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say will be at St. John’s to-day. I saw them set out from Ticonderoga on Thursday, and left it myself the evening of the same day, and arrived at four the next morning at this place, where I am doing all in my power to prevent a detention of the troops coming up for want of craft.

Last night I received the enclosed information from Albany, and shall take such measures as, I trust, will effectually defeat the diabolical designs of those miscreants. If any are taken in arms, I think they should be capitally punished, to deter others by the example; but I dare not venture to do it unless I have the permission of Congress.

As General Washington is now in this department, it would be out of order to address Congress on any military subject otherwise than through him. 1 have lately written to him fully, and enclosed a letter from General Arnold, which will doubtless be laid before you.

The Deputies of the seven Canada tribes, as they passed here, addressed me, and requested to know if they should deliver Johnson’s bloody belts here, or in Canada. I directed it to be done in Canada by the Commissioners. Copy of it, with a copy of Mr. Deane’s Journal, 1 shall do myself the honour to transmit you in a few days, being too much engaged at present to do it.

I am, dear sir, with the best wishes, most respectfully, your obedient, humble servant,


To the Honourable the President of Congress.

MICHEAL RYAN’S testimony respecting inlisting Men for the King of GREAT BRITAIN.

Michael Ryan says he was informed by a friend of his that there were troops raising in this County in the Ministerial service; that Samuel Anderson, of Pownall, has a commission; that Joseph Anderson is a Lieutenant in Sir John Johnson’s Regiment, who is to be Colonel; that Joseph Anderson has inlisted a number of men; that Alexander Doyle is a Sergeant; that he was also informed that they had raised twenty-two thousand men in this and New-Jersey Government; and that they had commissions from one Rogers; that he received the above information from Charles Gordon, of Cambridge, a blacksmith; and that there were five men inlisted in this city.

The Committee took the above information into consideration; and thereupon

Resolved, That the said Michael Ryan be requested immediately to go up to Cambridge, and make all the inquiry possible in the above matter.

April 23, 1776.—The said Ryan being further examined, says, in addition, that Alexander, Doyle was to march to Sir John’s yesterday, with an account of the success of his officers respecting the inlisting of men, and to have two or three Indians to mark the road from Johnstown to Saratoga, or thereabouts, in order to march the troops that are raising for the Ministerial service to Sir John’s, to be joined by a number of Indians, to march to Canada to reinforce Quebeck; that one Captain Gray, near Albany, had inlisted upwards of one hundred men. Further says, that John Munro has inlisted upwards of eighty men; and that the said officers swear all the men; and that the pay of the privates is one shilling and six pence sterling, besides two hundred acres of the forfeited lands, wherever they choose to take it; that Sir John has already given deeds or bonds to those inlisted for the performance; that Captain Samuel Anderson has already salted up seven beeves for their use; that there are in this town sixteen barrels of flour, some pork, and some guns, for said use; that Governour Tryon issued out the commissions; and that Sir John is to be General of the said troops. That he had this information from the said Charles Gordon,


Sworn to the 23d of April, 1776.


Providence, April 28, 1776.

SIR: I am to acknowledge your kind indulgence in putting your Colony vessels under my care. The bearer, Captain Niles, has behaved like a good officer—has followed my orders, and been beneficial to the fleet. He has now on board some shells and one mortar for General Washington, which he will take out at New-London, or carry to New-York, as your Honour thinks fit; but I believe his schooner would be fitter for service if she were ballasted with iron, which, he tells me, cannot be procured nearer than New-York.

I am, with great respect, sir, your most obedient, humble servant,


To the Honourable Jonathan Trumbull, Esq., Governour of the Colony of Connecticut, at Lebanon.


Boston, April 28, 1776.

SIR: By Mr. Harrison’s letter of the 22d instant, I am informed your Excellency cannot supply me with the cash I wrote for. I am very sorry, as there are many demands on the Commissary and Quartermaster, which are not all of a late date. I have made out warrants for the payment of the five regiments here, for the month of February, and have found it necessary to give warrants for the payment of the men on board the Hancock, Franklin, and Harrison, privateers; otherwise they must have been hauled up.

I have made inquiry respecting the arrival of powder at Cambridge, since your Excellency’s departure, and am informed by Mr. Barber that none has arrived.

I have given all attention in my power to the works. The fortress on Fort-Hill is in good forwardness; there are now eight twenty-four pounders and two twelves mounted and furnished, ready for action. The Court agreed to have a fortress built at Castle-Point, which is nearly finished, and I intend to have the cannon mounted in it this week. The work at Charlestown-Point, I expect, will be completed in seven or eight days. Our works and other business have been much retarded for want of teams.

Captain Fellows, (the gentleman I sent to Beverly to view the ship Jenny and the brigantine,) has just returned, and informed me that he, with Commodore Manly and Captain Bartlett, viewed the above vessels, and are all of opinion that neither of them is fit for the service.

As there are several of the enemy’s armed vessels which cruise in this bay that are larger than our privateers, I wish that a ship of sufficient force to take them might cruise this way.

I am, your Excellency’s obedient, humble servant,


To General Washington.


Abington, April 29, 1776.

SIR: I have sent you three hundred and thirty pots to oxbury, to Major Ruggles, to store for you. I should be glad you would send me the cash by Captain Brown, of Abington, for yourself and Mr. Robert Harrington. I beg you to move to the House and Council the affair of my making guns for the Province, as it is so great an affair, and so hazardous, that they will consider me in case I should be a great sufferer. I have made four trials, and made one good cannon, and am obliged to repair the furnace with grindstone of our materials, of clay matted. The stones we had stood, but were so badly cut that we put so much clay to make tight, that it run out.

SIR, I am, with respect, your most humble servant, &c.,


To Mr. Richard Devens, Esquire.

N. B. In case the one is sent to Watertown, you may send me one hundred pounds, by Sergeant James Husey, the runner.

To the honourable the Representatives of the General Court, assembled at WATERTOWN:

HONOURABLE GENTLEMEN: Please to look over the humble petition of William Clark, William Bishop, Alexander Garden, Charles Hickey, and Peter Mackoy, prisoners, and now confined in Worcester Gaol. Gentlemen, this petition humbly showeth, that we are very willing to go to work, as we are almost naked, and unwilling to become a burden to the country, but had rather go out and work for our living, when it shall please you, gentlemen, to give orders for our enlargement, as we have been a long time imprisoned. William Clark was taken December 9th, 1775, in a

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