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state of the Province, and the expediency of employing a military force for its defence against foreign and domestick invaders.

The Congress resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole accordingly, and chose John Campbell, Esquire, Chairman; and after some time spent therein, came to several Resolutions. Then, on motion, Mr. President resumed the Chair, and Mr. Chairman reported as follows, to wit:

Resolved, That two Battalions, over and above the Battalion directed to be raised by the Continental Congress, be raised in this Province, to consist of seven hundred and fifty Privates each.

Resolved, That it be recommended that three Companies of Light-Horse, consisting of one Captain, one Lieutenant, one Cornet, and thirty-three Privates each, be raised by this Province, and that it be recommended to the House to apply through their Delegates to the Continental Congress to place the same on Continental establishment.

Resolved, That it be recommended to Congress that a bounty of forty Shillings and three Pence, advance, be paid to every person in listed into the service.

Resolved, That it be recommended that a penalty of five Pounds be inflicted on any person who shall knowingly secrete, harbour, succour, or entertain, for the space of twenty-four hours, any deserter from the service, after having been duly inlisted; to be recovered before any jurisdiction having cognizance thereof, one half to the informer, the other half to the publick.

The House taking the said Report into consideration, and having read the same, paragraph by paragraph, concurred therewith.

Mr. Gideon Lamb, one of the Members of Congress for the County of Currituck, Mr. Kenneth McKenzie, for Martin County, and Mr. Matthias Brickle, for Hertford County, appeared and took their seats.

Resolved, That Mr. Abner Nash, Mr. Thomas Burke, and Mr. Cornelius Harnett, be a Committee to form a proper Commission for Privateers.

Resolved, That Mr. John Ashe, Mr. Thomas Jones, Mr. Dempsey Burgess, Mr. Cornelius Harnett, Mr. Abner Nash, Mr. Samuel Jarvis, Mr. John Johnston, Mr. Thomas Burke, Mr. John Kinchen, Mr. Jacob Blount, and Mr. Allen Jones, be a Committee of Ways and Means, to form an estimate of the expense for supporting the Troops to be raised for one year.

Resolved, That Messieurs John Ashe, Alien Jones, James Coor, William Alston, Memucan Hunt, Matthew Locke, John Webb, John Pfifer, John Spicer, Mr. Ryan, Griffith Rutherford, John Campbell, and John Bradford, be a Committee for the better regulation of the Militia.

Resolved, That Mr. President, Mr. Locke, Mr. Webb, Mr. Thomas Jones, Mr. Nash, Mr. John Ashe, and Mr. Burke be a Committee of Secrecy, Intelligence, and Observation.

Mr. Rutherford, Chairman from the Committee of Privileges and Elections, reported as follows, viz:

Your Committee having taken into consideration the election of those Delegates who were appointed to the Minute command, are of opinion, that holding commissions in that service did not incapacitate or disqualify them from being elected to represent in Congress any Town or County in this Province, and that persons elected under such circumstances, who were otherwise duly qualified, are entitled, and should be permitted to sit and vote in Congress, when that service is expired.

The Congress taking the said Report into consideration, it was rejected.

The Congress adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine o’clock.

Wednesday, April 10, 1776.

The Congress met according to adjournment.

Mr. Duncan Lemon, a Member of Congress for the County of Edgecomb, and Mr. Thomas Sherrod, a Member of Congress for the County of Bute, appeared and took their seats.

On motion, Ordered, That Mr. John Johnston have leave to absent himself a few days from the service of the Congress.

The Returning Officer having brought before the Congress the person of John Henderson; at the instance of William Alston,

Resolved, That Messieurs Thomas Person, Memucan Hunt, Howell Edmunds, Matthias Brickell, Thomas Respis, Drury Gee, and William Williams, be a Committee to take into consideration the Petition of the said William Alston, in behalf of Solomon Alston’s Orphans, and make report thereon.

Resolved, That the sum of ten Shillings be allowed to each Captain, Lieutenant, or Ensign, for every man which they shall inlist and enroll as a soldier in the service (including those already inlisted) as a full compensation for their expenses in recruiting their men.

Resolved, That the Freeholders of Northampton County meet at the Court-House of said County, on Friday, the 22d of this instant, April, then and there to elect one Delegate to sit and vote in Congress, in the room and stead of Mr. Samuel Lockhart, whose seat was vacated by his having acted as a Captain in the Minute service.

Resolved, That the Freeholders of the County of Bertie meet at the Court-House in said County, on Monday, the 15th of this instant, April, then and there to elect one Delegate to sit and vote in Congress, in the room and stead of Mr. Charles Jaycocks, whose seat was vacated by his having acted as an officer in the Minute service.

Resolved, That the Freeholders of the County of Dobbs meet at the Court-House in said County, on Monday, the 15th of this instant, April, then and there to elect three Delegates to sit and vote in Congress, in the room and stead of Mr. Richard Caswell, Mr. Simon Bright, and Mr. George Miller, whose seats were vacated by their appointment as officers in the Continental and Minute service; and that Mr. Benjamin Shepherd be appointed to take the poll, and make due return of the persons so elected.

The Congress being informed that a certain Brigantine, called the William, now lying in Port Beaufort, whereof Philip Wescott is at present master, belonging to William Strobrook, Francis Burchitt, and Philip Wescott, of London, and it appearing by the Register of said Vessel that she is British property:

Resolved, That Richard Cogdell, James Davis, and John Green, cause the said Brigantine or Vessel to be immediately seized and detained, together with her tackle, apparel, and furniture, until further orders.

The Continental Congress having appointed Colonel James Moore, of the First Regiment, and Colonel Robert Howe, of the Second Regiment, to the command of Brigadier-Generals,

Resolved, That Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Nash, be appointed Colonel; Major Thomas Clark, Lieutenant-Colonel; and Captain William Davis, Major, of the First Regiment: Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Martin, Colonel; Major John Patten, Lieutenant-Colonel; and Captain John White, Major, of the Second Regiment.

The Congress adjourned till to-morrow morning, nine o’clock.

Thursday, April 11, 1776.

The Congress met according to adjournment.

Mr. Allen Jones, Chairman, from the Committee to inquire into the conduct of the Insurgents, and other suspected persons, reported, amongst other things, that on consideration of the candor of Allan McDonald, and his being in a low state of health, recommend him to be admitted his parole of honour, under such restrictions as has been held forth to General McDonald.

The Congress taking the same into consideration,

Resolved, That Colonel Allan McDonald be admitted to his parole on the following conditions: That he does not go without the limits of the Town of Halifax; that he does not, directly or indirectly, while a prisoner, correspond with any person or persons who are, or may be, in opposition to American measures, or by any manner or means convey to them intelligence of any sort; that he take no draft, nor procure them to be taken by any one else, of any place or places in which he may be while upon his parole, that shall now, or may hereafter give information to our enemies, which can be injurious to us or the common cause of America; but

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