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Captain Simons, from the Committee appointed for that purpose, reported, that they had continued a diligent inquiry after three Pound Counterfeit Bills, but could discover none besides what had been produced to the House, which probably had been stolen; and that Mr. Smithson and Mr. Askew had been held to bail.

And then the House adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine of the clock.

Thursday, April 4, 1776.

The House met according to adjournment.

Captain Simons, from the Committee to make inquiry after the Counterfeiters of the three Pound Bills, issued by authority of Congress reported, that, notwithstanding the Report made by him yesterday evening, more Counterfeit Bills, of that denomination, had been discovered.

Ordered, That the said Committee do continue their inquiry; and that they do also consider and report the best ways and means of suppressing so dangerous an evil.

Ordered, That the Commissioners of the Treasury do give a publick caution against receiving such Bills, of the denominations of two Pounds ten Shillings and three Pounds, as are signed by Edward Weyman, J. Berwick, and M. Simons.

Ordered, That the Commissioners of the Treasury do forbear to issue any more Bills of the above denomination, and signatures, until the further order of this House.

Ordered, That Mr. Philip Porcher, on account of the illness of his family, have leave of absence.

Ordered, That Captain Roger Smith do wait on Hugh Rutledge and Joshua Ward, Esqs., to acquaint the former of his having been elected Judge of the Admiralty, and the latter of his being chosen an Assistant Judge, and to inquire of them, respectively, if they are willing to qualify for those offices.

The Order of the Day, to take into consideration the Report of the Committee on what recompense and provision should be made for several persons wounded and disabled in the publick service, and also for the families of such as may be killed in the said service, was proceeded in. And the said Report having been debated and amended, was agreed to, and is as followeth:

Resolved, That the following recompense and provision be made, to wit:

To the family of James Birmingham, who, on the 19th of November last, was wounded through the body, and died the 22d of the same month, leaving a widow and a large family very poor, one hundred Pounds, to be paid immediately to relieve their present distresses; and, from the 1st day of April, 1776, to the widow an annuity of one hundred Pounds during her widowhood, and afterwards to the children, or child, under twelve years of age.

To William Dunlap, who lost a leg the 19th of November last, and has a wife and two children, pay to the 1st of March, one hundred and two days, fifty-one Pounds, and from the 1st March, 1776, an annuity during his life of ninety Pounds.

To John Talbot, who lost his right arm and one eye the 25th of December last by firing a swivel, and has a wife and children, to be paid immediately, in lieu of pay to 1st April, 1776, an annuity during his life of one hundred Pounds.

To Robert Cosby, who was wounded through the knee 20th of November last, and who, the Doctor believes, will be impeded in walking, to be paid immediately, in lieu of pay to the 1st of April, seventy Pounds.

To John Wilson, who was wounded in the wrist 20th of November last, not yet cured, and who, it is believed, will be disabled, to have the same provision as Robert Cosby.

To—Patterson, a Ranger, who had his skull fractured 21st November, not yet cured, doubted whether he ever will recover and be in his senses, to have the same provision as Robert Cosby.

To Michael Cane, who was wounded through the hand, and cured, pay from the 28th of November last to the 29th February, 1776, included, is ninety-three days, at ten Shillings—forty-six Pounds ten Shillings.

To John Calhoun, who was wounded in the head 21st November last, and is cured, a gratuity of thirty Pounds.

To—Johnston, a Ranger, wounded through the thigh, and cured, a gratuity of fifteen Pounds.

To—Boles, who was wounded in the head the 21st of November, and cured, in lieu of pay twenty-five Pounds.

To—Trentham, wounded in the neck the 21st of November, and cured, in lieu of pay twenty-five Pounds.

Resolved, That the annuities be paid every six months, upon producing a certificate signed by one of the Field-Officers of the Regiment, and one Magistrate of the District, where such persons reside.

Ordered, That a copy of the foregoing Report, as agreed to by this House, be sent to the Legislative Council for their concurrence.

Colonel Pinckney reported that he, with the Honourable Mr. Drayton, had delivered the Message they had in charge yesterday to the Legislative Council.

Captain Townsend reported, that he, with the Honourable Mr. Boone, had delivered the Ordinance they had in charge yesterday to the Legislative Council.

Message to his Excellency the President.

May it please your Excellency:

To the intent that your Excellency may commissionate the several Civil Officers, chosen agreeable to the constitution of Government, we herewith send you a list of their names.

Ordered, That the said Message be engrossed.

The Clerk of the Legislative Council brought to this House an Ordinance to repeal an Ordinance passed 23d February, 1771, appointing Henry Peronneau and Benjamin Dart, Esqs., joint Publick Treasurers, and to appoint Commissioners to take a state of the Treasury; read twice in the said Council.

Captain Roger Smith reported that he had, according to order, waited on Mr. Hugh Rutledge and Mr. Joshua Ward with the Message he had in charge, and that Mr. Rutledge declared his willingness to qualify for the office to which he had been chosen; but Mr. Ward said it would be inconvenient for him to accept the place for an Assistant Judge, and therefore he declined that honour.

A Bill to punish such as shall counterfeit, or utter knowing them to be counterfeit, the Certificates issued by the late Houses of Assembly, or the Colonial or Continental Currency, which hath been, or shall be hereafter issued, was read a second time.

Ordered, That Mr. William Parker and Mr. Theodore Gaillard do carry the said Bill to the Legislative Council.

Mr. Parker reported, that he, with Mr. Gaillard, had delivered the Bill they had in charge to the Legislative Council.

Ordered, That the Bill for the more effectual prevention of the Desertion of the Soldiers or Sailors in the service of this Colony, and for the punishment of those who shall harbour or conceal them, be carried to the Legislative Council by Mr. William Skirving and Mr. Macpherson.

Mr. Skirving reported that he, and Mr. Macpherson, had according to order, delivered the Bill they had in charge to the Legislative Council.

Mr. Speaker reported, that Captain Stephenson, who, on the 2d instant, was chosen one of the Messengers to this House, having been sent for to take upon him that office, had begged leave to decline accepting it on account of his being severely afflicted with the rheumatism.

A Bill to increase the number of Firemasters in Charlestown, and to empower any two of them to pull down any such Houses, or other Buildings, as they shall adjudge necessary for the stopping and preventing the spreading of Fire, was read a second time.

Ordered, That the said Bill be sent to the Legislative Council.

Mr. Parker reported that he, with Mr. Gaillard, had delivered the Bill they had in charge to the Legislative Council.

On motion, that leave be given, and a Committee appointed, to bring in several clauses to be added to the Bill for increasing the number of Firemasters; at the third reading thereof,

Ordered, That leave be given accordingly, and that

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