Lincoln, reported, that the follow ing gentlemen were chosen, viz:

Israel Davis, Captain; Nathaniel Winslow, First Lieutenant; Christopher Woodbridge, Second Lieutenant; David Reed, Commissary.

Ordered, That a message go to the honourable Board to inform them that this House propose to put off the choice of Sea-Coast Officers till to-morrow, twelve o'clock.

Resolved, That Mr. Hopkins have leave to bring in a Resolve for the appointing of another Commissary for the Salem and Marblehead Companies.

Ordered, That the Secretary lay upon the table the last establishment for Sea-Coast Forces, viz: for three Companies to be stationed in the County of Lincoln, one at Truro, in the County of Barnstable, &c.

Mr. Hopkins, agreeable to order, reported. Read, and accepted.

Whereas, by a Resolve of this Court of the 27th of December last, provision is made for a Commissary for the Forces stationed on the Sea-Coast at Salem and Marblehead, and as it appears to be more for the publick benefit that there should be a Commissary for each of these towns:

It is, therefore, Resolved, That the Commissary already appointed be a Commissary for the Companies at Marblehead only; and that a Commissary be appointed for the Forces stationed in the Town of Salem.

The House then adjourned till ten o'clock, to-morrow morning.

Wednesday, January 17, 1776.

Ordered, That the Doorkeeper direct the attendance of Major Sewall.

Ordered, That Deacon Cheever be of the Committee to consider a meet grant to the President of Harvard College, in the room of Colonel Freeman, absent.

On the Petition of Samuel Osgood, read January 13th:Resolved, That the Treasurer be directed to pay him, or order, the sum of twenty-four Pounds, in full discharge for his services as Major of Brigade in the Army, from the 19th of April to the 20th of July last. Colonel Lovell, agreeable to order, reported. Read, and accepted. Whereas, his Excellency General Washington hath informed this Court, that he doth not think himself at liberty to pay four Companies of men who have generally done duty at Braintree, Weymouth, and Hingham, the last year; and the said Companies having received no part of their pay from him since August last:

Therefore, Resolved, That the Officers of the said four Companies be directed to make up their Rolls to the first day of January current, and observe such rules as were given to the Officers in the camps at Cambridge and Roxbury.

A Petition of Lazarus Goodwin, of Plymouth, for himself and brother Nathaniel, setting forth, that they have a valuable sum of money, to the amount of one thousand Pounds, sterling, and upwards, at Cadiz, and praying that they may be permitted to send a vessel therefor, for particular reasons set forth in said Petition.

Read, and committed to Mr. Brown, of Boston, Colonel Otis, and Mr. Wheeler.

The Resolve containing a commission of the gentlemen delegated by this Court to represent the Colony at the Continental Congress, brought down December 27th. Read, and committed to Mr. Speaker, Major Hawley, and Mr. Cooper, with such as the honourable Board may join; and said Committee are directed to form Instructions to said Delegates.

Ordered, That the Committee appointed to prepare a Fee-Bill for the Admiralty Courts, be directed to report forthwith.

A Petition of Joseph Ward, praying a reward for his services as Aid-de-camp and Secretary to General Ward, from the 19th April to the 20th July. Read, and committed to Mr. Jewett, of Ipswich, Deacon Cheever, and Major Johnson.

Benjamin Lincoln, Esq., brought down the Militia BiII, with the following Vote of Council, viz:

In Council, January 17, 1776: Read, and concurred, with the following amendment on the annexed label H H, viz: Dele the words "by any Officer inferior to the Colonel of the Regiment to which they belong."

Mr. Freeman, agreeable to order, reported the following Resolve, which was read and accepted, viz:

Resolved, That that part of the Sea-Coast establishment which respects the raising two Companies in the County of Cumberland be so far reconsidered, as that Captain Bryant Morton, lately appointed by this Court to command one of the said Companies, be, and he is hereby empowered and directed to inlist the whole, or any part thereof in any other County in this Colony where he can fill up the same with the greatest despatch, except in Sea-Port Towns, and that Colonel Thompson be, and hereby is empowered and directed to sign inlisting orders, and give a Form of Inlistment to the said Morton, agreeable to the establishment before-mentioned.

Ordered, That the Secretary lay upon the table the Report of the Committee on his Excellency General Washington's Letter of the 10th instant.

Whereupon, Mr. John Lowell, Deputy Secretary, pro tern., came down and informed the House that it was not upon the file, and supposed that through the hurry of business the Committee carried it lo the General's.

On motion, Ordered, That seven Regiments, of seven hundred and twenty-eight men each, including officers, be immediately raised from the Militia of this Colony, to join the Continental Army; and that Major Bliss, Mr. Crane, Colonel Thurston, Captain Thatcher, Mr. Turner, Mr. Davis, Colonel Godfrey, Deacon Hovey, Major Learned, Mr. Herrick, Captain Morton, and Captain Davis, be a Committee to proportion the same upon the several towns in their respective Counties.

A Letter from his Excellency General Washington, of this day, desiring the Court to order in, with as much expedition as the nature of the case will admit, seven Regiments agreeable to the establishment of this Army, to continue in service till the 1st of April, if required; also, relative to the purchase of Fire-Arms; and, proposing to accept of a loan of half the sum which the Court has offered to lend him;

Read, and committed with a copy of the establishment of the Continental Army to the Committee of Twelve, above chosen.

The Committee appointed to report a Bill for establishing Fees for the Courts of Admiralty, reported. Read, and considered, and ordered to be brought in, in form of a Resolve.

A Letter from the Committee of St. Georges, relative to the conduct of Captain Francis Haskill, in carrying a sloop-load of wood to Boston, &c. Read, and committed to Colonel Orne, Mr. Cushing, and Major Cross.

The amendment proposed by the honourable Board to be made in the Militia Bill, was considered by the House, and the Bill was recommitted to Mr. Gerry, Major Hawley, and Mr. Cooper.


Jedediah Foster, Esq., brought down the two Petitions of the Selectmen of Dorchester, with Reports thereon.

The Committee appointed to consider the Account of the Selectmen of Stockbridge, with regard to the Powder by them delivered for the use of this Colony, or Army, and being directed to take up the same at large, reported by way of Resolve. Read, and accepted.

Resolved, That the Committees, or Selectmen of the several Towns in this Colony, send a just and true account of all the Powder, Lead, and Flints, by them delivered, by order of the Congress, or House of Representatives of this Colony, for the use of said Colony, or Army, to the Committee of Accounts by the 1st day of April next, in order to their being paid for the same, the Powder at five Shillings per pound, the Lead at five Pence per pound, the Flints at five Shillings per hundred, unless they choose to have the same replaced when the state of this Colony will permit of.

And it is further Resolved, That the Selectmen, or Com-

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