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From the above representation, it appeared to the Committee that the same kind of Goods had been incautiously sold at Messrs. Usher & Roe's Store at different prices, and, in this instance, above the limitations ascertained by the Provincial Congress; but, as it appears to have happened by mistake of their Clerk, and as Mr. Roe offered immediately to rectify the mistake, the Committee thought proper to dismiss the complaint with a caution to Messrs. Usher & Roe, that they be more careful, in future, in giving cause for the like complaints.

The Continental Congress having "Resolved, That a Committee be chosen in every County, by those who are qualified to vote for Representatives in the Legislature, whose business it shall be attentively to observe the conduct of all persons touching the Association;" and the Convention held at Annapolis, on the 8th of December last, having recommended "that no persons, except Members of the Committees, undertake to meddle with or determine any question respecting the construction of the Association entered into by the Continental Congress, and that peace and good order be inviolably maintained throughout this Province," the Committee, considering the confusion and disorder that may arise from individuals, or any number of the people at large, undertaking to judge and determine offences that may be committed against the Association, do earnestly enjoin the Inhabitants of this County that they forbear from any violence or personal insult to any person whatever, but that in all cases when persons are charged with committing any violation of the Continental Association, or the Resolves of the Provincial Convention, or with contravening the measures now carrying on for the preservation of American liberty, information thereof be made to the Committee, who may impartially hear the accusation and the person accused, and proceed therein as directed by the Continental Congress.

Captain Robert Collings, of the Ship Neptune, from London, reported his vessel.

Captain David Lewis, of the Ship Patuxent, from London, did the same.

Agreeable to notice for that purpose given, a respectable number of Freeholders of Baltimore County, met at the Court-House, May 18, 1775, to choose Delegates to represent them in the next Provincial Convention, Captain Charles Ridgely, in the Chair, Doctor John Boyd, Clerk.

After debating the mode of electing, it was agreed that the usual method should be observed, and the following gentlemen were then nominated and chosen, and empowered to continue and act as Representatives of this County for six months, viz: Capiain Charles Ridgely, Thomas Cockey Dye, Walter Tolley, Jun., Charles Ridgely, Son of John, Robert Alexander, John Moale, Darby Lux, Benjamin Nicholson, William Buchanan, Jeremiah T. Chase, Thomas Harrison, John Cradock, James Giltings, Charles Ridgely, Son of William, Walter Tolley, Sen.

The following gentlemen were added to the Committee of Observation for this County:

For MIDDLE-RIVER, LOWER: John German, William

Andrews, Edward Day, William Allender.

PATAPSCO, UPPER:Zachariah McCubbin.

SOLDIERS' DELIGHT: Doctor William Lyon.

BALTIMORE TOWN: Daniel Bowley.

The Proceedings of the Committee on the 8th of May, respecting Mr. Francis Sanderson, were read to the freemen of the County now convened, and their sentiments taken on the propriety of the Committee's request to Mr. Sanderson, to decline acting as a Committee-man, till the sense of their constituents should be known on the matter.

When the freemen, having heard what Mr. Sanderson had to offer, unanimously approved of the Committee's prudent conduct.

And do further Resolve, That until Mr. Sanderson shall give unequivocal evidence of his sincere attachment to the cause of his injured country, by a steady and uniform acquiescence in every measure which has, or may be generally adopted for her preservation, they cannot approve of him as a man fit to act for them in Committee, leaving it to the Committee to determine how far he is otherwise entitled to publick favour.

The Committee accordingly, (the business of the County having been finished,) fifty-two Members being present, proceeded to consider and judge of Mr. Sanderson's case; and were of opinion, that as he had already acknowledged to the Committee his error and late misconduct, and was sincerely sorry for the same, and was now willing to satisfy his countrymen, by a publick declaration, of his present political opinion, as contained in a paper which he handed in, Mr. Sanderson be restored to the good opinion of his countrymen:

" I hereby declare, that I have resigned the office of a Justice of the Peace for Baltimore County, being now sensible that my appointment to that office, with others, in the manner, and at the time the same was done, was disagreeable to my friends, and tended to injure the cause of my distressed country. I further declare my readiness to engage heartily in the measures now carrying on for the preservation of American liberty, and, for that purpose, I have contributed to the purchase of arms and ammunition, as, also, to the poor of Boston, and enrolled myself a soldier in a company of Militia, and I trust my future conduct will evince the sincerity of my present declarations, and restore me to the favour and esteem of my countrymen, an event most ardently wished for by,


On motion, Ordered, That the Committee-Men in the respective Hundreds of the County, be prepared to give in an Account to the General Committee at Baltimore, against the first Monday in June, of the state of the Militia in their different Districts, the number of Men embodied, and the number of Arms fit for service; also, the amount of the different Subscriptions raised by them for the relief of the Poor of Boston, and for the purchase of Arms and Ammunition.

The necessity of this measure arises from the recommendation of the late Convention, who have directed that these Accounts be prepared and laid before them at their next meeting.

The late Convention having resolved that six hundred Pounds be raised for the defraying expenses of our Delegates to the General Congress, and as the proportion of that sum for Baltimore County is fifty-six Pounds,

Resolved, That each Hundred in the County collect their quotas of said sum, agreeable to the proportion fixed upon for the collection of Money for Arms and Ammunition; adding thereto nineteen Pounds, of a balance advanced formerly by Mr. William Lux to the Delegates of the late Congress, for which he is not yet paid; and that those who have not contributed in the last Subscription for the Delegates, be first applied to now, and the Money raised to be paid into the hands of Mr. William Lux, who is appointed to receive it, and pay the same to the Delegates.

On motion made, that a General Treasurer should be appointed in Baltimore Town, to receive and forward the Donations of this County for the Poor of Boston.

Voted, That Mr. Samuel Purviance be appointed to that office.

Mr. Benjamin Wells lodged a complaint against Mr. James Christie, that he had raised the price of his Goods above the limitation of the Provincial Convention.

Mr. Christie was sent for to answer this charge, but being not at home, the matter was referred to another meeting of the Committee.

Committee met, May 19, 1775: Present, William Smith, Deputy-Chairman, and twenty-six Members of the Committee; R. Alexander, Secretary.

Messrs. Lux & Bowley, at the request of the Committee, produced a Letter of Advice and Instructions from Messrs. Pinney & Sibley, of Poole, relative to the loading of the Brig Sukey, Captain Samuel Clark.

Captain James Lightcoum, of the Sloop Friendship, from Bermuda, appeared, and reported his vessel, and took the Oath.

The Chairman laid before the Committee Extracts from two Letters received from Philadelphia, informing that sundry Vessels were loading in the Port of Liverpool with

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