Ordered, That the County Committee of Sussex do report their proceedings on the Resolutions of this Congress against Richard Bowlsby, Esq., and Andrew McCleney, to the present, or some future Congress, or, during their recess, to the Committee of Safety of this Colony.
Petitions of sundry Inhabitants of Essex, praying that Money at interest may be taxed, and that all persons taxed may have voices in future elections, were read, and ordered second readings.
This Congress being of opinion, that if two Commissaries be appointed for supplying the New-Jersey Forces in the Continental service, it would be of considerable advantage to that service, do
Resolve, That Colonel Dunham, who lives in the Eastern division of New-Jersey, be recommenced to the honourable Continental Congress, as a person well qualified to be appointed joint Commissary with Colonel Lowrey, who lives in West-Jersey, for the Third Battalion now raising, and such as shall be raised in this Colony in future.
Adjourned to three o'clock, in the afternoon.
Met according to adjournment.
A Remonstrance of the County Committee of Monmouth, praying that the qualification of Electors may not be concluded upon during the present Session; was read, and ordered a second reading.
Resolved, That on Friday next this Congress will go into the consideration of the qualification of Electors.
The Congress resumed the consideration of the Letter from the Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania, recommending the forming one or more Artillery Companies in this Colony; and after some deliberation thereon, the same, and all other means of defence necessary for this Colony, with the ways and means for defraying the expense thereof, was referred to a Committee of the whole Congress.
The Congress accordingly resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, on the necessary means of defence for this Colony. After some time spent therein, Mr. President resumed the chair, and Mr. Fisher, Chairman of the Committee, reported that said Committee had come to the several Resolutions following:
Resolved, That a train of Artillery, consisting of twelve Field-Pieces, be immediately purchased for the use of this Colony.
Resolved, That two complete Artillery Companies be raised in this Colony.
And whereas, by a former Ordinance of this Congress, the sum of thirty thousand Pounds was directed to be emitted in paper Bills of Credit, which bills are not yet printed; and whereas, from the present alarming state of pub-lick affairs, it is probable that a larger sum may be wanted:
Therefore, Resolved, That in lieu of the said thirty thousand Pounds, there be now struck in paper Bills of Credit the sum of fifty thousand Pounds.
Resolved, That for the above purpose, a new Ordinance be immediately prepared for striking the said fifty thousand Pounds, and directing the manner of sinking the same; as also to provide the several articles of defence mentioned in the former Ordinance, and such other articles as may be deemed proper and necessary.
To which several Resolves the Congress agreed.
Resolved, That this Congress will, to-morrow morning, go into the election of Deputies, to represent this Province in Continental Congress.
Ordered, That Mr. Clark, Mr. Dennis, Mr. Stewart, Mr. Carey, and Mr. Ogden, be a Committee to prepare an Ordinance for striking fifty thousand Pounds, and, also, draft a Letter in answer to the Committee of Safety of Pennsylvania.
Adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine o'clock.
Wednesday, February 14, 1776.
Congress met according to adjournment.
A Letter from the Honourable John Hancock, Esquire, requesting that Detachments of Minute-Men, equal to a Battalion, be immediately armed and accoutred, and sent to "New-York, to act under Major-General Lee, was read, and ordered a second reading.
Mr. Demarest appointed to deliver the Papers, Books, and Records, removed from the Secretary's Office at PerthAmboy, to Mr. Pettitat the Secretary's Office, at Burlington, and to take receipt thereof, made report of such delivery, which was read, and ordered to be filed.
Agreeable to the Order of the Day, the Congress proceeded to elect Delegates to represent this Province in Continental Congress; which election being made, it is thereupon,
Resolved, unanimously, That William Livingston, John DeHart, Richard Smith, John Cooper, and Jonathan Dickinson Sergeant, Esqs., be Delegates to represent this Province in the Continental Congress, for the space of one year, or until others shall be legally appointed in their stead; and that they, or any three or more of them, have full and ample power to consent and agree to all measures which such Congress shall deem necessary. And this Province bind themselves to execute, to the utmost of their power, all Resolutions which the said Congress may adopt. And further, if the said Congress shall think necessary to adjourn, we do authorize our said Delegates to represent and act for this Province in any one Congress to be held by virtue of such adjournment, during their Delegation.
On motion, Resolved, unanimously, That the thanks of this Congress be returned to the several gentlemen who have represented this Colony in the honourable Continental Congress, for their faithful discharge of the important trust reposed in them; and that the President do transmit the same accordingly.
On motion, Resolved, unanimously, That Mr. Leuis Dunham be recommended by this Congress to the honourable Continental Congress, as Surgeon, and Mr. Thomas Read, as Surgeon's Mate, for the Third Battalion now raising in this Colony.
Resolved, unanimously, That this Congress will make provisions for defraying the expenses of the gentlemen appointed to represent this Colony in Continental Congress.
Adjourned till three o'clock in the afternoon.
Met according to adjournment.
Ordered, That Mr. Fisher, Mr. Mehelm, Mr. Drake, and Mr. Brown, be a Committee to prepare an Ordinance for exempting persons who inlist in the service of the United Colonies from being arrested.
Ordered, That Mr. Covenhoven, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Hughes, and Mr. Elmer, be a Committee to prepare an Ordinance for numbering the Inhabitants of this Colony, pursuant to the direction of the Continental Congress.
The Committee appointed to prepare a draft of an Ordinance for appointing Barrackmasters in this Province, and making provisions for defraying the expense of repairing said Barracks, brought in the same; which was read, and ordered a second reading,
On motion, Ordered, That Moses Scott be Surgeon to the Second Regiment of Foot Militia, in the County of Middlesex, under the command of Colonel Wetherill.
On motion, Ordered, That Oliver Barnet, Esquire, be Surgeon to the Fourth Regiment of Foot Militia in the County of Hunterdon, under the command of Colonel Mehelm.
Adjourned till nine o'clock to-morrow morning.
Thursday, February 15, 1776.
Met according to adjournment.
The Letter from the honourable Continental Congress, of the 12th instant, was read the second time, and is in the words following:
"GENTLEMEN: The arrival of troops at New- York, the importance of that place to the welfare of America, and the necessity of throwing up a number of works to prevent our enemies from landing and taking post there, render it necessary that a number of troops should immediately join Major-General Lee; I am, therefore, desired to apply to you, and request you would, with all possible expedition, send detachments of your Minute-Men, equal to a Battalion, under proper officers, and well armed and accoutred, to New-York, there to be under the command of General Lee.