"Your approved zeal in the cause of your country gives me the strongest assurance that you will, with alacrity, embrace this opportunity of giving aid to your neighbours, and that your people will cheerfully engage in a service by which they will not only render a very essential service to their country, but also have an opportunity of acquiring military skill and knowledge in the construction of field works, and the method of fortifying and intrenching camps, By which they will be the better able, when occasion calls, to defend their rights and liberties.
" I am, gentlemen, your obedient humble servant,
"JOHN HANCOCK, President.
"To the Honourable Convention of New-Jersey."
The Congress taking the above Letter into consideration, and desirous of doing every thing in their power to promote the common cause, do
Resolve, unanimously, That the above Requisition be complied with, and that Detachments of Minute-Men, properly accoutred, equal to a Battalion in the Continental service," be immediately made, and inarched to New-York, under the command of Charles Stewart, Esq., Colonel; Mark Thompson, Esq., Lieutenant-Colonel; Frederick Frelinghuysen and Thomas Henderson, Esquires, Majors; and that said Battalion, when joined with the Continental. Forces, be under the command of Major-General Lee; which Battalion, by a Resolution of the Continental Congress, of the 25th of October last, shall be entitled to the same pay while on service as allowed to the Continental Troops, and furnished with provisions in the same manner.
And this Congress do recommend to the Committees in particular, and to the inhabitants in general of this Colony, to afford all the assistance in their power in raising and equipping said Battalion.
The Committee of the Township of Maidenhead, in the County of Hunterdon, made return of persons who signed the Association, as well as those who refused, which was read, and ordered to be filed.
The Committee appointed to draft an Ordinance for erecting a Court of Admiralty in ibis Province, reported, that they had consulted William Livingston, Esq., one of our Delegates in Continental Congress on the subject, and proposed to him, whether it would not be of manifest advantage to the Colonies, if that Congress should, by one General Ordinance, institute the powers and mode of erecting a Court of Admiralty to be adopted by all the Colonies: That Mr. Livingston agreed thereto, and said, he would take the first opportunity of proposing this matter in Congress; and added, that as they had already given directions for the disposition of the transport lately carried into Elizabethtown, no injury could ensue to the publick from the New-Jersey Congress deferring the erecting a Court of Admiralty in this Province, until they are informed whether the Continental Congress will direct a General Ordinance for the purpose: And the Committee submit it to the consideration of the Congress, whether it will not, for the above reasons, be expedient that the said Committee should for the present defer further proceedings in the business to which they were appointed.
The Congress taking the said Report into consideration,
Ordered, That further proceedings of the said Committee be deferred accordingly.
Charles Roberts, by an order of the County Committee of Somerset, directed to Major Frederick Frelinghuysen, was brought before this Congress. The charge exhibited against said Roberts, was read, who having made his defence, and being fully heard, was ordered to withdraw. The Congress having duly considered said charge, do
Resolve, That said Charles Roberts pay the costs of the present prosecution, to be taxed by the County Committee of Somerset, and give obligation, with surety, to the Chairman of said Committee, in the sum of one hundred and fifty Pounds, for his good behaviour in future; that he yield up to said Chairman all his arms, and weapons of defence, to remain in custody of said Chairman until the said Committee shall deem it proper to redeliver them; and, on non-compliance herewith, that the said Roberts be committed to the keeper of the common Jail of said County, who is hereby ordered to keep him in close confinement during such non-compliance.
Ordered, That the said Charles Roberts be reconducted to the Chairman of the County Committee of Somerset, by Major Frederick Frelinghuysen, to be dealt with as is above directed.
A Letter from the County Committee of Somerset, setting forth, that they think it expedient some measure should be taken to fortify Perth-Amboy, was read, and ordered a second reading.
Adjourned to three o'clock, in the afternoon.
Met according to adjournment.
A Petition from sundry Inhabitants of Somerset, praying that none but Freeholders may be qualified to elect Deputies to represent them in Congress, was read, and ordered, a second reading.
A Memorial from the County Committee of Monmouth, praying that some mode may be prescribed for keeping Minute Companies on Foot was read, and ordered a second reading.
Adjourned till nine o'clock, to-morrow morning.
Friday, February 16, 1776.
Met according to adjournment.
A Petition from the Inhabitants of the City of New-Brunswick, praying that they may be admitted as well as Freeholders, to vote for Deputies in Congress, was read, and ordered a second reading.
A Petition of the Committee for the Town of Newark, in the County of Essex, setting forth, that a dispute had arisen between said Committee and the County Committee of Essex, respecting the appropriation of said Township's part of the ten thousand Pound tax; praying that this Congress would take some order therein, was read, and ordered a second reading.
Ordered, That Mr. Carey, Mr. Mehelm, and Mr. Martin, be a Committee to prepare the draft of an Ordinance directing the manner of signing the General Association by persons of tender consciences; and for further regulating the Militia of this Colony.
Adjourned to two o'clock, in the afternoon.
Met according to adjournment.
The several Petitions from the different Counties in this Province, praying that Householders, &c, may be qualified to vote for Representatives in Congress; the Petition of the County Committee of Monmouth, praying that the Congress would not at present decide upon the qualifications of Electors; and, also, the two Petitions from several of the Inhabitants of the County of Somerset, praying that Freeholders only may elect Deputies for Congress, were all read the second time.
And the Congress, agreeable to the Order of the Day, taking into consideration the subject-matter of the said several Petitions, and after duly deliberating thereon, the question was put, Whether every person of full age, who hath, immediately preceding the election, resided one whole year in any County of this Colony, and is worth at least fifty Pounds in real or personal estate, shall be admitted to vote in the County wherein he resides, for Representatives in Provincial Congress, or not? It passed in the affirmative, as follows:
Essex County, | Bergen County, |
Middlesex " | Somerset " |
Morris " | Monmouth " |
Hunterdon " | Cape-May " |
Burlington" |
Gloucester " |
Salem " |
Cumberland " |
Sussex " |
Ordered, That Mr. Clark Mr. Ogden, Mr. Elmer, Mr. Stewart, and Mr. Carey, be a Committee to prepare an Ordinance for the above purpose; and, also, to ascertain the qualifications of Representatives to serve in Congress.
The Petition of the Committee for the Township of Newark, in the County of Essex, was read the second time; and the gentlemen attending in behalf of the Committee of the County of Essex, requesting that the hearing