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Resolved, That the Commissary of Stores charge fifteen per cent, on all the Stores which he shall furnish to any Officer or Soldier on his private account, for the benefit of the publick, to be applied towards defraying incidental charges; and that the said Commissary furnish the Paymaster with an account of all such Stores so furnished, every month, to be deducted from the pay of the Officer or Soldier to whom the same shall have been furnished. Resolved, That the ensuing Congress shall be held at the Town of Halifax, on the 10th day of November next, unless sooner ordered and directed by the Council of Safety. Resolved, That the Council of Safety have power to compel all Sheriffs, and other Collectors of Taxes and Duties, to account for all sums of Money for which they may be accountable, and to pay the balances which shall appear due into the hands of the Treasurers. Resolved, That Mr. James Coor and Mr. James Green, Jun., be appointed to revise and correct for the Press the Journal of the Proceedings of this Congress. Resolved, That the Secretary, as soon as the Congress rises, furnish a fair copy of the Journal, and deliver the same to Mr. James Davis, who is desired to print, and send five copies to each County, to the Delegates thereof, and one copy to each County and Town Committee. The Committee appointed to take under consideration the Petition of Joseph Jones &038; Co., reported as follows: Your Committee having fully inquired into the facts set forth in the Petition, are of opinion that the same are just and true; but as there appears a probability that some things may yet be saved, your Committee are of opinion that the nett loss cannot be ascertained until the amount of such saved articles (salvage deducted) can be extracted from the gross loss; and when the same can be done, and satisfactory proof thereof made, your Committee think the said Messrs. Joseph Jones & Co. should bo considered as persons injured by the said John Goodrich, to the amount of such nett loss. The estimate and bill of lading are annexed, which are all submitted to the Congress. The House, taking the same into consideration, concurred therewith. Resolved, That an Election be held in the County of Edgecomb, first giving the usual notice in such cases, for electing a Member in said County, to sit and vote in Congress, in the room of Henry Irwin, who is disqualified by holding a commission in the Military service; that the same be conducted under the same Rules and Regulations as Elections heretofore taken, and the said Election may be held any time between the 10th day of June and the 10th day of October, 1776. Resolved, That the Thanks of this House be given to the Honourable Samuel Johnston, Esq., for his able, faithful, and assiduous discharge of the high and important duty of President of this Congress; having in that, as in all other stations, approved himself the firm and liberal patron of liberty, and a wise and zealous friend and asserter of the rights of mankind. Ordered, That the foregoing Orders and Resolutions bo signed and certified as the acts of the Congress, by SAMUEL JOHNSTON, President. JAMES GREEN, Jun., Secretary. NEW-YORK COMMITTEE OF SAFETY. Die Lunce, 10 ho., A. M., March 18, 1776. The Committee met pursuant to adjournment. Present: FOR NEW-YORK.Mr. Hallett, Captain Rutgers, Colonel McDougall, Captain Denning, Mr. Scott. FOR DUTCHESS.Colonel P. Ten Brocck, Colonel Morris Graham. FOR KINGS.Mr. Polhemus. FOR WESTCHESTER.Mr. Paulding. FOR TRYON.Mr. Moore. FOR SUFFOLK.Mr. Gelston. FOR ORANGE.Colonel Allison. FOR CUMBERLAND.Colonel William Williams. Mr. HALLETT was unanimously chosen Chairman. Captain Denning produced a Certificate, dated the 14th instant, signed by Abraham Purdy, Chairman of the sub-Committee at Peekskill, that Captain Albert Swim had given bond with security to offer the following quantity of Provisions for sale to the President of the Provincial Congress, the Chairman of the Committee of Safety, or to dispose of it to the friends of liberty, to wit: 18 barrels of Beef, 19 firkins of Lard, 1400 bushels of Wheat; which Captain Denning says are his property. Captain Denning also produced another Certificate of the like tenour and date, that bond of the like tenour and date had been given for 16 barrels of Beef, 2 barrels of Tallow, 51 Pork Hams, 40 pieces dried Beef, 27 firkins of Lard. The said quantities of Provisions and other articles were offered for sale to the Committee of Safety. Certificates thereof were given to the said Swim, and permits to land them. Elias Nixen, the Port-Master, showed a list of articles to be carried on board of the Ships-of-War and Governour Tryons ship. He was informed that he might take them with him on board. He was also informed that he was permitted to bring on shore a list of all the Letters on board in the mail, for citizens of New-York, and any of the said Letters which he might be requested by the citizens to bring on shore; but that he must produce all such Letters as he may bring on shore to Mr. Hallett and Mr. Sands, for their inspection, before he delivers them out. Major Abed, the officer of the working parties for the day, being at the door, requested to know whether any allowance of Rum shall be given to the working parties or fatiguemen of the working parties. The Committee are of opinion that the fatigue-men will be dissatisfied without some allowance of strong liquor, as it is usually allowed in all services, and was recommended by General Lee. Ordered, That the fatigue-men of the Militia of this City be allowed one quart of Spruce or Ship Beer per man per day, or the value thereof in Rum, while on labour at the works carrying on in this City. The Keeper of the Bridewell delivered in three Returns of Prisoners put in the Jail under his care. Ordered, That Colonel Curtenius deliver or supply, or cause to be supplied, to Alexander Montcrief, Provisions for fourteen Prisoners now in his custody, to wit: For John Craige, Rynier Van Housen, Joseph Purdy, William White, and the nine Prisoners late belonging to the Ship Asia, and who were brought from Suffolk County; the Provisions to be delivered according to Montcriefs Returns to the 22d instant, but only at the rate of two-thirds of a Ration for each person. Colonel McDougall informed the Committee that he is in want of Cash, as well to pay Captain Ledyards Com pany as the other new levies now in Town. Ordered, That Peter Van Rrugh Livingston, Esq., as Treasurer of this Congress,.advance to Colonel McDougall, on Continental account, the sum of five hundred Pounds, on account, for the purpose of enabling him to pay Troops, and take his receipt for that sum on Continental account. The Petition of Mr. Bernard Romans, attending at the door, was read and filed, and he was called in. He assigned such reasons as he could give for his absence, and for the charges he had made in his account against this Colony. After he was heard he withdrew. Ordered, That Mr. Berricn be requested to attend here at four oclock, this afternoon, to give information as to the moneys by him charged as advanced for Bernard Romans. A Letter received from John Hancock, Esq., dated the 15th instant, was read, and is in the words following, viz: Philadelphia, March 15, 1776. GENTLEMEN: As it is now apparent that our enemies mean to prosecute this cruel and unjust war with unrelenting fury, and as every intelligence assures us that they mean to bend their force against your Colony, I would not do you the injustice to suppose there will be any occasion to use arguments to stimulate you to exert your most strenuous endeavours to expedite the raising and arming the Battalions ordered to be raised in your Colony for its defence. Enclosed I send you the commissions for the Field-Officers.