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Mr. Sands, Mr. Denning, Captain Rutgers, Mr. Beekman, Mr. Roosevelt, Colonel Lott, Mr. Smith.

FOR ALBANY.—General Ten Broeck, Mr. Abraham Yates, Mr. Ganscvoort, Colonel Nicoll (on service.)

FOR SUFFOLK.—General Woodhull, Mr. Hobart, Mr. Gelston.

FOR DUTCHESS.—Colonel Ten Broeck, Mr. G. Livingston, Major R. G. Livingston.

FOR ULSTER.—Mr. Rhea, Mr. Lefever, Colonel Palmer, (on service.)

FOR ORANGE.—Colonel Allison, Colonel Hay, Mr. Herring, Mr. Clowes.

FOR WESTCHESTER.—Mr. Ward, Dr. Graham.

FOR CHARLOTTE.—Colonel John Williams.

FOR CUMBERLAND.—Colonel William Williams.

FOR TRYON.—Mr. Moore.

FOR RICHMOND.—Mr. Adrian Bancker.

FOR KING’S.—Mr. Vanderbilt, Mr. Leffertse.

The Congress were informed that General Lee is anxious to have a Store-house, or Magazine, for Military Stores, and that the service must soon suffer if the Bridewell, or some other proper Magazine, is not obtained.

Ordered, That Colonel McDougall employ proper workmen, procure necessary materials, and have proper floors and shutters for the windows made, and that building fitted for a Magazine, or Store-house.

Mr. Pettit, the Doorkeeper, informed the Congress that, in obedience to their order, he had summoned Christopher Duyckinck; that the said Christopher Duyckinck called witnesses, and desired him to tell the Congress that he denied the authority of this Congress; that he would not attend until Mr. Sands was expelled the House; that Mr. Sands was an usurper and a coward, and that he would riot attend until he was brought by a file of musketeers.

Mr. Hobart moved, and was seconded, that a Letter be wrote to General Lee, requesting him to take Christopher Duyckinch into custody.

By consent, the same was postponed till to-morrow morning.

Mr. Smith, in pursuance of an Order of last Thursday morning, brought in a draft of a Letter relating to the Pay of the Minute-men, which was read and approved, and is in the words following, to wit:

GENTLEMEN: The Continental Congress formerly directed us to raise Minute Companies in this Colony, and established their pay, when called into actual service, to be the same with the pay of the Continental Troops. At the time we were ordered to form these Companies, the pay of a private was fifty-three shillings and four pence per month, and the men were raised on assurance that they were to receive this pay; and although some of the privates have been inlisted since the 19th of January, when the new establishment was formed which reduced the pay to forty shillings per month, yet the officers, not knowing of this reduction, inlisted their privates on assurance that they were to receive the pay of the old establishment. These Companies are now called into actual service, and are in this city. They express great uneasiness at being reduced to the pay of forty shillings per month, when they were promised fifty-three shillings and four pence. Wo are apprehensive that the service will suffer by this uneasiness; and as it is not in our power to remove the difficulty, we should be glad to take the sense of the Continental Congress, and beg you would transmit it to us as soon as possible. It may be proper to inform you that the officers are content with the pay provided by the first establishment though less than the last establishment.

We are, sirs, your very humble servants.

By order.

To the New-York Delegates in Continental Congress.

Ordered, That a copy thereof be engrossed, and signed by the President, and transmitted.

Die Martis, 10 ho. A. M., February 27, 1776.

The Congress met pursuant to adjournment.

Present: Brigadier-General Woodhull, President.

FOR NEW-YORK.—Colonel Lott, Mr. Denning, Mr. Sands, Mr. Reekman, Mr. Prince, Mr. Van Cortlandt, Captain Rutgers, Mr. Rutgers, Mr. Van Zandt, Mr. Smith, Mr. Roosevelt, Colonel McDougall.

FOR ALBANY.—General Ten Broeck, Mr. A. Yates, Mr. Gansevoort, Colonel Nicoll, (on service.)

FOR ULSTER.—Mr. Rhea, Mr. Lefever, Colonel Palmer, (on service.)

FOR WESTCHESTER.—Mr. Ward, Colonel Joseph Drake, Dr. Graham.

FOR SUFFOLK.—General Woodhull, Mr. Hobart, Mr. Gelston.

FOR DUTCHESS.—Colonel Ten Broeck, Major R. G. Livingston, Mr. Schenck.

FOR ORANGE.—Mr. Herring, Colonel Hay, Colonel Allison, Mr. Clowes.

FOR KING’S.—Mr. Vanderbilt, Mr. Leffertse.

FOR RICHMOND.—Mr. A. Bancher.

FOR TRYON.—Mr. Moore.

FOR CHARLOTTE.—Colonel John Williams.

A Letter from Joseph Robinson, of Jamaica, in Queen’s County, dated February 21, 1776, was read and filed: He declines mentioning the names of persons to be evidences against the persons of their County who were apprehended by order of the Continental Congress, and have given in securities. Informs that almost every person in that County can be a witness, and that he will attend on summons.

A Letter from James Duane, Esq., one of the Delegates of this Colony at Congress, dated the 25th instant, was read and filed, and is in the words following, to wit:

“Philadelphia, February 25, 1776.

“GENTLEMEN: I have this moment received your favour of the 22d instant. The post did not get in till near seven o’clock in the evening, and will be despatched back so soon that I can have no opportunity, in the interim, of conferring with my brethren, and one of the subjects is too important to admit of delay; I therefore beg leave to give you my sentiments upon it. If anything further occurs on a consultation, it will be transmitted the next conveyance.

“General Schuyler some time since proposed to Congress that our Second, or Albany, Battalion should be recruited for the service of Canada, and recommended the former Field-Officers. Of this, Congress approved, and twelve thousand five hundred pounds were forwarded to you for the despatch of that business. The General, in a subsequent letter, informed Congress that the money was sent to him, and seems to be uneasy that the care of raising the battalion should be superadded to the other burdens of his command. He mentions his intentions of applying to the Committee of Albany for assistance on that occasion; but what progress has since been made we do not learn.

“The Congress have also declared their intention of promoting Captain Henry Livingston, (who came express from General Montgomery with the news of the surrender of Montreal,) when an opportunity should offer; but nothing has yet been done in his favour.

“A resolution has since passed for raising four battalions in New-York for its immediate protection and defence, of which you have received a copy. It was followed by another, that, in the appointment of these officers, such as behaved well during the last campaign should be provided for; a copy of which has likewise been forwarded for your direction.

“As New-York was thought to be in a critical state, and no feconnnendation had appeared from our Committee of Safety of the officers for the four battalions, it occasioned much surprise and uneasiness, and the only apology I was able to make, viz., the expectation of a meeting of the Convention, and the utility of their advice, (which, indeed, depended on my own conjecture,) did not prove satisfactory. It was said that, while everything was done for New-York at the publick expense that could be wished or asked, they neglected their own defence, &c. This produced a resolution that an inquiry should be made into your progress with respect to those battalions. These circumstances, (if my memory has not failed,) are all that haveliappened on this subject, and which will suffice to convince you that there is no obstruction in the way of your nominating the Field-Officers, agreeable to the recommendation of Congress. You will doubtless see the propriety of despatch, both on account of your security and your reputation—both of which no man can have more sincerely at heart than myself.

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