The Members chosen, Mr. Smith, Mr. Bartlett, and Mr. Adams.
Resolved, That an Order be drawn on the Treasurers, in favour of the Committee of Safety for the Delaware Government, for the sum of eight thousand Dollars, for the use of the Battalion raising there, the said Committee to be accountable.
That an Order be drawn on the Treasurers, in favour of James Mease, for the sum of 10,000 Dollars, for the use of the Pennsylvania Battalions, he to be accountable.
Resolved, That Mr. Mease be directed to supply the Troops in the Barracks near Philadelphia, with wooden Bowls, Buckets, and other necessaries.
That it be recommended to the Committee of Safety for Pennsylvania, in case the Barracks near Philadelphia cannot contain all the Troops raised in said Colony, that they cause part of them to be quartered in the Pest-House and the old Jail of this City.
Resolved, That an Order be drawn on the Treasurers, in favour of Colonel Bull, for the sum of one hundred and fifty Dollars, to defray his expenses in carrying Money to Cambridge.
The Committee on the Petition of Stacey Hepburn, brought in their Report, which was agreed to as follows:
That the said Petitioner be permitted to load the Sloop Dolphin, with the Produce of these Colonies, (Live Stock, and Lumber for making Casks, excepted,) and to transport the same to Hispaniola, he promising to use his utmost endeavours to remit the amount of such cargo in Military Stores, into some Port of this Continent, as soon as possible.
The Committee appointed to prepare a Resolution for the exportation of Naval Stores, brought in the same, which was agreed to, as follows:
Resolved, That when Naval Stores shall be wanted in any of the United Colonies, the Assembly, Convention, or Committee of Safety, of such Colony, may intrust a proper person, or persons, to import the same, taking sufficient security of him or them, that they will faithfully use their best endeavours to import the same into such port, or ports, as the said Assembly, Convention, or Committee of Safety, shall direct, and, as much as possible, to avoid all British men-of-war and cutters; giving him or them a certificate or certificates of the Naval Stores wanted, and also of his having given the said security: And that it be recommended to the Convention, Council of Safety, and Committees of Observation and Inspection, of North-Carolina, upon receiving such certificates, to permit the person, or persons, producing the same, to export the Naval Stores wanted by the Colony applying for the same to such Colony.
That it be further recommended to the said Convention, Council of Safety, and Committees of Inspection and Observation, of North-Carolina, to give permission to such Vessels as may have arrived in that Colony, for those articles, or such of the Vessels belonging to that Colony, as they may think proper, to export Naval Stores to any of the United Colonies, they taking security as in the other cases above-mentioned.
Resolved, That the Pay and Subsistence of two of the Battalions directed to be raised in the Colony of Virginia commence from the 1st day of November last, from which time they have been in service.
The Convention of Virginia having recommended persons for Field-Officers of the six Battalions ordered to be raised in that Colony, the Congress proceeded to an election; when,
Patrick Henry, Esquire, was elected Colonel of the First Battalion; William Christian, Esquire, Lieutenant-Colonel; Frank Eppes, Esquire, Major.
William Woodford, Esquire, Colonel of the Second Battalion; Charles Scott, Esquire, Lieutenant-Colonel; Alexander Spotswood, Esquire, Major.
Hugh Mercer, Esquire, Colonel of the Third Battalion; George Weedon, Esquire, Lieutenant-Colonel; Thomas Marshall Esquire, Major.
Adam Stephen, Esquire, Colonel of the Fourth Battalion; Isaac Read, Esquire, Lieutenant-Colonel; Robert Lawson, Esquire, Major.
William Peachy, Esquire, Colonel of the Fifth Battalion; William Crawford, Esquire, Lieutenant-Colonel; Josiah Parker, Esquire, Major.
Mordccai Buckner, Esquire, Colonel of the Sixth Battalion; Thomas Elliot, Esquire, Lieutenant-Colonel; James Hendricks, Esquire, Major.
Ordered, That the President fill up Commissions to the above Officers; and that he send blank Commissions to the Convention of Virginia, to be by them filled up for the Officers in the said Battalions, under the rank of Major.
Resolved, That the Deputy Mustermaster-General be directed to muster the Battalion raised in Delaware Government, and those raised in Pennsylvania, and make return to Congress.
Resolved, That a Committee of Five be appointed to consider into what Departments the Middle and Southern Colonies ought to be formed, in order that the Military operations of the Colonies may be carried on in a regular and systematick manner.
The Members chosen, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Wilson, Mr. Penn, Mr. Harrison, and Mr. Alexander.
Resolved, That an Order be drawn on the Treasurers, in favour of the Delegates of Virginia, for the sum of twenty thousand Dollars, for the use of the Battalions ordered to be raised there; the Convention of that Colony to be accountable.
Resolved, That Mr. McKean be desired to request the Committee of Inspection for the City and Liberties of Philadelphia, not to proceed in passing any censures on the venders and users of Tea, till further orders from Congress.
Resolved, That the Detachments marching from Philadelphia to New-York, under the command of Colonel Dickinson, be allowed for Subsistence, while on their march, one Dollar and one-third of a Dollar, per week, for the Privates and non-Commissioned Officers; and that the Commissioned Officers be allowed in proportion, according to the rations allotted them; and that they receive the same Pay as the four Pennsylvania Battalions, from the time they begin their march.
That a Committee of Three be appointed to consider the best method of subsisting the Troops in New- York, and what sum of Money it will be necessary to send thither, and what sum ought to be advanced to Colonel Dickinson.
The Members chosen, Mr. Sherman, Mr. Duane, and Mr. Wilson.
A Petition from Mr. Bernard Romans was read.
Resolved, That it be recommended to the Convention of New- York to pay Mr. Bernard Romans up to the 9th day of this month.
That an Order be drawn on the Treasurers, in favour of Samuel Fairlamb, (who has engaged to supply Colonel Wayne's Battalion, quartered in and near Chester, with rations, at the rate of seven Pence, Pennsylvania currency, per ration.) for the sum of six hundred Dollars, to enable him to execute his contract; he to be accountable.
The Committee appointed to prepare an Address to the Inhabitants of the United Colonies, brought in a draft, which was read.
Ordered, To lie on the table.
Resolved, That Captain Gordon, upon giving his parole, be permitted, while he remains in town, to visit General Prescolt, at proper seasons.
Adjourned to ten o'clock, to-morrow.
Wednesday, February 14, 1776.
Resolved, That two of the brass Six-Pounders, now at New- York, belonging to the United Colonies, be sent to Virginia, for the use of the Forces there.
Sundry Letters were received, and read: One from General Schuyler, of the 7th of February, 1776; one from General Wooster, of the 29th of January, 1778; and one from General Arnold, of the 24th of January, with sundry enclosed papers.
Referred to Mr. Wythe, Mr. J. Adams, and Mr. Chase,
A Letter from the Committee of Elizabethiown., dated February 10, 1776, with sundry papers enclosed. Referred for consideration till to-morrow.
The Committee of Claims report, that there is due to