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Voted, That the Committee of Safety receive out of the Treasury nine Shillings per day, for their past service, and for every day of their sitting in future, in the recess of the General Court, they paying their expenses; and that they be allowed the same travel as the Members of the General Court have. Voted, That the following Petition be sent to the Continental Congress, viz: To the Honourable Congress of the UNITED COLONIES of NORTH AMERICA. Humbly showeth the Council and Assembly of the Colony of NEW-HAMPSHIRE: That by reason of their vicinity to the Town of Boston, and the enemys ships-of-war often hovering round their coast and harbour, they have been kept, for many months past, in perpetual alarm; have been at a very great expense in preparing to defend themselves, at least thirty thousand pounds, lawful money, in erecting batteries, mounting cannon, and supporting soldiers, having had fourteen hundred men under pay at one time, exclusive of two hundred matrosses to guard the metropolis, and expect, the ensuing spring, to be under the necessity of raising a much larger number; and as you have been pleased to order a number of battalions of men to be raised, to guard other Colonies, and as this is by far the poorest Colony on the Continent, according to the number of inhabitants, we most humbly pray your. Honours would order such a number of men to be raised and stationed at Portsmouth, and, in case of any emergency, to assist our neighbour Colonies, as you in, your wisdom shall see fit. The House adjourned to the first Wednesday in March next, to meet then at the Town-House in Exeter, at three of the clock, afternoon. A List of the Members returned as Delegates from the several Towns and places in the Colony of NEW-HAMPSHIRE, to sit in Congress, began and held at EXETER, on the twenty-first day of DECEMBER, A. D. 1775, and continued as a Congress until the eighth day of JANUARY, 1776, when the Council separated from the House, and then being, according to the plan of Government, two distinct branches of the Legislature, formed into a General Court. NAMES OF REPRESENTATIVES. PORTSMOUTH: Samuel Cutts, Esq., Samuel Sherburne, Esq., Captain Pierce Long 3. HAMPTON: Captain Josiah Moulton 1. NORTHAMPTON: Dr. Levi Dearborn 1. EXETER: John Giddinge, Esq., Noah Emery, Esq.2. LONDONDERRY: Matthew Thornton, Esq., (advanced to the Council,) Mr. John Bell 2. RYE: Nathan Goss 1. KINGSTON AND EASTKINGSTON: Samuel Philbrook 1. GREENLAND: Clement March, Esq.1. NEWINGTON: Richard Downing, Esq.1. STRATHAM: Benjamin Barker 1. NEWMARKET: Thomas Tash, Esq.1. SOUTHAMPTON AND NEWTOWN: Philips White, Esq.1. KENSINGTON: Captain Ezekiel Worthen 1. PLASTOW AND ATKINSON: Samuel Kimball 1. HAMPSTEAD: John Calfe 1. SALEM: Caleb Dustin 1. PELHAM: James Gibson 1. CHESTER: Stephen Morse, Captain Robert Wilson 2. RAYMOND AND POPLIN: John Dudley, Esq.1. BRENTWOOD: Samuel Dudley, Esq.1. HAMPTON FALLS AND SEABROOK: Hon. Meshech Weare, Esq.1. DEERFIELD AND NORTHWOOD: Jeremiah Eastman 1. CANTERBURY AND LOUDOUN: Thomas Clough 1. CHICHESTER, EPSOM, AND ALLENSTOWN: John McClary, Esq.1. PEMBROKE: David Gilman, Esq.1. WINDHAM: James Betton, Esq.1. BOW AND DUNBARTON: Captain Caleb Page 1. CONCORD: Timothy Walker, Jun., Esq.1. EPPING: Nehemiah Wheeler 1. NEWCASTLE: Henry Prescott, Esq.1. DOVER: Stephen Evans, Esq., Otis Baker, Esq.2. DURHAM: Ebenezer Thompson, Esq.1. (Advanced to the Council.) LEE: Captain Hercules Mooney 1. SOMERWORTH: Ichabod Rollins, Esq.1. ROCHESTER: Deacon James Knowles 1. BARRINGTON: Captain Samuel Hayes 1 GILMANTON AND BARNSTEAD: Joseph Badger, Esq.1. SANBORNTON AND MEREDITH: Ebenezer Smith, Esq.1. LEAVITTSTON, WAKEFIELD, AND MIDDLETON: Mr. Nathaniel Balch 1. MOULTONBOROUGH, TAMWORTH, AND SANDWICH: Daniel Beede, Esq.1. AMHERST: Moses Nichols, Esq., Mr. Nahum Baldwin 2. DUNSTABLE: Jonathan Lovewell, Esq.1. HOLLIS: Stephen Ames 1. WEARE: John Worth 1. (Advanced to the Council.) HOPKINTON: Captain Stephen Harriman 1. NEW-IPSWICH: William Shattuck 1. MASON AND RABY: Mr. Amos Dakin 1. (Advanced to the Council.) LITCHFIELD AND NOTTINGHAM WEST: Wyseman Clagett, Esq.1. (Advanced to the Council.) BEDFORD: Jonathan Blanchard, Esq.1. DEERFIELD AND GOFFSTWON: Moses Kelley, Esq.1. BOSCAWEN AND SALISBURY: Henry Gerrish, Esq.1. TEMPLE AND PETERNOROUGH: Samuel Moore 1. WILTON, LYNDSBOROUGH, MILE STRIP, AND DUXBURY FARM: Mr. Jacob Abbot 1. HENNIKER, DEERING, HILLBOROUGH, AND SOCIETY LAND: Captain Joseph Simonds 1. KEENE: Major Timothy Ellis 1. WALPOLE: Major John Bellows 1. CHARLESTOWN: Mr. Elijah Grout 1. CLAREMONT: Captain Joseph Wait 1. DUBLIN AND MONADNOCK NO. 5: Eliphalet Stone 1. PACKERSFIELD, LIMERIC, CAMDEN, AND GILSUM: Robert Pollock 1. MARLOW, SURRY, AND ALSTEAD: Nathaniel Sartel Prentice 1. HINSDALE AND CHESTERFIELD: Archibald Robinson 1. CORNISH, PLAINFIELD, PROTECTWORTH, AND GRANTHAM: Moses Chase, Esq.1. UNITY, ACWORTH, LEMPSTER, SAVILE, CROYDEN, AND NEWPORT: Benjamin Giles, Esq.1. (Advanced to the Council. NEW-CHESTER, PLYMOUTH, COCKERMOUTH, AND ALEXANDRIA: Samuel Emerson, Esq.1. RUMNEY, HOLDERNESS, CAMPTON, AND THORNTON: Daniel Brainard, Esq.1. LYME, OXFORD, WARREN, DORCHESTER, WENTWORTH, AND PIERMONT: Israel Morey, Esq.1. HAVERHILL, LYMAN, BATH, GUNTHWAIT, LANDAFF, AND MORRISTON: John Hurd, Esq.1. (Advanced to the Council. APTHORP, LANCASTER, NORTHUMBERLAND, STRATFORD,COCKBURN, COLBURN, CONWAY, SHELBURNE, AND THE TOWNS ABOVE: Captain Abijah Learned 1. Proceedings of the honourable the House of Representatives of the Colony of NEW-HAMPSHIRE, begun and held at the Town-House in EXETER, on WEDNESDAY, the sixth day of MARCH, Anno Domini 1776, by adjournment. Wednesday, March 6, 1776, P. M. The House met according to adjournment, A Petition of a number of the Inhabitants of Brentwood, called Baptists, being read, Voted, That it lay for consideration. Adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine oclock. Thursday, March 7, 1776. Met according to adjournment. Voted, To choose a Committee to make some necessary additional Rules for the order of this House; and that Jonathan Lovewell, Esq., John Dudley, Esq., Joseph Badger, Esq., Doctor Levi Dearborn, and John McClary, Esq., be a Committee for that purpose. Voted, That the Selectmen of Mason be cited to appear before this House, on the 19th day of March current, if this House be then sitting; and if not, then on the second day*