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A motion was made, that a question be put, whether a Second Regiment of Riflemen shall be raised? A debate ensued, and the question being put, the Congress divided. The yeas went forth: Yeas, 51; nays, 37.
So that it was resolved in the affirmative. A motion was made, that the said Regiment shall consist of seven hundred Men. A debate arose, the question was put, and passed in the negative. A motion was then made, that the said Regiment shall consist of six hundred Men. After some debate, the question was put, and passed in the negative. A motion was made, that a Colonel be appointed to command the said Regiment. A debate arose, and the question being put, it passed in the negative. The Report of the Committee on the expediency of raising another Regiment of Riflemen being gone through, Resolved, That a Second Regiment of Riflemen, to rank as the Sixth Regiment, in the Colony service, be raised as soon as possible, to consist of five Companies, of one hundred men each, under a Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, and a Major, upon the same terms and establishment as the First Regiment of Riflemen. Major Cattell, from the Committee to consider and report the best ways and means to supply the Troops and Militia with Rations, delivered in a Report. Ordered, That the said Report be taken into consideration to-morrow morning. Upon an application by Mr. George Ancrum, Jun., Ordered, That Mr. President do write to Georgia, to request the good offices of the Congress or Council of Safety there, to enable Mr. Ancrum to export from thence to this Colony certain Goods, the property of the said Ancrum, which had been detained for the Indian trade. Adjourned to nine oclock to-morrow. In Congress, Thursday, February 29, 1776. The Congress met. And the Journal of yesterday was read. Agreeable to the Order of yesterday, the Report of the Committee, on the best ways and means of supplying the Troops and Militia with Rations, was taken into consideration. On motion, to disagree with a part of the said Report, recommending an allowance of (not exceeding) forty Shillings per day to the Clerks of the Commissary-General, a debate arose, and the question being put, it was determined in the affirmative. The said Report having been fully debated and amended, the Congress came to the following Resolutions thereupon, viz: Resolved, That a Commissary-General be appointed to supply the Colony Troops and Militia with Rations; and also to supply the Hospital with such Provisions as the Director shall require. That the said Commissary-General be allowed as many Deputy-Commissaries and Clerks as, with the approbation of the Council of Safety, he may judge necessary; the said Deputy-Commissaries and Clerks to be approved by the Council of Safety, who shall be informed by the Commissary-General what branch of service they are to be employed in. And the Council of Safety are empowered to allow such salaries to the Clerks so appointed as they shall deem sufficient, not exceeding five hundred Pounds per annum, and one Ration each per day. That the Commissary-General shall be allowed a salary of two thousand Pounds, currency, per annum; and each Deputy a pay not exceeding three Pounds per day, and two Rations; and, also, such boat-hire, and other charges, as the Council of Safety may think reasonable. And that orders to the Commissary-General shall be issued in writing, from the Council of Safety, or the Commander of the Troops for the time being. That the Commissary shall give bond, with surety, for ten thousand Pounds, duly to account for the Moneys that may be advanced to him. And that he shall, once in every month, make a return to the Commander-in-Chief; and once in every three months render an account, on oath, to the Council of Safety, of what Provisions he hath purchased, what has been delivered to each corps respectively, what remains on hand, and at what places; and that the accounts rendered by the Deputies to the Commissary-General shall also be on oath. That the Commissary-General shall, from time to time, acquaint the Council of Safety with his proceedings; point out abuses, and the proper remedies for them; represent the best mode to be pursued for supplying the Army plentifully, regularly, and at the same time with economy; and he shall have timely notice at what places magazines are to be formed, of what quantity and quality. That no money be paid for Rations that have not been drawn; and whatsoever Officer, whether Commissary-General, Deputy-Commissary, or Clerk, shall pay for such Rations, he shall be dismissed from his office. And that, if the Commissary-General shall apprehend more Rations have been drawn by any corps than they have a right to, he shall immediately acquaint the Council of Safety thereof. That the price of Rations shall not be fixed; but that the Commissary-General shall be empowered to purchase Provisions on the best terms, or to contract for them, with the approbation of the Council of Safety, and whose drafts or certificates, if approved by the said Council, shall be answered. That, besides the Rations of Beef and Pork already allowed by the present Congress, there shall also be allowed one pound of Bread, Flour or Ship-bread, or one pint and a half of Rice, each man, per day; also, Salt and Vinegar, not exceeding one pint per month of each; and two pounds of Pepper (if to be had) per day, for each Regiment of seven hundred and fifty men, and in that proportion to other Regiments; and, That the Council of Safety shall be, and they are hereby empowered to remove or suspend the Commissary-General, or any Deputy-Commissary, for malpractices or incapacity, on a hearing; and to appoint others in their room, during the recess of Congress. Colonel C. C. Pinckney, from the Committee appointed to confer with Mr. De Brahm, reported, and recommended it as an expedient measure to retain him in the Colony service. A motion was then made, that Mr. De Brahm be retained in the Colony service, as an Engineer, upon the terms proposed yesterday. After some debate, the question being put, it was resolved in the affirmative. Resolved, That every Member of Congress who has left it, or shall absent himself from the service thereof, without leave, and does not reside more than sixty miles from Charlestown, shall be sent for at his own expense. Ordered, That Mr. Kershaw, Captain Alexander Moultrie, and Captain Roger Smith, be a Committee to draw a proper form of Accounts to be delivered in against the publick, for the service of drafts of Militia, and lay the same before this Congress. Two Accounts of Richard Savage, for attendance and Medicines to some of the drafted Militia, who had fallen sick, were delivered in, amounting together to eighty-nine Pounds ten Shillings. Ordered, That they be referred to the Committee on Publick Accounts. Adjourned to five oclock in the evening. In Congress, Thursday Evening, February 29, 1776. The Congress met. The Congress proceeded to ballot for the Field-Officers for the Second Regiment of Riflemen, separately. And Thomas Sumpter, Esq., was declared, by majority of votes, to be duly elected Lieutenant-Colonel Commandant, And William Henderson, Esq., Major, of the said Regiment. A motion was made, that the balloting for the Captain