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"In Congress, February 22, 1776.

"A Delegate fro New-Jersey, having informed Congress that the Regiment of Militia ordered by the Convention of that Colony, to march to the defence of New- York, in consequence of the resolve of Congress of the 12th of this month, were not sufficiently armed, and that they could not be furnished with arms, unless the Congress supplied them; and as this Congress have not arms to spare, those they have being necessary for arming the Battalions in the Continental service:

"Therefore, Resolved, That the march of said Battalion of Militia be countermanded.

"Extract from the Minutes:


"Ordered, That the Officers be immediately notified of the above counterrnand.

Adjourned till three o'clock, in the afternoon.

Met according to adjournment.

Petitions of the Committee of Correspondence and Observation for the Precinct of New-Barbadocs and Hack-ensack, of the Township Committee of Franklin, and of the Precinct Committee of Saddle-River, in the County of Bergen, setting forth, that the Deputies who represent the said County in Provincial Congress, and the persons who compose the County Committee of Bergen, were not duly elected, &c., praying that the said Deputies may be dismissed from their seats in Congress; that the said Committee may be dissolved, and that a new election may be directed, were read, and ordered a second reading.

The Township Committee of Trenton, made return of the persons, who, in their bounds, signed the General Association of this Colony, and of those who refused so to do; which was ordered to be filed.

The Committee to whom the draft of an Ordinance respecting persons who remove from the adjacent Colonies, &.C., was committed, reported the same with amendments, which being read, was agreed to, and ordered to be engrossed.

The Congress again resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole House, on the Ordinance for fixing the qualifications of Electors and Deputies, &c. After some time spent therein, the President resumed the chair, and Mr. Fisher, Chairman of the Committee, reported, that they had gone through the said Ordinance; which being read, was agreed to, and ordered to be engrossed.

Adjourned till nine o'clock, to-morrow morning.

Tuesday, February 27, 1776.

Met according to adjournment.

A Letter from John Smyth, Esquire, Treasurer of the Eastern Division of this Colony, was read, and is in the following words:

" Perth-Amboy, February, 26, 1776.

"SIR: Mr. Stevens, according to my request, has been so good as to come down to this place, to whom I communicated the letter sent to me by the Congress, relative to the removal of the Treasury, as 1 did to my other securities some time before.

"I find that they are willing to continue security for me, considering the difficulty of the times, provided the Chest is removed to a place where the Office may be executed in the usual manner. 1 would, therefore, propose, that, as I am not now able, and little prospect of being so, in less than six weeks, to attend the Chest, it be removed to Mr. Stevens's, who will receive the taxes that are still to be paid in, and the County Collectors may be desired to attend at his house for that purpose. In which case no one will or can hare recourse to the Chest, but those who have already entered into engagements, and are by law accountable to the publick, for the due performance of my office, which cannot in justice or reason be expected of me or them, without the Chest is suffered to remain in my or their possession.

" As this proposal fully comprehends the declared intention of the Congress in removing the Chest, I cannot doubt its proving fully agreeable and satisfactory to them.

"Whenever I am able to attend the duty of the office abroad, the Chest may then be removed to any other place,

that shall be agreed on by all concerned, there to remain until we see happier times.

" Mr. Stevens goes home by way of Brunswick, to whom I beg you will please to give your answer, who will forward it to me.

"I am your most bumble servant,


"To Samuel Tucker, Esquire."

On the question being put, whether the Treasury Chest of the Eastern Division of this Colony, lately removed by a Resolve of this Congress, from Perth-Amboy, in order to be lodged in the hands of Peter Schenck, Esquire, at Millstone, for the sake of greater safety, be, agreeable to the request of Mr. Smyth, the Eastern Treasurer, carried to the dwelling-house of the Honourable John Stevens, one of Mr. Smyth's securities, there to remain during Mr. Smyth's indisposition, or until this Congress shall take further order therein, on the terms expressed in the above Letter, to wit; that Mr. Smyth and his securities continue bound by their former obligalions; and provided they be at the charge of such removal ? It was carried in the affirmative, as follows:

Bergen County,Middlesex County,
Monmouth "Morris"
Burlington "Susse"
Cape-May "Hunterdon"

The Petitions of the Committee of Correspondence and Observation for the Precinct of New-Barbadoess and Hack-ensack, of the Township Committee of Franklin, and of the Precinct Committee of Saddle-River, in the County of Bergen, setting forth, that the Deputies who represent the said County in Provincial Congress, and the persons who compose the County Committee of Bergen, were not duly elected, &c., and praying that the said Deputies may be dismissed from their seats in Congress, that the said County Committee may be dissolved, and that a new election may be directed, were read the second time.

Whereas, this Congress expect soon to rise, and having already resolved upon a dissolution, have directed, that, on the fourth Monday in May next, the several Counties in this Province proceed to the election of Deputies for Provincial Congress, and of County Committees, think it unnecessary, at this lime, to enter into the merits of, and decide upon, the complaint exhibited in the above Petitions. This Congress, however, direct, that all the money raised in the Counly of Bergen, by a former Resolve of Congress, be immediately collected and paid into the hands of the County Collector; to be drawn out and appropriated, as the County Committee of Bergen shall direct, agreeable to former Resolutions of Congress; and that said Committee do keep proper accounts of all such, appropriations and expenditures, to be laid before Congress when required.

Adjourned to three o'clock, in the afternoon.

Met according to adjournment.

The Memorial of James Richmond, setting forth, that the ships-of-war in New-York Bay do not make captures of vessels freighted with wheat, and praying permission of this Congress to carry produce from this Colony to New-York, was read, and ordered a second reading.

Pursuant to the Order of the Day, the Congress went into the consideration of the Petition from the Committee for the Township of Newark, against the County Committee of Essex. The Deputies from said Committees attending, were heard for and against the said Petition. After which they withdrew.

The above Petition was referred for further consideration.

Adjourned till nine o'clock, to-morrow morning.

Wednesday, February 28," 1776,

Met according to adjournment.

Whereas, the late. Resolution of this Congress prohibiting the export of Provisions and Produce from this Colony to New- York, was founded, on information that the ships-of-war, in New-York Bay, made captures of vessels so laden; and whereas, this Congress are fully satisfied that

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