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A copy of an Answer, which had been immediately returned to the General by the President and Colonel Mc–Dougall, informing that proper care has already been taken on that subject, was read and approved of by the Congress.

Die Jovis, A. M., February 15, 1776.

The Congress met pursuant to adjournment.

Present: Brigadier-General Woodhull, President.

FOR NEW-YORK.—Mr. Beekman, Mr. Roosevelt, Captain Rutgers, Mr. Sands, Colonel McDougall, Col. Brasher, Mr. T . Smith, Mr. Scott.

FOR ALBANY.—Mr. Oothoudt, Mr. Yates, Colonel Nicoll, Mr. Gansevoort, Colonel Rensselaer.

FOR SUFFOLK..—General Woodhull, Mr. Wickham, Mr. Hobart, Mr. L’Hommedieu.

FOR DUTCHESS.—Colonel M, Graham, Mr. G. Livingston, Major R. G. Livingston, Colonel Ten Broeck.

FOR KING’S.—Mr. Covenhoven.

FOR ORANGE.—Mr. Herring, Colonel Allison.

FOR ULSTER.—Mr. Rhea, Mr. Lefever, Mr. Dewitt, Mr. Wisner.

FOR WESTCHESTER.—Colonel G. Drake, Colonel L. Graham, Doctor Graham, Stephen Ward.

FOR TRYON.—Mr. Moore, Mr. Wills.

FOR CHARLOTTE.—Doctor William.

A draft of a Letter to several persons in Queen’s County, was read and approved of, and is in the words following:

“SIR: By an order of the Continental Congress, Colonel Heard has apprehended the following persons, to wit: Joseph French, Esq., William Weyman, Daniel Kissam, Esq., Samuel Clours, Esq., John Townsend, John Polhemus, John Shoals, Charles Hicks, Thomas Smith, Esq., Captain B. Whitehead, Nathaniel Moore, John Willet, Gabriel G. Ludlow, George Weeks, Samuel Hallet, Gilbert Van Wyck, Samuel Martin, and David Brooks, inhabitants of your County, who are now in our custody. They were considered by the Congress as inimical to the liberties of America, and were ordered to be continued in our custody until an inquiry should be made by this Convention into their conduct, and a report thereof made to the Congress. Wherefore, we desire you would immediately collect what evidence you can against those persons, respecting their denying or refusing to obey the directions of the Continental or this Congress: what part they have taken in procuring powder from the Asia man-of-war, and distributing the same; their taking up arms against the country; or any other act they may have done inimical to the liberties of the United Colonies; and transmit the same to us in writing, together with the names, of the principal witnesses to prove the same, with all possible speed.”

Ordered, That copies of the foregoing Letter be engrossed, and transmitted to such of the Inhabitants of Queen’s County as are most likely to execute the service required therein.

Mr. Moore moved in the words following, to wit:

MR. PRESIDENT: I move for the loan of four hundred Pounds, out of the Treasury of this Congress, to defray accounts charged against the Committee of Tryon County for expresses, services of Minute-men on alarms, and other necessary expenses; the sum so lent to be secured by the bond of Isaac Paris, Esq., William Wills, and myself, to Peter V. B. Livingston, Esq., as Treasurer of this Congress, and charged to the account of Tryon County.

Whereupon, it was Resolved and Ordered, First: That the Treasurer of this Congress pay to Messrs. Isaac Paris, William Wills, and John Moore, the sum of four hundred Pounds, New-York money, and that he take their joint and several obligations for the same, in his own name, payable on demand.

Second. Resolved, That the Obligors do, with all convenient speed, produce to this Congress an account of the Moneys expended by the Committee of Tryon County, with the proper vouchers; and that they shall have credit on the said obligation for such expenditures as shall hereafter be adjudged by this Congress to be a proper charge against this Colony.

And it is further Resolved, That the said Obligors apply to the Commissioners for Indian Affairs for the payment of such expenditures as have been made by the Committee in their department, and pay the same to the Treasurer of this Congress, in discharge of the said obligation, with all convenient speed.

Colonel Brasher brought into Congress a request from Hugh and Alexander Wallace, Esqs., requesting a permit to put on board the Ship Dutchess of Gordon one and a half pipe of Wine, for the use of his Excellency Governour Tryon.

Thereupon, Ordered, That a permission be made out for those gentlemen, or their agent, to put the said Wine on board for his Excellency’s use; and that one of the Secretaries do attest the same.

A Letter from Thomas Palmer, Esq., enclosing an Agreement, and the names of a number of men who have agreed to inlist under Mr. William Martin, as their Captain, in the Troops to be raised for the defence of this Colony; as, also, an extract of the Proceedings of the Committee of New-Marlborough, approving of, and recommending the said William Martin, as a Captain in the said Troops to be raised; was read.

Ordered, That the said Letter, with the Papers enclosed, be referred to the Committee appointed to take into consideration the Resolutions of the Continental Congress relative to the raising the Troops for the defence of this Colony.

A Letter, signed by Captain Samuel Jones and several others, dated at Goshen, February 9, 1776, was read; and they thereby request that this Congress will favour the County of Orange with part of the Field-Officers for the Troops intended to be raised in this Colony; and they recommend Mr. Israel Wells as one of the Majors.

Ordered, That the foregoing Letter be referred to the Committee appointed to consider of the Resolutions of the Continental Congress, relative to the raising the Troops for the defence of this Colony.

Whereas a large body of Troops are daily expected from the neighbouring Counties and Colonies, for the defence of this City against the Ministerial Army and Navy, in which case it will be necessary (as the Barracks are already filled with those already arrived) to provide proper Houses for their reception:

It is, therefore, Resolved and Ordered, That the General Committee for the City and County of New-York be requested forthwith to cause a Return to be made to them of all the empty Houses in this city; and that they, or a Sub-Committee of their body, select a sufficient number of the said Houses for the accommodation of the Troops that shall from time to time arrive; that, in the choice of the said Houses, such be taken as may be least liable to be injured by the Troops: that the said Committee, or their Sub-Committee, be careful to take a survey of the condition of the said Houses at the time they shall be taken possession of, and at the time such Houses shall be left by the said Troops: to the end that proper satisfaction may be made to the proprietors for any injury the said Houses may receive by reason of quartering Troops therein.

And it is further Ordered, That the Barrackmaster for the time being be subject to, and under the direction of the said Committee, or their Sub-Committee; and that the Chair man of the said Committee be requested to cause the said General Committee to be convened immediately, that this Order may be executed.

Ordered, That a certified copy of the foregoing Order be sent to the Chairman of the General Committee of the City and County of New-York.

Whereas a number of the Troops commanded to this City by Major-General Lee, are arrived from Westchester County; and there is not any Barrack room, or proper lodgment for them, wherein to put them under cover; and whereas others of the said Troops commanded to this City from Westchester and Dutchess Counties, are hourly expected, and Lodgings must also be provided for the whole of those Troops: and whereas, from the necessity of the case, the Congress must direct those Troops already arrived, and such as shall arrive, to be put into the empty Houses in this City:

Therefore, Ordered, That John Van Cortlandt, Esq., Mr. Isaac Roosevelt, Captain Rutgers, and Colonel Mc–Dougall, be a Committee to place all the before mentioned Troops under cover; that the said Committee, or any one or

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