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Thursday, February 1, 1776.

Ordered Captain Titus Salter to deliver the Field-Pieces and Stores, lately took from Captain Turner, to him again, without delay.

Wrote to a number of Towns who have been deficient in sending in the number of Inhabitants, to do it without delay.

Ordered the Treasurer to pay George Gains the balance of his Account exhibited this day, amounting to sixty-nine Pounds five Shillings one and three-fourths of a Penny; his whole Account, not exhibited, because many bills out.

Ordered the Treasurer to pay Major Gains, to be by him accounted for, as Quartermaster, one hundred Pounds.

Ordered the Treasurer to pay Colonel Morey one thousand Pounds, to buy Snow Shoes, Blankets, Hatchets, and Rum, for the Canada Regiment.

Friday, February 2, 1776.

Spent in writing a number of Letters, and waiting for Colonel Bedel.

Saturday, February 3, 1776.

Filled up Continental Commissions for Colonel Bedel's Regiment.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Theophilus Gilman, for Axes and Hatchets, seventeen Pounds five Shillings.

Ordered ditto, to pay Messrs. Thurstin & Jones, for ditto, seven Pounds seven Shillings and six Pence.

Ordered ditto, to pay Messrs. Rundlet & Son, for ditto, twenty-eight Pounds seven Shillings and four and-a-half Pence.

Ordered ditto, to pay Richard Champney, for his expenses after Tin Kettles, one Pound two Shillings and ten Pence.

Gave orders to Colonel Morey to be Paymaster to Colonel Bedel's Company, Lieutenant Thornton's, and Ensign Wheeler's; and ordered the Treasurer to pay him one hundred and forty Pounds; likewise to pay Colonel Morcy the balance of his Account, sixty-three Pounds seven Shillings and three Pence.

Gave orders to Major Gains to muster Salter's and Daniels's Company.

Adjourned to Tuesday, ten o'clock.

Tuesday, February 6, 1776.

Not Members enough present to proceed on business.

Wednesday, February 7, 1776.

Ordered the Treasurer to pay the Roll of Captain Peter Coffin, amounting to ninety-four Pounds twelve Shillings and five Pence, stopping from Captain Coffin, thirteen Pounds two Shillings.

Thursday, February 8, 1776.

Ordered the Treasurer to pay Captain William Cooper, his Pay-Roll, six Pounds seventeen Shillings and six Pence.

Friday, February 9, 1776.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Captain Henry Elkins, his Pay-Roll, one hundred and seventeen Pounds seven Shillings and four Pence.

Gave liberty to Captain William Furnald to proceed to Philadelphia, Virginia, Maryland, or North-Carolina, he giving a bond to the Committee of Safety of the Town of Portsmouth, with sureties, in a sufficient sum, that he will by no means break or intrude on any Resolve, or declaration of the Continental Congress.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Colonel Ebenezer Folsom, the amount of expenses of the Indians who came here from Head-Quarters, three Pounds two Shillings and five Pence.

Saturday, February 10, 1776.

Ordered the Treasurer to pay Mr. Nicholas Nichols, twenty-four Shillings, towards his expenses in transporting the Indians.

Ordered the Treasurer to pay Secretary, MaithewThornton, his wages, and price of rations as made up in the Roll, amounting to eighteen Pounds nineteen Shillings and two Pence.

To the following persons, soldiers in Osgood's Company, the sums set against their names, being in full of their wages, exclusive of Coat money: Andrew Healy, three Pounds fifteen Shillings and three Pence; Solomon Todd, four Pounds nine Shillings and eight Pence; John Wallace, four Pounds nineteen Shillings and one Penny; Stephen Bethel, six Pounds eleven Shillings and nine Pence; John Ryant, nine Pound six Shillings and two Pence; Duncan McGregor, eight Pounds seventeen Shillings and two Pence; Joseph Hatch, seven Pounds thirteen Shillings and one Penny.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Joseph Ayers, to be by him accounted for out of his expense, in transporting the Indians, six Pounds.

Ordered the Treasurer to pay Abner Chamherlin the sum of sixteen Pounds eleven Shillings and four Pence, for going express to Canada to carry money to Colonel Bedel.

Ordered the Treasurer to pay Captain James Osgood his own wages, price of rations and stoppages, out of the soldiers' wages, accounted to his Pay-Roll; also the wages, &c, due to Ezekiel Walker, George Kentfield, Supply Walker, Ebenezer Green, Nathaniel Eastman, Benjamin Heath, Leonard Herryman, Jonathan Johnson, Barnes Hazelton, Ezekiel Stickney, John Moore, Joseph Colby, Zcphaniah Petty, Daniel Chandler, Jonathan Dresser, Abiel Messer, Daniel Emerson Cross, Thomas Spring, Archibald Sterling.

Ordered the Receiver to pay Mr. Theodore Carlton ten Pounds three Shillings, for the expenses of Indians, &c. , while at his house.

Ordered the Receiver-General, Mr. Ebenezer Green, to pay the following sums, being stoppages, viz:

To Captain Parker, fifty-two Pounds seven Shillings and six Pence.

To Colonel Bedel's Company, Lieutenant Abner Palmer, seventy-seven Pounds nineteen Shillings and seven Pence.

To Colonel Bedel's Staff-Roll, nineteen Pounds fourteen Shillings and one Penny.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Mr. John Noble six Shillings, for bringing a Letter from Head-Quarters from General Washington.

Ordered the Treasurer to pay Captain John Parker his wages, price of rations, and stoppages, amounting to one hundred and fifty-nine Pounds thirteen Shillings and ten Pence.

Also, Lieutenant Asa Pattec's wages, sixteen Pounds ten Shillings and seven Pence; John Pattee, ten Pounds nine Shillings and five Pence: Joseph Harwel, eleven Pounds three Shillings and ten Pence; Alexander Packer, eight Pounds seventeen Shillings and ten Pence; William Duriah, ten Pounds eleven Shillings and four Pence; Samuel Packer, ten Pounds six Shillings and six Pence; James Thompson, ten Pounds one Shilling and six Pence; Stephen Lowell, eight Pounds eight Shillings and three Pence; Samuel Gault, six Pounds fifteen Shillings and eight Pence; Asa Pattee, Jun., two Pounds two Shillings and nine Pence; Samuel Smith, four Pounds nine Shillings and nine Pence; John Loring, six Pounds nineteen Shillings and eleven Pence.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Colonel Timothy Bedel, seven hundred and eighty-five Pounds, lawful money, to be by him delivered to Israel Morey, Esq., to pay off the Troops at Cohasset.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Tread, Tracy thirty-six Dollars, for bringing twelve thousand five hundred Dollars from Philadelphia, and delivering the same to said Receiver-General.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Colonel Timothy Bedel forty-eight Pounds nineteen Shillings and two Pence, lawful money, for supplying the sick of four Companies.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Colony Timothy Bedel fifty Pounds, lawful money, in Gold and Silver, to be by him accounted for.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Captain James

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