Piscataway, praying that some more equal mode of taxation may be prescribed, and, in particular, that money at interest may be taxed, was read, and referred to the Committee on the Ordinance for striking fifty thousand Pounds, and providing for sinking the same.
The Petition of Captain Joseph Badcock, in the County of Somerset, enclosing a list of the names of certain persons in his Company who refused to sign a Muster-Roll, praying the advice of this Congress therein, was read the second time, and referred for further consideration.
This Congress having received of the Continental Congress half a ton of Gunpowder, in order to replace the Gunpowder formerly lent said Continental Congress by Somerset, Brunswick, Woodbridge, and Elizabeth, and there being a surplus after replacing what had been so borrowed, of which the Township of Shrewsbury hath made application for part:
Whereupon, it is Ordered, That said Township be furnished with a cask of the Powder aforesaid, containing one hundred and eight pounds six ounces, for which said Township is to account with this Congress.
A Motion being made and debated, the question was put, Whether this Congress shall be dissolved, and the electors have an opportunity of making a new choice of Deputies before the time appointed by an Ordinance of the last Congress? It was carried in the affirmative, as follows:
Bergen County, | Middlesex County, |
Essex " | Morris " |
Burlington " | Hunterdon" |
Salem " | Somerse " |
Cumberland" | Sussex " |
Cape-May " |
Gloucester " |
On motion, Resolved, That there be a new election of Deputies to represent this Colony in Provincial Congress, on the fourth Monday in May next.
Ordered, That Commissions be made out for the following persons, Officers of a Company in the Regiment whereof William Maxwell, Esq., was late Colonel, agreeable to a Certificate of their appointment, viz: George Rible, Captain; Henry Shute, First Lieutenant; Richard Auter, Second Lieutenant; Philip Wintersteen, Ensign.
Adjourned to three o'clock, in the afternoon.
Met according to adjournment.
A Letter from Mr. Smyth, respecting his officiating as Treasurer, was read. To which the following Answer was returned:
SIR: We are sorry to observe, that the conditions you mention in your letter of this day, on which you are willing to execute the office of Treasurer, are not satisfactory. We must, therefore, desire your answer explicitly, whether you are willing to take charge of the Treasury Chest, when delivered safely at Mr. Schenck's, continue to act as Treasurer, and acknowledge yourself accountable to the Province as fully, to all intents and purposes, as you was by your obligation before the removal of the Chest.
If you agree thereto, as the execution of the office under those circumstances will necessarily be attended with extraordinary expenses, this Congress are willing to make you a reasonable compensation therefor.
A Letter from the Right Honourable William Earl of Stirling, was received arid read, and is in the words following:
"New-York, February 20, 1776.
" SIR: As the Asia man-of-war, with her attendants, have now taken thejr station in the Bay below this city, and the Phenix between the Narrows and Sandy-Hook, and do take every provision vessel coming from New-Jersey, it is become highly proper to prevent any provisions or produce of any kind being shipped from New-Jersey to this or any other place whatsoever, while those ships continue in a situation which will enable them to make seizures of them. I have, therefore, General Lee's directions to request, that the Congress of New-Jersey will give immediate directions to prevent any provisions or other produce being shipped orsent off from any part of East New-Jersey, that can possibly fall into the hands of the enemy. I am, sir, your most humble servant,
"To the President of the Congress of the Province of New-Jersey, at New-Brunswick."
The Congress, sensible of the expediency of the above request, do Resolve, That Provisions, and all other kinds of Produce of this Colony, be immediately prevented from being sent to New-York, or other parts, wherety they must pass New York Bay, orthe Bay between Sandy-Hook andPerth Amboy, or Staten-Island.: And all owners and masters pf vessels, of every kind, are prohibited from sending any Provisions or Produce from any part of this Province as afore said, until permitted by this Congress.
All County and Township Committees in the Eastern division of this Province, are hereby directed to be vigilant and active in carrying this Resolve into effect.
Ordered., That the following persons be Officers of a Company of Minute-Men in the Township of Newark, agreeable to a certificate of their election, viz: Joseph Alling, Captain; Joseph Wheeler, First Lieutenant; Caleb Bruen, Second Lieutenant; Isaac Plume, Ensign.
The draft of an Orditiance to fix the qualifications of Electors, and of Deputies, &c., was read the second time, and committed to Mr. Fisher, Mr. Martin, Mr.Hughes, Mr. Covenhoven, and Mr. John Holmes,
Adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine o'clock.
Thursday, February 22, 1776.
Met according to adjournment.
A Letter from James Hughes, a prisoner at Elizabethtown, informing, that he is much indisposed in body, praying leave of this Congress that he may go to New- York, and put himself under the care of Doctor Jones, was read, and referred to the Committee of Elizabethtown.
The Congress again resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole House, on the Ordinance for striking fifty thousand Pounds, and provided for sinking the same.
After some time spent therein, Mr. President resumed the chair, and Mr. Fisher, Chairman of the Committee, reported, that they had gone through the said Ordinance, and were ready to report the same. Ordered, That the Report be made in the afternoon. Adjourned to three o'clock, in the afternoon.
Met according to adjournment.
Mr. Fisher, from the Committee of the Whole House, to whom the Ordinance for emitting fifty thousand Pounds, in Bills of Credit, for the purposes therein mentioned, &c., reported the same, agreeable to the Order of this morning, which was read; and several amendments being thereunto made, was agreed to, and ordered to be engrossed.
The parties for and against the Petition from the Committee of the Township of Newark, against the Committee of the County of Essex, attending, and the Petitioners requiring a longer day, in order to procure proper witnesses; it is, therefore,
Ordered, That the further hearing of said controversy-be deferred till Tuesday next, at two o'clock in the afternoon, at which time, both parties are required to attend, properly prepared, as this Congress are resolved at that time to hear and determine said dispute.
Adjourned till nine o'clock, to-morrow morning.
Friday, February 23, 1776.
Met according to adjournment.
The Committee appointed to wait upon Mr. Smyth, and remove the Papers, Books, and Records, in the Surveyor-General's Office at Perth-Amboy, made report, that they had waited on Mr. Smyth, and had, as ordered, removed the Papers, Books, and Records, mentioned in a certain schedule, produced and filed.
Elias Dayton, Colonel of the First Regiment of Foot Militia in the County of Essex, beipg promoted to the command of a Battalion in the Continental service; it is, therefore, Ordered, That Edward Thomas be Colonel, Jeremiah Smith Lieut. Colonel, and Oliver Spencer First Major, of said First Regiment of Militia in the County of Essex.