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of the most discreet and sensible of such Freemen, as aforesaid, to be Delegates for this County, in any Provincial Convention, to be held for this Province, within one year.

"Signed by order of the Committee:

"JEREMIAH T. CHASE, Secretary.

"And whereas, the late Convention have Resolved, That forty Companies of Minute-Men be enrolled in this Province, and have directed that the Committees of each respective County shall appoint proper persons to inlist men for that purpose, the Committee of Baltimore County gives notice that they will sit at the Court-House, on Monday, the 4th of September next, to empower five persons to enroll five of said Companies, being the proportion appointed to be raised in this County. Any persons who are willing to undertake this business, may apply to the Committee on said day."

At an extra meeting of the Committee on Wednesday, August 30, 1775:

Present: William Smith, Vice-Chairman, John Mode, John Boyd, w. Neill, Richard Buchanan, J. Philpot, David Stewart, Benjamin Levy.

The commanding officer of the Independent Company in Baltimore Town, gave in a list of the Company to the Committee, which was transmitted to the Council of Safety, agreeable to the direction of the late Convention in such cases.

At a meeting of the Committee on Monday, September 4, 1775:

Present: Samuel Purviance, Jun., Chairman, T. C. Deye, John Moale, William Buchauan, Robert Alexander, Thomas Harrison, Charles Ridgely, D. Lux, Mark Alexander, Thomas Todd, I. Hudson, T. Elliot, James Cockey, J. R. Holliday, Clement Brooks, D. Bowley, James Cox, James Sterrett, James Calhoun, John Smith, Benjamin Levy, William Neill, Hercules Courtenay,J. McClellan, D.Hughes, John Boyd, George Lindenberger, R. Lemmon, Benjamin Griffith, William Goodwin, J. McLure, Cornelius Clopper, William Spear, T. Rutter, Mordecai Gist, John Deaver, David Stewart.

Captain R. Wallace, of the Brig Mary, from Bristol; Captain George Buchanan, of the Ship Eleanor, from London; and Captain Rogers, of the Ship Lord Camden, for Liverpool, severally reported, subscribed and took the Oath required.

Mr. Frederick Deams applied to the Committee for an order to enroll a Company of Minute-Men, agreeable to the direction of the late Convention; which was granted to him.

The Committee again met P. M., on the 4th September, 1775: Present, the same Members as in the morning.

A Memorial was laid before the Committee by Mr. Jonathan Hudson, representing that a new Ship, which he had built at Anamassick, on the Eastern-Shore, was attempted to be launched on the 20th August, but had miscarried therein; that the said vessel being chartered by Mr. Kelly, and a cargo of Wheat now purchased by him, and ready to load said vessel; he prayed for indulgence to load said cargo after the 10th of September, provided it could not be done sooner.

The Committee having considered the Memorial of Mr. Hudson, and the difficulty of his case by the above misfortune, agreed to grant the prayer of his Memorial; and that the said memorialist should be allowed ten working days to load the said ship, after she shall be ready to receive her cargo on board.

Two Memorials were then laid before the Committee by Mr. Samuel Purviance, Jun., and Mr. David Stewart, setting forth, as by said Memorials will appear, which being taken into consideration,

It was Resolved, That the prayers of said Memorials be complied with, under the same restrictions as were allowed to Mr. Jonathan Hudson under similar circumstances; and Messrs. Isaac Grist, Abram Vanbibber, S. C. Davy, and Thomas Elliot, are appointed to superintend this business in the same manner as in the case of Mr. Hudson, and said gentlemen are directed to lay before the Committee, which shall meet on Monday next, a true and full account of all such lading as shall be procured for said vessels, before the 10th day of this month.

Information having been given to the ommittee by Mr. Barnet Eichelberger, that Mr. Robert Long had expressed himself very exceptionably relative to the present proceedings, and against the Committees of this County, and mentions the following persons as witnesses: Doctor William Beard, Mr. Williams, Mr. Wickham, and Mr. G. Hopes.

It was Ordered, That Mr. Long and these gentlemen be desired to attend the Committee on Monday next.

At a meeting of the Committee, on Monday, September 11, 1775: Present, Mr. Samuel Purviance, Chairman, and eleven Members.

Captain Thomas Egger reported his vessel, the Ship Charlotte, from Newcastle, upon Delaware, subscribed, and swore.

Application having been made to this Committee by Mr. James Woodfield, on behalf of the Committee of Pittsburgh, for four hundred pounds of Lead,

It was Resolved, That Mr. John Smith supply with Lead, out of the quantity stored with him, and if there should not be that quantity in his possession, the remainder to be delivered by Mr. James Calhoun.

Mr. Samuel Purviance reported to the Committee, that the Vessel particularized in his Memorial, was lost when coming round from Philadelphia to this Town.

The charge against Mr. Robert Long was postponed till some future meeting of this Committee.

Saturday, September 23, 1775.

The Poll for electing a Committee of Observation for this County, (Messrs. Robert Alexander, Jeremiah T. Chase, Thomas Harrison, John Moale, and William Buchanan, five of the Delegates for this County in the late Provincial Convention, being Judges of the Election,) was this day closed, and the following gentlemen declared duly elected, viz:

John Moalo,Walter Tolley, Jun.,Thomas Gist, Sen.,
Jeremiah T. Chase,Darby Lux,Stephen Cromwell,
James Calhoun,John Cockey,Isaac Grist,
Benjamin Nicholson,William Smith,Thomas Cockey Deye,
Andrew Buchanan,William Buchanan,Mordecai Gist,
Thomas Sollers,William Lux,John Stevenson,
John Cradock,John Boyd,Ezekiel Towson,
James Gittings,John Smith,Jeremiah Johnson,
Robert Alexander,Z. McCubbin, Jun.,William Asquith,
Sam'l Purviance, Jr.,Capt. Chas. Ridgely,John Egor Howard,
William Wilkinson,Thomas Harrison,George Risteau,
Charles Ridgely, SonBenjamin Griffith,Abraham Brilton—37.
of William.William Randall,

And the following gentlemen were chosen Provincial Delegates, to continue for one year, viz: Robert Alexander, Benjamin Nicholson, John Moale, Walter Tolley, Jun., Jeremiah Townley Chase.

N. B. The Poll was kept open eleven days, to give every Freeholder and Freeman full and sufficient time to vote.

The Committee met at the Court-House, Monday, October 9, 1775:

Present: John Moale, Samuel Purviance, James Calhoun, Benjamin Nicholson, Thomas Sollers, John Cradock, James Gittings, Robert Alexander, Walter Tolley, Jun., William Wilkinson, John Cockey, William Buchanan, William Lux, John Boyd, Z. McCubbin, Jun., Thomas Harrison, Benjamin Griffith, Thomas Gist, Sen., Isaac Grist, Mordecai Gist, Ezekiel Towson, Jeremiah Johnson, William Asquith, John E. Howard, John Smith,

Who proceeded to choose Mr. John Moale, Chairman, and Mr. Robert Alexander, Clerk, for the day.

Messrs. Ezekiel Towson and Jeremiah Johnson declined acting as Committee-Men, at the same time declaring their intention of not acting on any occasion.

Mr. Samuel Purviance, Jun,, was elected Chairman; Mr. William Lux, Vice-Chairman; Mr. George Lux, Secretary; and Mr. David McMechen, as Assistant-Secretary, to this Committee during their pleasure.

Mr. Samuel Purviance, Jun., William Lux, John Boyd, Jeremiah Townley Chase, and Robert Alexander, were elected a Committee of Correspondence.

Messrs. John Moale, Thomas Harrison, Thomas Sollers, James Calhoun, William Asquith, Charles Ridgely, Son of William, and John Egor Howard, were elected a Committee for Licensing Suits.

Messrs. Samuel Purviance, Jun., Jqhn Smith, William

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