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To the President of the Honourable Congress of the Colony of NEW-YORK, in Congress now convened at NEW-YORK: A Memorial of the present disorderly situation of the First Regiment of ULSTER County. GENTLEMEN: The First Regiment in Ulster County, as it has always been esteemed, has been for a long time kept in suspense by some misconduct or other, by whom, unknown to us, in appointing Field-Officers. We have seen some time last fall the commissions for the subaltern officers in the First Regiment in said County, bearing date in October last, and in some of the Captains commissions, a blank left for a Colonels name, others no blank left for a Colonel; one in particular, neither belongs to a regiment nor Colonel. These commissions were brought up by Mr. Egbert Dumond and Tappan, our late Delegates, and no commissions for Field-Officers of the Militia. Some time in January last, Mr. Dirck Wynkoop, Jun., and Cantine, two of our present Delegates, came home and, brought commissions for Field-Officers of a Minute Regiment; but as yet no commissions for Field-Officers of the Militia. Here the cart was before the horse; for the Minute are to be raised out of the regiment of Militia, and no Militia formed for want of Field-Officers. Now lately commissions were sent up to the Chairman of the County Committee, for Field-Officers of a regiment called the Northern Regiment, in Ulster County. The said commissions directed to A. Hasbrouck, First Colonel; Johannes Snyder, Second Colonel; Jonathan Elmendorf, First Major; Adrian Wynkoop, Second Major, &c.; bearing dates the 20th day of February, 1776. How inconsistent! The subaltern commissions are of a prior date than the Field-Officers, even if they did belong to one and the same regiment. But another inconsistency: the subalterns, Some belong to the First Regiment, others to nobody, and the Field-Officers are appointed for the Northern Regiment. Gentlemen, we are satisfied the arrangement for Field-Offi-cers was returned in Congress some time last summer for the First Regiment in said County, and the very persons, (except Mr. Adrian Wynkoop, who the County Committee appointed to fill the vacancy of Colonel Hardenburgh declined,) were returned in Congress, who are now commissioned for the Northern Regiment. Gentlemen, for the truth hereof, we refer to the journals of your honourable House. Gentlemen, we appeal to your honourable Board; we presume there is a great error in the proceedings relative to the forming and completing the First Regiment in Ulster County. Whether it is owing to the Congress or our Delegates, we cannot determine. But we will affirm, that neither we nor the greater part of the subalterns, are the cause of it. We are ashamed that matters are carried on so irregularly, especially in these critical times, when necessity requires to have the Militia in readiness, and well disciplined. Gentlemen, this is the state of the present situation of the First Regiment in said County. Now, if we should accept of these commissions, we have no regiment at all; for the Militia that was intended we should command, the Captains commissions, as is said before, belong to the First Regiment in said County; and certainly there must be such, as the first in the County, and, in consequence, it would be a piece of ignorance in us to accept of a commission, and nobody to command. We presume the honourable Congress are advised by such as have not the present cause at heart, who would rather see disorder than good order and general union. We are informed it is resolved by the Congress that officers should go in rank by succession. If that be the case, how is it possible that Colonel Hasbrouck should not be the First Colonel, in said County, and in the First Regiment, instead of Colonel of a Regiment never heard of, nor ever was? And if we should be dealt with agreeable to the resolve, and equal with our neighbouring County, without doubt Colonel Hasbrouck should be raised to a higher station; for he is the oldest Colonel, next to Colonel Hardenburgh, in the County of Ulster, and older than any in the adjacent County. Gentlemen, we conceive if the commissions now sent up for Field-Officers for a Northern Regiment cannot be altered, and a prior or an even date given with commissions of the Field-Officers of the other regiments in our County, and the rank of the First Regiment in Ulster County; without tthat, what we in general claim our right, for all the other regiments in the County are descended from us, we see no prospect of getting the Militia in our part of the County under order. So, gentlemen, we shall rest the matter with your superior wisdom. Do as you think proper, gentlemen. We enclose herewith the commissions to you, and expect you will rectify the errors. And remain your humble servants, JONATHAN HASBROUCK, Kingston, March 8, 1776. COLONEL BEDEL TO NEW-HAMPSHIRE COMMITTEE OF SAFETY. Orford, March 8, 1776. GENTLEMEN: I have mustered my men, but do not hear of Captain Osgoods. Part of three companies are marched, and the recruiting officers, with what money was advanced them, cannot well make out unless they can be provided with some on account. I have also been at a great expense on account of the Indians, who have been very sick; two of them are dead, and sent to Dartmouth College to be buried, and the rest marched off yesterday in good spirits. If you could advance me three hundred pounds, I believe it might be sufficient to help the officers, and the expense of the Indians, which runs high, and not yet paid; also, am obliged to purchase medicines, which are very dear; also, horses to carry the same, and baggage, which takes off money very fast. I shall proceed to Quebeck as fast as possibly I can send off my men. The proposal made by you to the Indians, in regard to making them a present, was forgot; if it could be sent should be glad. I shall be waiting the return of the express at Orford, where I shall march from; should be glad it might be directed for me there. You will also receive the opinion of Colonel Morey at this time, in regard to the advancement desired. Gentlemen, I am gratefully obliged to you for all former favours, and shall study to merit the continuance of them, all in my power. I am, gentlemen; with the utmost regard and esteem, your most obedient, humble servant, TIMOTHY BEDEL. To the Honourable Meshech Weare, Esq. P. S. There must also be purchased one hundred firelocks at the least, otherwise the men cannot go. DEPOSITION OF PETER SIMON. WILMINGTON DISTRICT, NORTH-CAROLINA: Peter Simon, of Rhode-Island, maketh oath on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God, that he was on board of a vessel bound from Dominica to Ocracock, and t&ken off Hatteras[ by the Sloop General Gage, George Siibbhs master, and brought into Cape-Fear, about the 25th of February. That Captain Collet was on board the said sloop when this deponent was taken, and was very communicative with him, showing his papers and instructions, and informing what route he was to take, he: That the said Collet said he expected to find General Clinton here with fifteen OT sixteen hundred men, and that the General was to be reinforced in April with nine thousand. After this junction they were to march to Cross-Creek, by way of Waggamaw, and there join General McDonald. That there was only a sufficient ntimber of men for a garrison to be left at Boston, and that twenty-five thousand men were to be landed in the Jerseys, between Philadelphia and New-York, in flat-bottorned boats, and that if they could not possess New-York, they were to destroy it. That the said Cojlet declared, that he would kill man, woman, and child, reserving all the young ladies for his private pleasures. That the night before last this deponent, with several other persons, made their escape, and came up to Wilmington; and further saith not. PETER SIMON. Sworn to before rne, the 9th of March, 1776, WILLIAM PURVIANCE, DEPOSITION OF WILLIAM RADDON. NEW-HANOVER COUNTY: William Raddon, of the City of Philadelphia, mariner,