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Some arms are wanted to furnish our troops at New-London; we have nearly sufficient for that purpose. When these are supplied, hope we shall be able to furnish some for the Continental service. Our Assembly is near sitting. Shall consult them on the subject of your requests. The quantity of powder arrived in this Colony on Continental account is not so large as was represented. This Colony has powder arrived in Philadelphia, which is proposed to be exchanged for what is here. Whether this will take place, am not yet acquainted. I promise myself that this Colony will be refunded the quantity mentioned in mine of the 16th February last, which was lent for Continental service: the security of this Colony renders it absolutely necessary. The account I mentioned to you at Norwich, I have desired the Commissary-General to receive the money for; the vouchers are already transmitted, and I suppose are in your hands. I am, with great esteem and respect, sir, your most obedient, humble servant, JONATHAN TRUMBULL. To His Excellency General Washington. GOVERNOUR TRUMBULL TO PRESIDENT OF CONGRESS. [Read May 4, 1776.] Lebanon, April 27, 1776. SIR: Your letter of the 12th instant, with the commissions, &c., directed to our General Assembly, are received, and will be laid before them; likewise another of the 17th, with the enclosure for Commodore Hopkins. After perusal, I immediately sealed and forwarded it, agreeable to direction. I wrote to Mr. Shaw to furnish me with intelligence, that I might act agreeable to the spirit of the resolves of Congress. Enclosed is a copy of his letter and enclosure to me. Fortifying the harbour of New-London, and securing the navigation of the Sound to the Colonies, are objects which demand the most serious and early attention. I am, with great truth and regard, sir, your most obedient, humble servant, JONATHAN TRUMBULL. To the Honourable John Hancock, President of Congress. New-London, April 25, 1776. SIR: Enclosed is an invoice of the weight and size of thirty-four cannon received from Admiral Hopkins, ten of which are landed at Groton, viz: three twenty-four-poundders, two eighteen-pounders, and five twelve-pounders. The remainder are at New-London, and are mostly fitted on carriages. He has landed a great quantity of cannon ball, and shall pick out such as are serviceable. Mr. Ledyard, I suppose, has carriages already made for the guns at Groton; so that we shall have the carriages, rammers, &c., ready to pay a compliment to any of the British ships, let them come as soon as they please. The mortars, and shells General Washington desired might be sent to New-York; and the Admiral has sent them. The remainder of the cannon are partly sent to Newport, and part on board the fleet, which he wants to carry to Newport. I showed him the resolve of Congress relative to their being delivered here; but he says they cannot be taken out. The nine-pounders are but ordinary guns, the others are all very good and new. Colonel Knox, a gentleman whom General Washington desired to take a particular view of the harbour, thinks that it would be best to have four of the twelve-pounders mounted as field-piecestwo on each side of the river; which you will consider of. I am, sir, your humble servant, NATHANIEL SHAW, JUN. To Governour Trumbull. P. S. When all the shot and iron wheels are landed, will send you an account of the number of each and size. Invoice of thirty-four Cannon, received of Admiral HOPKINS , viz: 3 twenty-four-pounders, 2 eighteen-pounders, 5 twelve-pounders, sent to Groton; 8 twenty-four-pounders, 2 eighteen-pounders, 4 twelve-pounders, 10 nine-pounders, left in New-London. The nines are old poor guns. GENERAL WARD TO GENERAL WASHINGTON. Boston, April 27, 1776. SIR: I have the honour of your Excellencys letter of the 18th instant, and immediately took measures for carrying your designs respecting the vessels into execution. I have enclosed a letter, containing accounts, &c., from Doctor Brown; and an account from Mr. Singletary, and wait your directions respecting them. There are several accounts, similar to Mr. Singletarys, yet unsettled. Should your Excellency approve those accounts, they cannot be paid until the arrival of more money. I am, sir, your Excellencys obedient, humble servant, ARTEMAS WARD. To General Washington. Boston, April 27, 1776. To His Excellency General WASHINGTON: SIR: The Petition of Stephen Brown, Physician, humbly showeth, that on the 23d of September was passing up Kennebeck River, and was called upon by Mr. Joseph Farnsworth, Commissary of the Provincials, (bound on an expedition to Q uebeck,) to attend all the sick that came within the sphere of my visitings up and down the river, and strictly enjoined it on me to attend them with the utmost of my skill and vigilance. I, according to his desire, attended all that came within the compass of my practice, and traveled even to the distance of fifty miles up river above Fort Halifax, and twenty miles down river at Brunswick Fort, with the utmost fatigue, the roads being bad and difficult to find. Prostrating (my accounts with my orders from the Commissary) before you, considering the trouble of traveling from the eastward to Boston, which is no less than one hundred and sixty miles, for my reasonable compensation, leaving my patients at the same time, I hope you will consider me, benevolent sir. May this be worthy your mature consideration, so far as tends to my honest satisfaction; which is the humble deprecation of your Excellencys obedient and very humble servant, STEPHEN BROWN. COLONEL MCINTOSH TO GENERAL WASHINGTON. Savannah, in Georgia, April 28, 1776. SIR: I wrote to your Excellency the 16th of February and 8th of March, to which please to be referred; and now enclose you a report of our battalion, made to me this day, which I deferred sending you before, in expectation of our officers coming in with all their recruits; but the distance they were obliged to go rendered it impossible. I am informed that Captain Colson is on his way, with his company nearly complete; and, with the other recruiting officers, may make above seventy or eighty men more than the report; and is altogether above half the complement of the battalion, which is more than the oldest battalion in South-Carolina can boast of yet, though near twelve months standing, and their encouragements so much greater, their bounty being twenty-five pounds, South-Carolina currency, with the like sum for clothes, besides their rations and pay, which is also better than ours. And if the ease in which the poorest people generally live in the Southern Colonies, and the prejudice they have to any regular service, on account of the restraint that anything of a strict discipline requires, is considered, I flatter myself your Excellency will think we have not been idle. Chief of the men are inlisted for twelve months; some for eighteen; and a few who would not engage for more than six months, whom I have admitted, as I had no directions about the time, and could not tell how soon we might have occasion for them. Our Province allows six dollars per man, inlisting money; and, upon application, have raised it now to eight dollars; which is still too little for the bounty of the men, and expense of the officer, whose pay is so small that they can barely afford to live in an extravagant country like this, where there are no kind of manufactures, and the small remains of goods advanced to two or three hundred per cent. Indeed, I fear we shall be at the greatest loss to make out clothing of any kind for them, or, what is far worse, proper arms. The officers who are not recruiting, employ all their time in training themselves and the battalion; on which spectators