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the Committee on the method of subsisting the Troops in New-York, &c., Resolved, That the sum of thirty-five thousand Dollars be advanced to the Convention or Committee of Safety of New-York, for the support of the Troops employed in the defence of that Colony: the said Convention or Committee of Safety to be accountable for the expenditure thereof; and that an Order be drawn on the Treasurers for the above sum, in favour of the Delegates of that Colony, who are directed to forward the same. Monday, February 19, 1776. Met according to adjournment, and having attended the Oration delivered in honour of General Montgomery, and of those Officers and Soldiers who magnanimously fought and fell with him in maintaining the principles of liberty: Tuesday, February 20, 1776. The Convention of New-Jersey, having made a new shoice of Delegates to represent that Colony in Congress, three of said Delegates attending, produced their Credentials, which were read as follows: "In Provincial Convention, New.Jersey, Brunswick, "On motion, Resolved, unanimously, That William Livingston, John De Hart, Richard Smith, John Cooper, and Jonathan Dickinson Sergeant, Esqs., be Delegates to represent this Province in the Continental Congress, for the space of one year, or until others shall be legally appointed in their stead; and that they, or any three or more of them, have full and ample power to consent and agree to all measures which such Congress shall deem necessary; and this Province bind themselves to execute, to the utmost of their power, all resolutions which the said Congress may adopt. And further, if the said Congress shall think necessary to adjourn, we do authorize our said Delegates to represent and act for this Province, in any one Congress to be held by virtue of such adjournments, during their delegation. "WILLIAM PATTERSON, Secretary." A Letter from General Lee, dated 17th February, 1776, was read.