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Osgood thirteen Pounds seven Shillings and six Pence, for expenses attending the sick of his Company.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Pierce Long one hundred Pounds, to be by him accounted for as Barrack-master.

Sunday, February 11, 1776.

Spent in fitting off despatches for Colonel Morcy, Colonel Bedel, and the Canada Officers.

Tuesday, February 13, 1776.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Doctor Josiah Gilman his account for doctoring the Indians, one Pound six Shillings and nine Pence.

Wednesday, February 14, 1776.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Samuel Brooks, Jun., for his time, expenses and horse-hire, to Hampton and to Portsmouth, express, for a carriage and man, to carry the Indians to Suncook, it being very stormy, fourteen Shillings.

Thursday, February 15, 1776.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Captain Titus Salter's Roll to each man, respectively, he having accounted for three hundred and sixty-two Pounds eighteen Shillings and eleven Pence, per his Receipt to the Treasurer. Likewise, ordered him to pay his short Roll, of thirty-nine Pounds sixteen Shillings and nine Pence.

Friday, February 16, 1776.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Samuel Cutts, as Commissary, three hundred and twenty Pounds, to be by him accounted for.

Saturday, February 17, 1776.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Nicholas Nichols thirty-five Shillings, for Trucking while at Portsmouth.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Mr. Benjamin Partridge fourteen Pounds one Shilling and four and-a-half Pence, for placing Fire-Rafts, &c.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay the Roll of Captain David Copp, for his Company at Portsmouth; at the same time to deduct out of Captain Copp's Roll three Pounds he received in advance, and forty Shillings paid Lieutenant Gilman.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Captain Eliphalet Daniel's Roll to each man, up to the 31st December, he having accounted for two hundred and thirty-four Pounds eighteen Shillings and ten Pence, received, as per his Roll, at the Treasury.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay to Mr. Richard Champney for his time, horse-hire, and expenses, going to Milton after Paper to print Money on, three Pounds ten Shillings and six Pence.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay off the Roll of Captain Joseph Parsons, for his Company at Portsmouth.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay the Roll of Captain Eliphalet Daniels up to the 17th February, inclusive.

Thursday, February 22, 1776.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay the Roll of Captain Jacob Webster; also, to pay Captain Webster two Pounds one Shilling and one Penny, for stoppages.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Captain Titus Salter's Roll, made up to the 16th February, inclusive. "Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Deacon John Hill seventy-one Pounds nineteen Shillings and six Pence, being the cost, after making the necessary deductions of two pair of Fire-Rafts, made at Berwick, and for delivering the same at Portsmouth.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Captain Moses Baker one hundred and twenty Pounds and six Pence, being the balance due on his Roll.

Ordered trie Receiver-General to pay Lieutenant Deering's Roll, made up from the 11th to the 15th November, being four days only.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Captain George Turner's Roll, made from 15th November, 1775, to 15th January, 1776.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Captain George Turner his Roll, made from the 15th to the 30th January, at which time they were discharged.

Major George Gains made a return of the Soldiers mustered in Captain Salter's Company.

Do of those in Captain Daniels's Company.

Friday, February 23, 1776.

Received a Letter from Captain John Langdon requesting some Powder for his Carpenters. In answer to which, we advised him that the Quartermaster should be ordered to deliver them half a hundred weight each out of the publick stock, at the time of danger, to be by them accounted for.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Major Gains forty-one Pounds seventeen Shillings and four and-a-half Pence, balance due per Account.

Ordered Major Gains to apply to Major Hackett, Mr. John Marshall, and Captain John Hill, to appraise the damages the Gondolas and Boats have sustained in the service of the Colony.

At the request of the proprietors of the Schooner privateer, called the Enterprise, we have appointed Thomas Palmer Commander, in the room of Captain Daniel Jackson, who has resigned.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Colonel Jacob Gale fourteen Pounds one Shilling and six Pence, being the amount of his Account for Shot, Hoes, &c.

Ordered the Receiver-General to pay Major Gains, to be accounted for, three hundred and seventy-five Pounds.

Saturday, February 24, 1776.

Captain Benjamin Boardman returned to the Receiver two Fire-Arms; likewise, four Pounds sixteen Shillings, cash, in lieu of two others not returned.


A gentleman, of the name of Smith, has just now lodged seven of the leaders of the Regulators in Halifax jail, among whom are four of the Fields. The names of the others 1 do not know, but neither Hunter nor Piles are amongst them. He informs me that the insurrection is entirely suppressed with respect to the Regulators, and says he thinks the Highlanders are dispersed before now. I do not give implicit credit to this last-mentioned conjecture, because we have later accounts than Mr. Smith's, (who was only as low down, i believe, as Chatham Court-House,) which contradict it. However, it is clear to me that there will not be a gun fired upon this occasion; for the number of our troops (not less, perhaps, than five thousand) will, undoubtedly, awe the Highlanders into submission, if they are not already dispersed. Governour Martin, it seems, had kept up a correspondence with the disaffected in the western part of this Province, and formed a plan of insurrection, issued Colonels' commissions to many Counties for this purpose, and ordered that such men as should take arms should repair to the Royal standard, at Brunswick, by the 15lh of this month, promising that they should be then and there supported by five thousand Regulars,

Your mind being relieved from all anxiety for us, you will be at full liberty to exert all your powers for the good of Virginia; and I flatter myself that your conduct will bring credit to your County, and honour to yourself.


[No. 24.]Annapolis, February 24, 1776.

GENTLEMEN: We some time since informed you that we had appointed a number of persons, in each County of the Province, to collect all the gold and silver coin that can be got within this week, or ten days. We have had applications from several of those who were appointed to

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