Thursday, February 15, 1776.
In Committee of Safety: Present—
Thomas Wharton, Jun., Chairman, Daniel Roberdeau, George Taylor, John Nixon, Robert White, Samuel Milts, Samuel Howell.
Resolved, That Robert Towers, Commissary, deliver to Colonel Dickinson, or his order, for the use of the Battalion of Associators going for New-York, what Provincial Arms and Accoutrements he may have, and that the Colonel may want; and, also, such Ammunition as he may want belonging to the Continent, taking a receipt for the same.
Resolved, That Captain Robert White and John Nixon, be directed to apply to Simon Shintock, and in their name, to request him to finish the Ship, now building for this Province, with the greatest expedition, and to employ an additional number of men for that purpose.
Adjourned to two o'clock, when the following Members were present:
Thomas Wharton, Jun., George Gray, Robert White, Alexander Wilcocks, Daniel Roberdeau, Owen Riddle, George Clymer, Benjamin Bartholomew, Samuel Hunter, Samuel Howell, Samuel Miles.
This Board taking into their consideration the Report from the Committee of Observation and Inspection for the City and Liberties of Philadelphia, respecting the conviction of John Drinker, Thomas Fisher, and Samuel Fisher, of the house of Joshua Fisher & Sons, for refusing the Continental Bills of Credit, being fully convinced of the fatal consequences which must ensue on a check given to the circulation of our Paper Currency; the refusal of which, is an offence which strikes against the existence of our present struggle for life and liberty, and, considering that the latter part of the Resolution of Congress which directs, that such persons who are convicted as above mentioned, shall be "treated as enemies of their country, and precluded from all trade or intercourse with the inhabitants of these Colonies," remains yet unexecuted upon these persons.
And as the powers and authorities of the Committee of Observation and Inspection to execute the Resolves of Congress have expired with the time for which they were elected to serve as a Committee; after due consideration, the following Resolution was unanimously agreed to:
That this Committee go to the houses and stores John Drinker, Hatter, and Joshua Fisher & Sons; that they shall, respectively, cause all the Books and Papers of the said John Drinker, and such as belong to the said Thomas Fisher and Samuel Fisher, separately and jointly with Joshua Fisher, to be deposited in trunks, chests, or desks; that the same shall then be locked and sealed, and suffered to remain in some of their Stores; and then they shall cause all the doors and windows of their Stores and Ware houses, containing their Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, to be locked and keyed, and the same to be fastened upon the outside by a wooden bar being nailed across them.
Friday, February 16, 1776.
In Committee of Safety: Present—
John Nixon, Chairman, Robert White, Owen Biddle, George Clymer, Thomas Wharton, Jun., Samuel Howell, Daniel Roberdeau, John Montgomery, Alexander Wilcocks.
Upon application of Mr. Owen Biddle, one of the managers of the Provincial Saltpetre Works, for the payment of four hundred and six and three-quarter pounds Saltpetre, manufactured there, and received by Robert Towers, Commissary, an Order was drawn on John Nixon, and others, the Committee of Accounts, in favour of Mr. Biddle for one hundred and one Pounds thirteen Shillings and nine Pence, being the amount of the Saltpetre, at the rate of five Shillings per pound.
Upon application of the Commissioners and Assessors of York County, for a sum of Money, towards the payment of Fire-locks making in that County, for the use of this Province, by order of the Board an Order was drawn on Michael Hillegas, Esq., Treasurer, in favour of Colonel Thomas Hartley, for three hundred Pounds, for the use aforesaid.
Resolved, That the Rev. William Linn be appointed Chaplain to the Fifth and Sixth Battalions of Pennsylvania Troops, in the service of the United Colonies.
Upon application of Samuel Home, for the payment of his Account, for Bayonets, Scabbards, &c., for the use of the Captains Jones, Le Marr, and Harmar's Companies, in the First Pennsylvania Battalion in the service of the United Colonies, an Order was drawn on Messrs. Mease and Caldwell, for twenty-eight Pounds ten Shillings and six Pence, in his favour, being the amount of said Account.
Upon application of Colonel William Irwine, of the Sixth Battalion of Pennsylvania Troops in the service of the United Colonies, for a sum of Money for the use of said Battalion, by order of the Board an Order was drawn in his favour, on Messrs. Mease and Caldwell, for three thousand Pounds, for the use aforesaid.
Adjourned to five o'clock.
Members present: John Nixon, Chairman, Samuel Howell, Daniel Roberdeau, Thomas Wharton, Jun., Samuel Miles, Alexander Wilcocks, George Clymer, Owen Biddle.
In consequence of the Resolution of yesterday, Colonel Roberdeau, Mr. Wilcocks, and Mr. Clymer, went to the house of Thomas and Samuel Fisher, and demanded their Books of Accounts, in order to be locked up in one of their Stores, which they refused to deliver up, or declare where they were deposited, construing either to be an active part in them, which they could not in conscience take, but would peaceably submit to the execution of any Resolutions that should be taken respecting them.
Resolved, That Hugh Monigomery, at present First Lieutenant to the Armed Boat Congress, be appointed Captain to the Armed Boat Effingham.
That Thomas Houston, at present First Lieutenant to the Armed Boat Franklin, be appointed Captain to the Armed Boat Experience.
That Isaac Rotche, at present Second Lieutenant to the Armed Boat Hancock, he appointed First Lieutenant to the Armed Boat Franklin.
That John Christie, at present Second Lieutenant, to the Armed Boat Dickinson, be appointed First Lieutenant to the Armed Boat Chatham.
That . . . . . Mitchell, at present Second Lieutenant to the Armed Boat Chatham, be appointed First Lieutenant to the Armed Boat Ranger.
That Francis Gilbert, at present Second Lieutenant to the Armed Boat Washington, be appointed First Lieutenant to the said Armed Boat.
That Robert Hume, at present Second Lieutenant to the Armed Boat Ranger, be appointed First Lieutenant to the said Armed Boat.
That William Brown be appointed Captain of Marines on board the Provincial Ship now building.
Resolved, That under the authority given by Congress, this Board immediately proceed to erect, on account of the Congress, a Powder-Mill on a large stream, capable of manufacturing, as nearly as possible, four tons of Gunpowder per week.
That the Committee will contract with a number of persons, not exceeding four, to erect Powder-Mills, engaging to supply them with eight tons of Saltpetre each, the profits of manufacturing which to be considered as a full compensation for the expense and risk of such undertaking; but if the Committee should be able to comply with their part of the engagement, then that they will immediately indemnify, by money, the said persons, in like manner, as shall be adjudged by three indifferent persons, to be chosen by the parties to the contract, they having particular regard to the expense of undertaking.
Resolved, That Mr. Clement Biddle be appointed to look out for, and without loss of time fix on a suitable situation for the said Mill, to contract with the owners for the privilege of erecting it, and to superintend the building; and also to contract with persons for erecting Mills on their accounts, on the terms before-mentioned.
Resolved, That the Captains of the Provincial Armed Boats be desired to meet together and inquire into the merits of such persons who have applied to be appointed Second Lieutenants in the said Boats, and such others as may be properly qualified for that station, that would be willing to engage in that service, and to report this Board