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Colonies in actual rebellion, entitled An Act to prohibit all trade and intercourse with the Colonies of New-Hampshire, Massachusetts-Bay, Rhode-Island, Connecticut, New-York, New-Jersey, Pennsylvania, the three lower Counties on Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, South-Carolina, and Georgia, during the continuance of the present rebellion within the said Colonies respectively; for repealing an Act, made in the fourteenth year of the reign of his present Majesty, to discontinue the landing and discharging, lading or shipping, of goods, wares, and merchandise, at the Town and within the Harbour of Boston, in the Province of the Massachusetts-Bay; and also two other Acts, made in the last session of Parliament, for restraining the trade and commerce of the Colonies in the said Acts respectively mentioned, and to enable any person or persons appointed and authorized by his Majesty to grant pardons, to issue Proclamations, in the cases and for the purposes therein mentioned,was read. Resolved, That a copy of the said Act be immediately despatched, and conveyed with all possible haste, to the Continental Congress at Philadelphia; and that proper extracts from the said Act be forthwith made, printed, and published here. Resolved, That the Ship Port-Henderson, Henry Aitken Master, now lying under the cannon of Fort-Johnston, and bound for London, be forthwith seized, and brought up to Charlestown under the care of the Prosper ship-of war; that, upon the said Ship being brought up, the Cargo on board be forthwith landed, and sold; and that, the said Cargo being sold, the moneys arising from such sale be lodged in the Colony Treasury. Ordered, That Mr. Loocock be added to the Board of Commissioners appointed to erect and superintend the intended publick Salt Work at or near Charlestown. Major Cattell, from the Committee to consider and report what Salaries are proper to be allowed to the several publick Officers, delivered in a Report. And the said Report being taken into immediate consideration, A motion was made, to agree with that part thereof which recommends a Secretary to be allowed the President and Commander-in-Chief, with a salary of two thousand Pounds a year. After some debate, the question was put; and it passed in the negative. A motion was made, to agree with the Report in fixing the salary of the President and Commander-in-Chief at ten thousand Pounds a year. After some time spent in debate, the question was put; the Congress divided. The yeas went forth: Yeas, 25; Nays, 27.
And it was determined in the negative. A motion was made, that a yearly salary of nine thousand Pounds be allowed the said President and Commander-in-Chief. The question being put, resolved in the affirmative. On motion, to agree with the Report that the Assistant Judges be allowed a yearly salary of twenty-eight hundred Pounds each, A debate ensued; and the question being put, it passed in the negative. A motion was then made, that a salary of two thousand five hundred Pounds per annum be allowed to each of the said Judges. After some debate, the question was put; and it passed in the negative. On motion, to agree with the Report that a salary of one thousand Pounds a year be allowed to the Ordinary, A debate arose; and the question being put, resolved in the affirmative. A motion was made, that a Judge of Admiralty be allowed a salary of five hundred Pounds a year. After some time spent in debate, the question was put; and it passed in the negative. The said Report being amended and agreed to, Ordered, That the same be added to, and made the 34th section of the Report of the Committee of the Whole on a plan or form of Government. Ordered, That Mr. Benjamin Eddings be added to the Commissioners for erecting a publick Salt Work on the southern coast of this Colony. Adjourned to nine oֽclock to-morrow. In Congress, Friday, March 22, 1776. The Congress met. And the Journal of yesterday was read. A Proposal of Mr. William Bellamy, that he, with some assistance from the publick, would undertake to erect and complete a proper Mill, for making Paper, and cutting Files at the same time, was presented, and read. Ordered, That the said Proposal be referred to a Committee of the following gentlemen, viz: Mr. Kershaw, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Loocock, the Reverend Mr. Tennent, and Mr. William Butt; and that they do report thereon as soon as possible. Resolved, That Colonel Powell, Colonel Fuller, Mr. Loocock, Captain Shubrick, Dr. Oliphant, Mr. Cannon, and Mr. Brown, be, and they are hereby, appointed Commissioners for laying forthwith such obstructions to the navigation of the channels over Charlestown Bar, and in the Harbour, as they shall judge necessary to prevent the passage of Ships-of-War; and that the Council of Safety do give every assistance to the said Commissioners, and cause the necessary sums of money to be advanced for the carrying on this service. Colonel Powell, from the Committee to consider and report the best means of erecting a Powder-Mill, and promoting the making of Gunpowder in this Colony, delivered in a Report. And the said Report being considered, the Congress came to the following Resolution: Whereas Henry Felder, Esq., having proposed to manufacture Sulphur and Nitre into Gunpowder: according to his offer, it is Resolved, That a proper quantity of Nitre and Sulphur, belonging to the publick, be put into the hands of the said Henry Felder, Esq., to be by him made up into Gunpowder, and delivered into the publick Magazine; that Mr. Felder be allowed seven Shillings and six Pence currency for each pound of Gunpowder by him so made up from such materials, exclusive of the charge of carriage; and that, upon his delivering a quantity of Gunpowder into the hands of the publick Receiver, he be, from time to time," supplied with an equal quantity of materials, to be in like manner made up into Gunpowder. Resolved, That the following Members of Congress be immediately, at their own expense, summoned to attend the publick service in Congress on or before the 26th instant, viz: Peter Leger, Gabriel Capers, Elias Ball, Jun., Richard Walter, Benjamin Smith, John Izard, James Akin, Charles Elliott, Robert Ladson, George Haig, William Skirving, Thomas Horry, Capers Boone, Elias Horry, Jun., Theodore Gaillard, Jun., Thomas Tucker, Benjamin Garden, Isaac Macpherson, John Gaillard, Philip Porcher, Peter Sinckler, and Hezekiah Maham, Esquires. And further Resolved, That, if any of the said Members shall fail, without good and sufficient reason, of being present in Congress as aforesaid, such absent Members shall be, at their own expense, taken into custody. Resolved, That the Commissioners of the Treasury do pay the forty Shillings per day allowed by Congress to Members attending the publick service in Congress only by Warrant from the President, specifying the sum due to the Member requiring payment, and that he hath leave of absence. Colonel Laurens, from the Committee to confer with the Committee from North-Carolina, and to concert a plan of measures for mutual defence and assistance, delivered in a Report. And the said Report being read, and agreed to, Resolved, That three hundred Men from Colonel Powellֽs Regiment, and two hundred from Colonel Horryֽs, (exclusive of the Militia on Waccamaw Neck,) nearest to the North-Carolina boundary line, be drafted, and held in readiness to march, on the shortest notice, when required, to the assistance of that Colony. That one thousand Men from the District of Salisbury