Bermuda, |
exportation to and from the Colonies permitted, |
410 |
Berrien, |
John, Letter from William Bedlow, |
1155 |
Berry |
Captain Thomas, |
8 |
Berwick, |
John, |
55 |
Bibb, |
William, |
76 |
Bills |
of Credit, New-Hampshire, |
9 |
South-Carolina, |
55 |
New-York, |
419, 1025 |
Maryland, |
741 |
Massachusetts, |
1251, 1253, 1283, 1284, 1329, 1355, 1360, 1372, 1427 |
Continental, |
154, 172, 1633, 1685 |
Recantation of persons who had endeavoured to depreciate, |
887, 888, 896 |
Would be current in Canada if Quebeck were taken, |
907 |
Punishment of persons in Pennsylvania for endeavouring to depreciate, |
941, 1211, 1571, 1572, 1577 |
Proceedings in Massachusetts, relative to injuring credit of, |
1284, 1427 |
Proceedings in New-Jersey Congress relative to refusal of, |
1580 |
New-Jersey Treasurers to receive in payment of Taxes, |
1596 |
Resolution of Continental Congress, relative to attempts to depreciate, |
1640 |
Bishop |
Samuel, |
267 |
Blackburn, |
Thomas, |
76 |
Blagge, |
Mr. |
187 |
Blake, |
Captain Edward, |
27 |
Bland, |
Richard, |
76 |
Blankets, |
Letter of General Washington to New-England Colonies, soliciting, |
448 |
Answer of New-Hampshire Convention, |
470 |
Collection of, in Rhode-Island, |
536 |
Purchase of, by Massachusetts, |
1282, 1374 |
Effort to collect in New-Jersey, |
1608 |
Boardman, |
Benjamin |
207 |
Blockade |
of Boston a Farce, |
613, 884 |
Bonnet, |
Isaac, Letter from Lord Stirling, |
172 |
Boote, |
Benjamin Booths |
56, 65, 76 |
Boston, |
Prices Current at, |
159, 299 |
Provisions of Ministerial Army in store at, |
160 |
Distress of Inhabitants in, |
266 |
Extract of a Letter from an Officer in, |
376 |
Resolution of Congress relative to an attack upon, |
379, 380 |
Attack upon, recommended by Council of Officers, |
775 |
Anxiety of General Washington to attack, |
840, 900, 1192, 1203, 1502 |
Army supposed to be preparing to leave, |
899, 1483, 1501, 1503 |
Bombardment said to be intended, |
1157 |
Opinion of Council of Officers on Bombardment, |
1193, 1203 |
Bounetheau, |
Peter, |
36, 44 |
Bounty, |
for Artillery Recruits in South-Carolina, |
58, 69 |
On Manufactures South-Carolina, |
72 |
To Highland Emigrants, |
312 |
Not expedient to pay to Canada Regiment, |
1405 |
For inlistment of Seamen in Great Britain, |
1467 |
On Salt and Saltpetre in New-Jersey, |
1608, 1627 |
Bouquet, |
Peter, |
55 |
Bowman, |
Joseph, 116, 119 |
Bowman, |
Colonel Abraham, |
120 |
Bowyer, |
John, |
75 |
Boyd |
Robert, Jr, Letter to New-York Congress, relative to manufacture of Gun-Barrels, |
1480 |
Brainard, |
Daniel, |
267 |
Braxter |
Charles, |
75 |
Brett, |
Francis, |
125 |
Bricket, |
Robert Commission to, |
846 |
Bridges, |
Colonel, thanks of General Washington to, |
240 |
Briggs, |
Captain, |
177 |
Bringham, |
Major Asa, |
11 |
Briscoe, |
John, |
126 |
"British American," |
Address of, to the Inhabitants of the United Colonies, |
470 |
Broadcloth, |
Charles, |
75 |
Brooke, |
George, |
75 |
Brooks, |
Captain Joseph, |
267 |
Brooks, |
Deacon, |
1, 2, 3 |
Broughton, |
Captain, |
158, 178, 214 |
Complaint against, |
451 |
Brown, |
Archibald, |
110 |
Brown |
Benjamin, |
12, 18 |
Brown, |
Richard, |
125 |
Brown, |
Samuel, |
267 |
Brown, |
Lieutenant William Memorial of, |
320 |
Brunson, |
Ezra, |
267 |
Buckner, |
Mordecai, |
120 |
Budd, |
John, Surgeon, |
54 |
Buell, |
Captain Benjamin, |
267 |
Bulkley, |
Captain Peter, |
267 |
Bull, |
John, Memorial of, to Congress, relative to Indians, |
202 |
Resignation, |
785, 1648, 1650 |
Bull, |
Colonel Stephen, |
48, 61, 67 |
Bullitt, |
Thomas, |
129 |
Bullock, |
John, |
171 |
Bunker's |
Hill, Enemy becoming uneasy on, |
201 |
Battle of, relief of persons for wounds and losses at, |
1225, 1239, 1280, 1300, 1329, 1345, 1346, 1367, 1408, 1419, 1435, |
1437, 1438, 1439, 1440, 1441, 1446
Burgess, |
John, |
267 |
Burgoyne, |
General, Letter from General Lee, |
150 |
Arrival in London, |
150 |
Soliciting command in Canada, |
1125 |
To be second in command in Canada, |
902 |
Burke, |
William, command of Schooner Warren, |
909 |
Burnham, |
Colonel, |
12, 15, 21, 26, 195 |
Burton, |
Robert, |
75 |
Burwell, |
George, |
110 |
Butler, |
Captain Benjamin, |
10 |
Cabell, |
Joseph, |
75 |
Cabell |
William, Jr, |
75 |
CaIdwell, |
Mr. |
57 |
Calhoun |
Captain, |
57, 65 |
Callbeck, |
Philip, Statement of the case of, |
451 |
Calvert, |
Cornelius |
109 |
Calvert, |
John, |
56 |
Culvert, |
Maximilian, |
95 |
Campbell, |
Dr. Archibald, |
86, 87, 93, 94, 95, 105, 110 |
Campbell, |
Arthur |
106 |
Campbell, |
Duncan, Parole, |
525 |
Asks permission to go to New-York, |
940 |
Released on Parole, |
1650 |
Campbell, |
John, |
88, 104 |
Campbell, |
Colonel Donald, Letter to General Wooster, |
480, 670 |
Campbell, |
Lord William, Governour of South-Carolina, endeavours to procure Military Forces to be sent against South-Carolina |
32 |
Letter to Governour Tonyn, |
35 |
Affidavit of Captain Wanton, relative to seizure of his Sloop by, |
36 |
On board the Tamar, |
477 |
Forced to leave the Harbour of South-Carolina, |
781 |
On board the Syren, (Note,) |
1128 |
Cameron, |
Allan, Letter to Duncan Cameron, |
342 |
Letter to Daniel Chamier, |
342 |
Sent prisoner to Philadelphia, |
479 |
In prison at Philadelphia, |
508, 1561 |
Application for release on Parole, |
959 |
Canada, |
(See Generals Schuyler, Montgomery, Wooster, Arnold, &c.) |
Plan for destruction of American Army in, |
156 |
General Howe's plan for recovery of, |
170 |
Necessity of increasing American Forces in, |
226, 463, 479 |
Remarks of General Lee on Committee to, |
248 |
Reduction of, confidently expected, |
353 |
Importance of, |
454 |
Letter of Monsieur Pelissier to Continental Congress, relative to, |
596-603 |
Advance pay to Troops for, |
798 |
Troops from Connecticut, |
808, 874, 917, 924, 930, 931, 933 |