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Chairman of the several County Committees in this Colony do give publick notice of the time and place of such Elections, by putting up advertisements, in writing, at least twenty days before the time of each Election, at one or more of the most publick places in each Township, or Precinct, in the several Counties in this Colony.

And it is further Resolved and Directed, That the Deputies so elected as aforesaid, shall receive a Certificate of their election in the words following, to wit: "We do hereby certify, that on the day of the date hereof,....were declared duly elected Deputies for the County the Colony of New-Jersey, with full power to represent the said County in Provincial Congress, to be held at ...... in the County of... on the..... day of....... next. As witness our hands and seals, of .....Anno Domini 177 ." Which Certificate, under the hands and seals of the Judge chosen to preside at such Election, together with five or more Freeholders of the said County, shall be sufficient evidence of such Election; and the Deputies so chosen as aforesaid, shall give their attendance in Provincial Congress accordingly.

And it is further Resolved and Directed, That, in case of the death, or removal out of the Colony of any of the Deputies so chosen as aforesaid, before the next annual Election, or, in case the seat of any Deputy so chosen as aforesaid being declared vacant, the Freeholders and Electors so qualified as aforesaid, of the County for which such person was a Deputy, shall, upon the receipt of a warrant, under the hand and seal of the President, or Vice-President, for the lime being, directed to the Chairman of such County Committee for that purpose, have leave to proceed to a new Election to supply his place: Provided, always, That such Election be carried on and regulated in such manner and form as herein is before more particularly mentioned and expressed.

And it is further Resolved and Directed, That when, and as often as any new Election of Deputies for the Colony in general, to serve in any future Congress, shall be directed lo be held, the Freeholders and Electors so qualified as aforesaid, of each County, do proceed to elect a sufficient number of Freeholders for each Township, to constitute a County Committee of Observation and Correspondence, with full power as well to superintend and direct the necessary business of the County, as to carry into execution the Resolution and Orders of the Continental Congress, the Provincial Congress, or Committee of Safety of this Colony; subject, nevertheless, to the same rules and regulations as are herein before resolved and directed for regulating of Elections of Deputies to serve in Provincial Congress.

And it is further Resolved and Directed, That the Freeholders and Inhabitants of each Township in this Colony do, on the second Tuesday in March, yearly, and every year, proceed anew, in like manner, to elect such a number of proper persons as shall be thought necessary, to constitute Committees to act as Committees of Observation and Correspondence in each Township, with power to transact the business referred to them by the Continental Congress, the Provincial Congress, or Committee of Safety of this Colony, or by the respective County Committees.

And it is further Resolved and Directed, That, on the fourth Monday in May next, this Congress shall be, and the same is hereby directed to be dissolved, any thing in the Ordinance of the lute Provincial Congress of this Colony of the 12th of August last contained, to the contrary notwithstanding.

And it is further Resolved and Directed, That at all future meetings of the Deputies chosen to represent this Colony in Provincial Congress, the votes be taken from the Members individually, and not from the Counties collectively.

And it appearing to this Congress to be essential to the welfare of this Colony that all persons chosen to serve as Deputies in Provincial Congress, should, as far as their particular circumstances admit, be perfectly free from other publick engagements:

It is therefore, Resolved and Directed, That whenever it shall appear that any Deputy, or Deputies, in Provincial Congress, have accepted any Military Office of profit under the Continental Provincial Congress, which Office may

require the personal service of such Deputy, or Deputies, the seat of such Deputy, or Deputies, in Provincial Congress, shall be declared vacant, and a new Election be ordered to fill up such vacancy; and such Deputy, or Deputies, during his or their continuance in such Office of profit, shall not be entitled to a seat in this or any future Congress.

And it is further Resolved and Directed, That the Deputies so chosen as aforesaid, when met in Provincial Congress, are, and shall be Judges of the qualification of their own Members, and shall have power to reject such persons as are, or shall be unduly elected Deputies to serve in Congress; and, also, to expel or disable all such Deputies to sit or serve, who, either by ill-practice in Elections, or by misbehaviour in Congress, shall, by this, or by any future Congress, or the major part of them, be declared unfit for a seat therein.

An Ordinance for numbering the Inhabitants of this Colony.

Whereas, it is recommended by the honourable Continental Congress that the number of Inhabitants of all ages, including Negroes and Mulattoes, in each Colony, be taken, in order to settle an equitable quota of the taxes which may hereafter be levied on the United Colonies, for sinking the Bills of Credit which have been, or may be emitted, for the support and defence of the said United Colonies:

Therefore, be it Resolved, That the Committee of each Precinct or Township in this Colony do, as soon as may be, after the publication hereof, appoint one or more person, or persons, as they shall think proper, to take an account of the number of Inhabitants of all ages, including Negroes and Mulattoes, within their respective bounds; which said person, or persons, so appointed, shall, within six days after being notified thereof, in writing, by the Chairman of said Committee, repair to some Justice of the Peace in the County where he or they reside, who is hereby directed to administer to him, or them, the following oath, or affirmation if a Quaker, to wit:

"You shall well and truly take a List of the number of all the Inhabitants of the Township of the County of.......according to the directions, of the. Provincial Congress of New-Jersey, and make a fair and impartial return thereof to the Chairman of the Committee of the County of......So help you God."

And the said person, or persons, so qualified, shall, on or before the twentieth day of August next, make return of his, or their List, containing the number of Inhabitants so taken, to the Chairman of the Committee of the County to which they belong, which County Committee are hereby authorized to allow such reward for the said service as they shall think reasonable, by an order, in writing, signed by the Chairman of said Committee, and directed to the County Collector, to be paid by him out of the publick money in his hands. And the said County Committee, within one month after receiving said Lists, shall return the same, together with one general List, comprehending the whole of the said Inhabitants within their respective jurisdictions, unto0 the Congress, or, during its recess, to the Committee of Safety of this Colony.

An Ordinance for incorporating the Minute-Men lately raised in this Colony into the body of Militia, and for further regulating said Militia.

Whereas, by a Resolution of this Congress, of the 12th of August last, a number of Minute-Men were directed to be raised, inlisted, and enrolled in the several Counties of this Colony, under officers to be appointed and commissioned by this Congress, to hold themselves in constant readiness to march to any place where their assistance might be required, for the defence of this or any neighbouring Colony: And whereas, in obedience to said Resolve, several Companies were inlisted and formed into Battalions, since which large numbers of said Minute-Men having entered into the Continental service, the said Companies and Battalions are greatly reduced, and in no condition to answer the design of their institution: And whereas, our defence, under God, chiefly depends upon a well regulated Militia:

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