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time spent therein, and debates thereon, the question was put, whether non-Associators shall be permitted to vote? And it was carried in the affirmative, in the manner following, to wit:
That part of the Resolves which proposed the election by ballot being then read, debates arose thereon. After some time spent therein, it is agreed, that, as the non-Associators are allowed to vote, that the election be not made by ballot. Those two material points being settled, Ordered, That Mr. Smith and Mr. Gansevoort take with them the said plan for an Election; and that they make amendments, or prepare a new draft of a plan, and resolves for that purpose, and report the same this afternoon. Die Lunæ, 4 ho. P.M., March 11, 1776. The Congress met pursuant to adjournment. Present: Brigadier-General Woodhull, President. FOR NEW-YORK.Colonel McDougall, Mr. Beekman, Mr. Evert Bancker, Captain Rutgers, Mr. Randall, Mr. Roosevelt, Mr. Van Zandt, Colonel Lott, Mr. Thomas Smith, Mr. Scott.FOR ALBANY.Mr. Abraham Yates, Mr. Gansevoort, Colonel Nicoll, (on service,) General Ten Broeck. FOR SUFFOLK.General Woodhull, Mr. Hobart, Mr. Gelston. FOR DUTCHESS.Colonel Ten Broeck, Major Schenck. FOR ULSTER.Mr. Rhea, Mr. Lefever, Colonel Palmer, (on service.) FOR WESTCHESTER.Colonel Gilbert Drake, Colonel Lewis Graham, Mr. Thomas. FOR RICHMOND.Mr. Adrian Bancker, Mr. Lawrence. FOR TRYON.Mr. Moore. FOR ORANGE.Colonel Allison, Colonel Hay. FOR KINGS.Mr. Polhemus, Mr. Leffertse. FOR CHARLOTTE.Colonel John Williams. FOR CUMBERLAND.Colonel William Williams. A Certificate, signed by the President, and attested by both Secretaries, was given to Mr. Van Zandt for the Ship Rosamond, in the words following, to wit: It is hereby certified, that the Ship Rosamond, whereof Captain Wright Southgate is Master, has been laded by order of the Provincial Congress of this Colony on their account, and is now proceeding to sea on her voyage on the account and at the risk of this Colony of New-York. Mr. Van Zandt produced a Letter fromSnell, Master of the Sloop Hampden, informing that he is arrived at Philadelphia, and specifying his cargo brought on account of this Colony. Ordered, That the Marine Committee give directions and take the management of that Vessel and Cargo. A Letter from Malcom Morrison, Esq., and a Petition of Archibald Campbell, of Paulings Precinct, in Dutchess County, complaining of great irregularities and outrages against the said Archibald Campbell, by some persons from Connecticut, were severally read and filed, and are in the words following, to wit: New-York, March 11, 1776. SIR: I make free to inform you that a number of people from Connecticut came to the house of Mr. Archibald Campbell, in my neighbourhood, on the 28th ultimo, to dispossess him of his farm by force. Upon hearing of which, I went there, and found about one dozen persons, some of whom were armed, carrying his furniture into the street. I expostulated with them on their doings, and told them if they did not desist, I must call the posse to suppress them. They, thinking themselves not sufficiently strong to proceed, left off. I then asked them what caused them to act in the manner they had done. They told me they, were determined to repossess all the people who had been turned off their places some years past, as the lands belonged to Connecticut. I did not think it prudent to call aid to secure them, but advised them to return, as the mode they took to settle any controversy that might be pending, was unjustifiable; upon which they went off, but said they would return with greater force. A number of others have been warned to remove from their farms. I believe it would be advisable to lay the affair before our Provincial Congress, and, if possible, have the matter stopped, as I am apprehensive, if something is not done to prevent them, we shall have a second Prendergast affair in our County. I am, with deference, sir, your most humble servant, MALCOM MORRISON. To the Honourable Provincial Congress now sitting in the City of New-York. The Petition of ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, of PAULINGS Precinct, in the County of DUTCHESS, and Province of NEW-YORK, Gentleman, humbly showeth: That on the 28th day of February now last past, a body of men, in number about thirteen, from the Colony of Connecticut, in a hostile and riotous manner, with arms and clubs, did proceed to the dwelling-house and farm of your Petitioner, lying in Paulings Precinct aforesaid, and did then and there unjustly, and without any colour of equity, take away part of his household goods and furniture, leaving them in the street, or road, by which means they were much exposed, with intention to dispossess your Petitioner of his right and property. That they proceeded in the same riotous and illegal manner to dispossess others living in the said Paulings Precinct of their goods and lands, without having any legal authority for that purpose. That upon the interposition of the Magistrates they dispersed, and were returning home, but threw out many menaces and threatenings that they would soon be back again with a number sufficient to put their wicked designs in execution; by means whereof, as well your Petitioner as many other well-disposed and peaceable persons living in said Paulings Precinct are kept in continual fears and alarms, and are very uneasy, lest they should be deprived of their possessions and goods. And that, unless the honourable Congress make use of some means to discourage and prevent such mischievous doings, that part of the Province will be kept in great confusion. Your Petitioner, therefore, humbly prays, as well for himself as in behalf of others, inhabitants of said Paulings Precinct, that the honourable Provincial Congress will take the matter under their mature consideration, and devise, order, and direct such ways and means as to them in their great wisdom shall seem most fit and convenient, in order for the effectual suppression and discouragement of such illegal proceedings. And your Petitioner shall ever pray, &c. ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL Fredericksburgh, February 29, 1776. Ordered, That the said Letter and Petition be referred to the Members of this Congress from Dutchess County, to write to the Committee of their County or the Committee of Paulings District, for particular information on the matters mentioned in the said Letter and Petition, and requesting such Committee to transmit Affidavits or other proof of such facts as shall be proved to them, to this Congress, or the Committee of Safety; and that the said Members from Dutchess County procure such further information in the premises as they may conveniently obtain, and make report thereof to this Congress, or Committee of Safety, with all convenient speed. The Congress were informed that William Douglass, Andrew Van Tuyl, and Isaac Simonson, had made Affidavit as to the loss of the Pilot-Boat Hampden, in the manner formerly directed for the other owners. The said Affidavit being read and filed, is in the words following, to wit: * * * * * * * * Ordered, That William Douglass, Andrew Van Tuyle, and Isaac Simonson, be paid for one quarter part of the Pilot-Boat called the Hampden, the sum of one hundred and fifty Pounds; and for one-quarter part of the wages or hire