is furnished with sufficient Arms, Accoutrements, and Clothing for the service, upon their entering into the service of the Colonies, and one month's pay to the Commissioned Officers.
That nine hundred Dollars be advanced to said Captain Nelson for that purpose, and for the subsistence of said Company on their march to Reading.
That the sum of seven hundred Dollars be sent to the Committee of Inspection at Reading: that said Committee pay one month's wages to the non-Commissioned Officers and Soldiers upon their arrival there, and deliver the residue of said sum to Captain Nelson, for the subsistence of said Company in their march from thence to Albany; he to account for what money he receives with General Schuyler, at Albany.
The Officers of said Company are, John Nelson, Captain; Moses Decker, First Lieutenant; Adam Oil, Second Lieutenant; Isaac Newkirk, Third Lieutenant.
The Committee, to whom General Washington's Letter, of the 14th of January, was referred, brought in their Report, which was read, and (hereupon,
Resolved, That all the Tent-Cloth which can be procured in Philadelphia and New-York, be purchased for the Congress, and that the quantity necessary for the ensuing campaign in the Army before Boston, be forwarded thither, if so much is to be had.
That it be recommended to the several Assemblies in New-England, to assist the General in procuring Arms: and that the thanks of the Congress be given to such of themas have already done so.
Resolved, That Mr. James Mease, in Philadelphia, and Mr. Lewis, Mr. Alsop, and Mr. S. Morris, the Committee appointed to purchase Clothing in New-York, be directed to carry the former Resolution into execution.
The Committee on the Inlistment of Apprentices, &c., brought in their Report, which was taken into consideration, and, thereupon,
Resolved, That no Apprentice whatsoever be inlisted within the Colonies of New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, the Counties on Delaware, or Maryland, as a Soldier in the Army or Navy of the United Colonies, without the consent of his master or mistress first obtained in writing; and that all Apprentices now inlisted as Soldiers in the said Army or Navy, without such consent, be immediately discharged from the service, on the application of their masters or mistresses, upon payment of all just and reasonable charges of their inlistment.
That it be recommended to all creditors, whose demands against anjrperson who is inlisted, or shall inlist, in the Continental service, shall not amount to the value of 35 Dollars, not to arrest any such debtor till the expiration of the time for which he is inlisted.
That every person, under the age of twenty-one years, inlisting himself in the Army or Navy aforesaid, may, within twenty-four hours after such inlistment, obtain his discharge, by refunding the money received from the Recruiting Officer, and returning such necessaries as may have been supplied him by the Officer, or the value thereof in money.
Ordered, That these Resolutions be published.
Resolved, That an Order be drawn on the Treasurers for the sum of 1000 Dollars, to discharge a draft of the Paymaster-General, To so much deposited with him, for the use of the United Colonies.
Resolved, That a Committee of Five be appointed to take into consideration an application from the Committee of Safety of New-York.
The Members chosen, Mr. Ward, Mr. Paine, Mr. Paca, Mr. Lee, and Mr. Rodney.
Resolved, That a Member be added to the Committee of Correspondence. Mr. R. Morris was chosen.
Resolved, Thai the Committee for fitting out Aimed Vessels be empowered to draw on the Treasurers for a sum not exceeding 30,000 Dollars, in order to discharge sundry debts by them contracted.
Adjourned to ten o'clock, to-morrow.
Wednesday, January 31, 1776.
Sundry Letters, viz: one from Lord Stirling, dated the 27th of January; one from the Committee of Trenton, of the 30th; one from Colonel A. St. Clair, of the 27th; and one from Colonel Maxwell, of the 31st of the same month, were laid before Congress, and read.
Resolved, That a Committee of Two be appointed to confer with Colonel Maxwell, respecting the state of his Regiment, and report the means of facilitating and hastening his march
The Members chosen, Mr. Livingston and Mr. Wilson.
Dr.Cadwallader and Dr.Shippen returned their Report, respecting the room where General Prescott is
confined, and the state of the General's health, which was read.
The Congress taking into consideration the Letter from Colonel St. Clair, respecting the inlistment of some of the Prisoners at Lancaster,
Resolved, That the Prisoners who have been inlisted into the Continental Army be discharged, and that no more be inlisted.
Ordered, That a copy of the above be sent to the Committee of Lancaster.
The Committee to whom sundry Letters were referred, on the 27th instant, from General Washington and others, brought in their Report; whereupon,
Resolved, That Mr. Barbarie, owner of the Sloop and Cargo said to have been taken by the enemy, and retaken by one of the Continental vessels-of-war, ought to make and prosecute his claim to the same, before the Court appointed, or to be appointed by the Government of the Colony to which the said Sloop and Cargo were carried, to hear and determine causes civil and maritime, where a process ought to be instituted to confirm the re-capture and adjust the salvage.
The Committee appointed to confer with Colonel Maxwell, brought in their Report: whereupon,
Resolved, That Mr. Thomas Lowrey, Commissary for the Battalions in New-Jersey, be directed to procure all necessaries, except arms, for Colonel Maxwell's Regiment, immediately; and that the cost of the clothing, and other articles absolutely essential, which the non-Commissipned Officers and Privates are to pay for, be by the said Commissary procured forthwith, the cost thereof to be deducted out of the pay of the said non-Commlssioned Officers and Soldiers; and that the Convention, or Committee of Safety of New-Jersey, do get the Arms, already ordered, with all possible expedition, and afford Mr. Lowrey all assistancein the execution of the above.
That the Company in the said Regiment which is nearest being furnished, be supplied by any Arms and necessaries in the said Battalion, and marched off for Canada, and that the other Companies be furnished and marched as soon as possible.
The Congress, taking into consideration the Letter from Lord Stirling,
Resolved, That the private adventures of the Captain and Mates of the Transport, Blue-Mountain-Valley, be delivered up to them.
The Delegates for Massachusetts-Bay laid before Congress an account of their appointment, by which it appears that the Honourable John Hancock, Esquire, Mr. Samuel Adams, John Adams, Esq., Robert Treat Paine, Esq., Elbridge Gerry, Esq., are elected to represent the said Colony in Congress for the year 1776.
Adjourned to ten o'clock, to-morrow.
Thursday, February 1, 1776.
Resolved, That an Order be drawn on the Treasurers in favour of the Delegates of Virginia, for the sum of 333(1/3) Dollars, for the use of Mr. J. Walker, one of the Commissioners for Indian Affairs in the Southern Department, the said Delegates to be accountable.
Resolved, That a Member be added to the Committee on the state of the Treasury, in the room of Mr. Gushing
The Member chosen, Mr. Samuel Adams.
Resolved, That General Prescott, who is confined a close prisoner in the Jail of Philadelphia, be allowed the attendance of his servant, and, in case his health require it, that he be allowed the attendance of a Physician.
Resolved, That the Committee of Safety for Pennsylvania be desired to take the parole of such Officers, who are