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mentioned, in pursuance of a resolution of the Continental Congress, recommending a contract for that purpose to be made.

And Resolved, That the Provincial Congress of this Colony for the time being, or any other such Representatives of the good people of this Colony as shall then represent the same, shall and will use their utmost endeavours, with the other Representatives of this Continent, that the said contract shall be fully discharged, without any particular loss or injury to the parties of the second part therein named, or their or either of their legal representatives; and that, in the mean time, the said Nathaniel Woodhull, Isaac Roosevelt, Abraham Yates, Jun., Morris Graham, and William Paulding, their and each of their heirs, executors, and administrators, and their and each of their goods and chat­tels, lands and tenements, shall be saved harmless, and kept indemnified from all payments, costs, charges, damages and demands whatever, by reason, or means, or on account of their having entered into and executed the said contract.

Whereas it is apprehended by some persons that the Regiments, or Companies of Minute-men in this Colony are not subject to the command of the Brigadier-Generals within whose Districts they generally reside,

Resolved and Ordered, That the Brigadier-Generals in this Colony be authorized, and they are hereby authorized, to command all Regiments or Companies of Minute-men within their respective Districts, in as full and ample manner as any other of the Militia of their respective Brigades.

A Message was received from Lord Stirling, by Captain Morris, requesting the Barrack necessaries may be ordered by this Congress to be supplied to a Company of Militia from New-Jersey, arrived at this City to enter on duty.

Thereupon, an Order was made, and Directed to Colonel Curtenius and the Barrackmaster, to supply the said Com­pany of Militia with Barrack necessaries.

Ordered, That the Committee of Safety be authorized, and are hereby authorized, to hear and determine the case of John Grigg.


Gilgorum, March 17, 1776.

MY LORD: It is not without concern that I find myself obliged to address your Lordship on this occasion, as one of his Majesty’s principal Secretaries of State. I trust your Lordship will not require any apology for the requisition of that favour, which, in your official character, it may be proper for you to comply with. Presuming, therefore, that you are the person by whose means my sentiments may be most regularly conveyed to his Majesty, I beg leave to entreat your Lordship may lay before his Majesty the enclosed Me­morial.

I have the honour to be, your Lordship’s most obedient humble servant,


To Lord George Germaine, one of his Majesty’s Principal Secretaries of State.

To the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, the humble Memorial of James Wilson, * showeth:

That the Memorialist has served your Majesty for up­wards of fifteen years as a Captain in your Majesty’s Ma­rine forces; during which time Memorialist discharged his duty with fidelity to the utmost of his power; and that Memorialist has had the honour of a seat in the House of Commons in Ireland during the present Parliament, in which capacity, as a servant of the people, his conduct has been uniformly directed by the best of his understanding to pro­mote the interest of this Kingdom, humbly conceiving the well-being of this Island essentially conducive to the honour and support of your Majesty’s Government; that your Memorialist, by every binding influence of allegiance, and inviolable inclination, is ready to risk his life and property, if required, to maintain those inestimable principles by which your Majesty’s illustrious family obtained the sovereignty of these realms. But it is with the most poignant concern that Memorialist finds himself compelled, by the pernicious mea­sures of your Majesty’s Ministers, and the indelible dictates of nature, to implore your Majesty to withdraw him from the rank and honour he enjoys under your Majesty, as Cap­tain on half-pay. Memorialist thinks it inconsistent with fidelity to your Majesty as a subject, or the people as a re­presentative, to receive those wages which render him liable to the command of Ministers, the perpetration of whose designs, death would be as much preferable to, as it ever had been in the mind of Memorialist to hesitate in the sup­port of your Majesty’s real glory and happiness. Memorialist, therefore, humbly entreats your Majesty, in your Royal clemency, graciously to take his dutiful Memorial into consideration, as the only reward for his services, that Memorialist may be emancipated from the distressing apprehension which the present military preparations against America suggest, of being obliged to disobey the commands of his Sovereign, or adopt the horrid alternative of stifling every impulse of humanity, and rushing into the blood of kindred fellow-subjects and countrymen.

Gilgorum, March 17, 1776.


Williamsburgh, March 17, 1776,

SIR: I am honoured with your letter enclosing a commis­sion appointing me a Brigadier-General in the Army of the United Colonies. Devoted to the cause of America, I feel no wish so ardent, no ambition so strong, as to be able to contribute to its service and support. With pleasure, there­fore, I accept the important trust, and, through you, beg leave to convey to your honourable body my grateful thanks for this distinguishing mark of their favour; which, by my strenuous endeavours and utmost efforts, I hope in some measure to deserve. The battalions here being not yet complete, nor all the commissions filled up, puts it out of my power to make you at present the return you request, which I shall be happy to forward to you the moment I can.

I have the honour to be, with the greatest respect, sir, your most obedient humble servant,


To the President of Congress.


[No. 62.] Annapolis, March 17, 1776.

GENTLEMEN: We are exceedingly anxious on account of our Treasury, as it grows very low, and the demands, as you must be sensible, continue still great. You will there­fore excuse our mentioning to you so often our apprehen­sion that, unless the plates and paper are furnished in a very short time, the Treasury will be exhausted, and the credit of the Province must sink.

Our Minute Companies have written to us for copies of the Continental regulations and pay to their troops; and as we are not provided with them, we request you will send them to us; or if a favourable opportunity should offer, transmit them to Accomack immediately, as we are some­times at a loss for conveyances from hence. Pray send us an account of the Continental pay of the officers and men in the Navy. We are informed there have been some alter­ations lately made in them by Congress, and shall be glad to see them. They will be useful to us in settling the wages for the Defence.

The enclosed is a copy of a letter we have received from Mr. arrison, our agent in the foreign West-Indies.

We are, &c.

To the Deputies for Maryland in Congress.


[No. 63.] Annapolis, March 17, 1776.

GENTLEMEN: We are sorry the proceedings of the convention, through the negligence of our press, should not

* The above gentleman, who is a Member in the Irish Parliament for Taghmon, in the County of Wexford, as a Captain, in the year 1750, raised one hundred and thirty men (as the purchase of his Company) on his own estate, in Ireland, and served all the remainder of the war in actual service, with the highest credit to himself.

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